Be me

>be me
>go back to home city from college
>mum was somehow angry.
>asked why so mad.
>mum said ”隣のクラスのブラジル人がまた問題起こして困っとる。日本に馴染めないなら隔離すればいいのに!". (In English, Brazilian student in next class caused problem again. If they can't intergrate into Japanese society, we should segregate them!)
>I told "それ人種差別じゃん。文化や慣習が違えば、問題が起きるのは当たり前で、それを解決するのが教師の役目じゃん"(It is racism. It's natural that conflict happens if their culture and custom are different. It's your job to solve such problem)
>mum said "でも、そもそも移民なんていなければ、こんな問題起きてない. 移民なんて受け入れる必要ないのに"(But, in the first place, we should not have accepted immgirant, We do not need immigrants)
>I told "移民は、世界経済の中での日本経済のプレゼンスを維持するためにも必要。それに多文化主義は長期的に日本に住む人々全てにとって利益になる。"(We need immigrant to maintain the presense of Japanese economy in global market. Also, The diversity will benefit all people living in Japan in long term )

I knew my parents are conservative. But I didn't know my mum is such racist ;_;


youre a weak traitor.

arent the brazillians you accept japanese descendants?

>It's your job to solve such problem
No. It's their job to be good guests.
You're a fucking stupid nigger.
Your parents should disown you since you're such a waste of their genes.

You are brainwashed retard, shame on you

If it's Nisei, have some patience with it. They come from a violent, chaotic place where being overly friendly is the only way to survive. The opposite of yours.

Shamefur Dispray!

You will be the down fall of your nation. Mom is right. Listen to your mother.

Diversity means more crime, less jobs for native Japanese, a degradation of your culture. Look at how much your country has changed with westernization. With all the benifits come dire consequenses.

Believe in Japan! Be Japanese! Imagine nobody in Tokyo is Japanese. There are no more Japanese restaurants or cultural centers. Their is no more Japanese anything. London is no longer English.

This man knows. Learn from us! Learn from our mistakes! we took this too far and now we are minorities in our own communities and cultural centers.

You're a traitor to your own country how pathetic.

Disliking immigrants that are not assimilating is not racist.

You are not discriminating against them due to race, you are discriminating against them due to behavior.

demanding assimilation is equal to genocide.

stop it.

Asian men turning into cucks after not getting some pussy. Many such cases! Sad!

As of expected nip user you are a retard!

That is nonsense.

1. People make a choice to immigrate. No choice is given for people killed.
2. Killing is evil. Asking people to make a basic attempt to adopt the culture of their new home is not evil.

Make an actual argument.

under appreciated rare

You have dishonoured your country and family. Commit seppeku.

>to maintain the presense of Japanese economy in global market
Spotted the imperialist.

What gives you the right to lure away these people from their own homes, from their family and heritage and make them slaves of your dying empire, just to boost some numbers and please your old crappy clown emperor? What about the Brazilian people, what about THEIR nation? You jingoistic fucks make me sick.

Wow zainichi trolls are stepping up their game. They used to have google translate-level Japanese all the time, now they actually learned the language properly. I'm impressed.

lol you're posting again?
i think you're a weeaboo using a proxy
that's my guess
at least you're not using the dumb be nip image

Go home English teacher

You have to act like a monkey to survive the Brazilian jungle. But if you want to live in big cities such as Tokyo, people have to be less aggressive and more obedient and not chimp out, if you don't want it to become a complete shithole. Culture is an adaptation to the environment you live in and it's absolutely necessary for a society.
Also, thanks for the reading exercise