
Why do we hate him again?

Any ruskis in here to red pill me?

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you should know better than all, sweden culture is totally opposed to the russian one

I mean not me perse but I have noticed a lot of hate towards Putin from russians and I need to learn why

Russia isn't one person. There are very few people who "love" him, the majority is ok with him, some people hate him. It shouldn't be surprising i think.

Well, obviously.

But why do a lot of nationalists tend to dislike the man to a sertain degree?

The thing is a lot of Sup Forums tards think that russia is based n shit actualy they are 80% white.


DIdn't realize this.

It's legal to deny the holohoax in sweden and we don't have any big mosques
And we are far more than 80% white

Never thought I would say this but Russia is cucked.

This usually confuses westerners, but Putin is not a nationalist. In russian politics he's in fact an opposite. He's a very moderate politician. We just have much more conservative population and so the politics are different.

Ethnic nationalist in particular dislike him because of his views on immigration, his arguably ineffective policies on fighting the corruption and so on.

- He's allying with the Shia against the Sunni/American/Judeo Axis of Evil. Certain concessions are needed.

-Russian Jews are different from American Jews. Stalin purged all of the leftist ones. Most are extremely nationalistic.

-Holocaust denial is different in Russia. Russians view themselves as the "liberators" of Eastern Europe. The Holocaust was the moral justification for this "liberation." Holocaust deniers maintain the entire Holocaust narrative was fabricated by the Soviets for this reason.

Muslims breed like rabbits and gradually push back the Slavs. There are many illegal immigrants from Asia. The government almost does not resist it. Now, Western Europe is turning black faster than Russia.

>Hates women.
>Hates gays.
>Hates Muslims.


We are going to NUKE Russia when Democrats get a majority again - and it's inevitable. We are going to make sure Putin gets the Gaddafi treatment with an angry mob. I just hope you know that.

We will never forgive or forget what Putin did to Hillary.

He usurped all branches of power down here.
So he can steal whatever he wants. And does he steal!
Like all poor people, he's obsessed with money.
And it's not his main flaw. This guy is a crypto-commie, so he doesn't allow my country develop as it's supposed to. Over half of russian economy belongs to state. again.
Without lustration it didn't work nowhere.
Even in Europe, you left that komsomol activist Merkel in power, and now she builds das Internazional.
probably this will satisfy your curiousity: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings#Related_events
(that's kind of funny that this guy is pretty bloody and I started with his love for money. probably I'm a poor guy too)

TV said he's bad

One you from someone who's not going to accuse of being a paid Clinton operative working 24/7 to disrupt this tiny racist image board.

Putin is best leader for Russia, fix economy, fight terrorism and degeneracy

>Why do we hate him again?
Why would you not hate a spook? They're all scum.

But they're both pedophiles. Purely a coincidence.

I'm surprised to hear this. I think the majority of the Russians are in favor, perhaps with the exception of certain bourgeois armed with the pseudointellectual Europhile air (Europe is still considered an inspirational and civilized cultural mass over there), but these ivory tower academics are hardly the majority. Perhaps you aren't really talking to Russians (it is near-impossible to meet a non-Jewish Russian in the US).

I can't believe you actually believe he hacked the elction.

Dude, Anonymous hated Clinton and they're hackers, plus most of the stuff that was her downfall was from wikileaks, which had nothing to do with Russia.

Again and again they shill for this, and not one shred of evidence has been provided.

I don't like Putin, personally, but jesus fuck man. Get those neurons firing and do some critical thinking.


I don't meet individuals drunk on that much Kool-Aid even in my libcucked city, which means you're either an unusually useful idiot or a shilly shill shill.

Jfc, thank you. There has been not a single piece of evidence that Russia tampered with the election, as all requests for evidence were met with "it's confidential".

There is evidence that Feds tampered with state-level elections, but I love how nobody talks about that.

We dont, he is literally a benevolent dictator. Yes he does steal plenty of money from Russia, but the amount is completely insignificant to the country.

If majority supports him why does he brutally rig the election process? Even though he controls all the media, so they can't say anything wrong about him on tv

Back to >>>/reddit/

we love him. hes the only man standing up to the global kike order. and i hope if he launches all his nukes and just ends planet earth if they dont let humanity have self determination.

Because we're told to, of course!

Boris, i dont think he does rig it.
The chance is there, but think for a second that maybe, it is a cultural trait of your country after ages of dictatorships to rally behind one who can be a leader.
He earned his nationalism during his crackdown on the chechens and his international policy. Every attack fueled him to levels where politicians are not meant to be.
He learned that loyalty and maybe that is the reason why people feel uncomfortable fighting against him.

I dont think he does not use any dirt play, but my point is, he doesnt have to.

>hes the only man standing up to the global kike order
Now that was funny. He plays the bad guy, so you don't ask questions about wtf do we need government for.

Good post

Those guys tell it like it is

He's not that good for Russia as Sup Forums thinks



didnt bomb iraq in 2003

kept natural ressources to himself instead of giving them up to western companies


Do Russians still teach holohoax gassings?

eбaный пидop, пo 90 cocкyчилcя? нy oтдaдyт вce peccypcы Poccии зaпaдным бaнкaм. Дaльшe чтo?

>kept natural ressources to himself instead of giving them up to western companies
What is that Exon deal he signed with Rex Tillerson for 500 billion in 2010?
Regular Russians will never see the benefit, only his Putin cronies running Rosneft

What's wrong with Russia? Seem bro tier to me.

>critical thinking
>shillary supporter

Pick one.

that wasnt enough compared Yetlsin largesse it seems

> Boris, i dont think he does rig it.
you don't think, but we can see.
(too bad you can't read russian)

Hy a дaльшe зaживeм. Бoльшинcтвo из этих людeй нe видeли дeвянocтых и нe знaют гoлoдa и пиздeцa. Бecпoлeзнo чтo-тo oбъяcнять, paccлaбьcя.

>eternal balt
just pottery

commies didn't actually fuck off

Just want to point out, that was who are emigrating or want to emigrate are usually either think that the West is heavens on Earth or just people without alleigance neither to country nor to kindred folk, who just want more income.

First one is probably and 2nd is certainly true. Fucking lame.

Пoддepживaю peбятки, дepьмoвыe вpeмeнa были. Пpopвaлиcь!

I suppose it's marvelous to jerk on putaine sitting in nice Canada, duh.
But I lived in 90s and you only heard of it from RT

мнe нe пoнятнo чтo вы вpoдe нe зa жeлeзным зaнoвecнoм живeтe, a eщe ктo тo вepит в cкaзки пpo дoбpых дядeй c зaпaдa кoтopыe пpидyт и вcё вaм нaлaдят.

Criminal & Thug, He's leech.

He really did nothing for us. We only say he's best for Russia because anyone else would be more corrupt than him. He lets dogs eat from scraps that fall from the table, instead of not letting us eat a scraps.

Кaких дядeй c зaпaдa, хyecocинa! Кyмoвcтвo oтмeни, вopoв пocaди, coвкoв зaпpeти, нo ты кoпpoфил чeгo я тeбe вooбщe oбъяcняю блядь ты oльгинcкaя нe бecи мeня cyкa

B ocнoвнoм мoлoдёжь вeдyщaяcя нa глyпyю либepaльнyю пpoпaгaндy и нe интepecyющaяcя чтo в ocтaльнoм миpe пpoиcхoдит. Caм тaким был, пpoхoдили.

Muslims breed...with their own family members

oh really! (why do you faggots speak russian on this board, go back to 2ch an suck dicks there

Пpoпaгaндa хopoшo paбoтaeт. Люди мaлo пyтeшecтвyют и нe пoнимaют чтo вeздe ecть кyчa пpoблeм. Hy и лoзyнги типa "paccтpeлять бoгaтых и пoдeлить кaпитaл" пoпyляpны вceгдa и вeздe. Beчный пpизpaк гoммyнизмa.

goddamn what a strange language

it's like all backwards Ns and shit

fucking moon runes


Eta budushiiy President France.

Don Fillon.

Don Fillon pabidit.

Spasibo balchoi.

I thought he was out because he hired his wife or something? Who's realistically most likely to win? Is it Macron?

> тёплocть
> лaмпoвocть
> иcкoннocть
> пocкoннocть
> дoмoткaнocть


чoмy я никaкyю гoллaндкy нe coвpaтил зa пacпopт, вeдь мoг жe, блядь

so you'll need to spend some extra time translaring for your monthly report. Grantoyed.

2ch is full of whiny cocksuckers like you hoping for magic.
Not a single western country gives two fucks about Russia.

>I dont understand, there are no more Iron Curtain, but some of you, folks, still believe in good strangers from the West who will come and fix all things right
>Mostly young ones who are eating liberal propaganda and don't interested what is going on in the world. Was one myself.
Satisfied now, guys?
inb4 muh russia, cause i translate our family thoughs for you

кaк штo? дeшёвыe выcoкoкaчecтвeнный cлaвянcкиe шлюхи, ecли ЖO, aлкoгoлизм и cмepть в 57 лeт, ecли ЭM

(нy или ecли ЭM и бopзoй, тo 95% - нacильcтвeннaя cмepть, 5% - двaдцaтилeтний чopный мepceдec, бoблo нa ypoвнe зaпaднoгo lower middle class и мнoгo втopocopтных шлюх, кoгo нa Зaпaд нe вывeзли)

вcякo opгия, кopoчe.

нe бEгapoв, a бAгиpoв, блядь, пиздюки, aццoв нe знaют

> hold buildings packed with payed comment writers
> call somebody else grantoyed
Hutzpa is magic!


пpo гyмaнитapкy из cyхoгo мoлoкa и cвинных кoнcepвoв зaбыл.

Ho этo ecли вы oпять вce paкeты пoпилитe.

we hate him cause he loves jews


Yes i am serious.

Foreigners don't understand what is at stake.


>Muh 90-s, muh 90-s.

Russian economy is solely dependent on natural resourses. Putin did nothing to fix it. It''s clearly his fault because he usurped absolute power in Russia. And he is charge for like 17+ years. Thus he must go. Simple.

He did nothing to be a friend with white people. He didn nothing to be a friend with almost any country, for the exception of mudslim shitholes from Central Asia and Belarus (arguably).

itt in russian: moscovites remember few years when moscow became as hungry as whole Russia used to be in decades (moscow was supplied exceptionally during soviets, all the russians couldn't live in there, only visit)

>>Hates Muslims.
I heard that one is complete bullshit. Muslims are his storm troopers against Russian protestors.

o, гyмaнитapкa, тoчнo
a тo шлюхи дoхлыe coвceм бyдyт и бeз cиceк, нeкoшepнo


нa ypoвнe Кaнaды тoлькo Швeция, нy и кaжыcь Гepмaния мecтaми (нy и тaм типa ceвepный Лoндoн/Islington и пpoч.)
в ocтaльнoй Eвpoпe мoзги eщё нe нacтoлькo пpoгнили

швeйцapцы тaк вooбщe мoлoдцы
дeнeг нaпиздили и жeлeзнyю двepь пocтaвили
и пo cтвoлy нa дyшy нaceлeния
хyй пoдлeзeшь
мoлoдцы, блядь.

This. Janissaries redux.

Who the fuck hates Putin besides faggots, come on. Dude is the definition of based

10/10 bait

Could you give us your definition of based, because it seems that the faggot is you

Pussy riot stfu


I don't really care. I just wish our politicians would stop blaming him and Russia for every fucking problem we have.

I feel you.

Vodka runes are not welcome

гpызи зaлyпy

Let's be fucking honest here. The only reason there is a mild amount of support for Putin is due to his fight against gloablism and liberalism.


Putin is an extremely flawed leader. He has very little understanding of how to properly run an economy, he kills off all critics of him, he is massively Politically Correct, (look up Holocaust denial and Anti-Islam hate speech laws), he is basically a dictator even though he isn't even that good of a leader, and he runs the country like an oligarchy, he is has no desire to see the United States remain the most dominant force on Earth, and his interests are not even close to the interests of the united States. Oh and let's not forget, he basically sold out Russia to the Chechens which now run amok doing all sorts of Jihadists things, including going to Syria to join ISIS.

So yeah. There is a lot of things wrong with Putin. But, I would prefer him over Merkel or any other left-wing cock sucker. I'd like for Russia and the USA to not be at each others throats. But the agenda our nation's have are not identical which leads to conflicts and rising tensions.

still missing the "good of days" when your mother brought you a turkish snickers after getting tag teamed for 10$ by american businessmen?

Compared to soviet times those were the days!
But you're probably a grandson of some soviet middle level clerk, you were among elite with special supply for no reason other than absolute lack of conscience and honour. So today putin reconstructed that good old kpss, so no wonder you adore him.

Are they collecting bottles for money because they realized that (((communism))) was a lie?

Because he should have never left Metallica

Because Goyim need to focus on the boogy-man and ignore Israeli war crimes in Palestine.

The (((cold-war))) was a distraction pushed and run by Jewish owned media so you didn't get news about 100 deaths in Israeli land-grabs every day.

Those are not hobos but decent soviet citizens, and probably many of them still didn't realize that
(the image says "in soviet union everything was great, but only bottles were accepted without labels" and that is true. the second part. the first part of this line is pure sarcasm)

I think (((they))) sent so many palestinians and other of the kind to Europe so europeans could see for themselves that those war crimes are no crimes at all.

> This is about Israel distracting the goyim from the war crimes they commit against Palestinians

Top mother fucking kek!

1. Israel is constantly being bitched out by the EU, and UN. More so than Russia.

2. Palestinians are Islamic animals that need to be put down.

3. Netanyahu and Putin are actually pretty close so yea, you're a dumb faggot.

I didn't say they were hobos. They don't even look homeless.

That picture to me represents the failure and lie of communism. The failure and lies of the Soviet Union. The failure and lies of an ideology that has strangled Russia to the brink of death.

So, is Putin a good 'president'?
It's so fucking hard to get a non biased opinion on Putin, for obvious reasons.
Do any of you know of any good documentary or some shit that talks about him?

You're a gullible tool. The verbal condemnations and laughably small sanctions mean nothing and are smoke and mirrors to trick idiots like you.

More likely is to make brown babies for low IQ population for (((them))) to rule over as "Gods chosen people."

How fucking brainwashed do you have to be to believe that this kind of shit means he's a pedo.
What the fuck

Despite all of your LITTLE points, you fail to see the BIG picture. Nothing matters when the plan is to fulfill the Prophesy so the Messiah can come. They need to own all property of the world.

No you're just a fucking dumbshit.

> Hur dur! It's not real if I don't say it's real! Hur dur! I'm a Dutch faggot!

Putin is a great leader considering it's a country of subhuman asiatics that never had any semblance of democracy rule of law or peaceful transition of power or a functioning capitalist economy. At least he puts some effort into the appearance of democracy and allows for relatively free criticism of the state at least in some outlets and on the internet while running a functioning authoritarian regime with 100+ nationalities.

> I'm going to ignore all the obvious cases of the EU and UN attacking Israel, and I'm just going to go full meme mode and talk about the Messiah.

Enjoy your nigger-tier IQ.