Why are the right dominating YouTube but not much else?

Why are the right dominating YouTube but not much else?

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It's the new counter-culture and YouTube is an easy way to make money

((Sup Forums)))

This. Remember when Jewtube first began and videos about shit like Atheism were popular in 2007 or so?

When this alt-right and alt-left faggotry ends I hope videos about centrism or real facts become popular.


Gee, it sure is nice having a leftist prime minister. I sure am glad we voted to remain. Thank god that hitlerian monster drompfcth didn't win.


you have to go back

this. basically greedy unoriginal fucks jumping into the "le anti-sjw anti-feminism" bandwagon for quick views

>Why are the right dominating YouTube but not much else?

Gatekeepers in the MSM.

Rightwingers are kept out of the traditional channels. The cost for the left is that they are better at new media and that's where the money is shifting to.

Not to worry though, the left has realized this and in stead of competing, they're starting to force new media like Youtube to conform to the retarded bullshit everyone came to the internet to get away from. Broadcasting rules and byzantine regulation, autocensorship, topic policing.. and then the chosen representatives of the media who get exposure regardless of merit, pushed into everyone's feeds.

Ah, the way of the future. Exactly like the past.

They are not even dominating youtube anymore since youtube restricted all their videos.

yeah I mean they only have the US presidency wtf m8?

Leftist ideals can only survive in controlled environments like academia. In the rest of the society the free market of ideals generally lean to the right.

YT allows people to vote without login in and doesn't force them (at least not successfully) to use their actual names or IDs


>Ayo lets kill all whiteys
>Nah Mugabe this isnt right
>Lets not be radicals, why not stay in the radical and logical center and kill half of all whiteys instead?

Back to where, dumbass?

The largest irl media companies, and online channels are all pro establishment/corporate.

This is just propaganda to justify more money and harsher tactics (they're just so powerful!!!)

They aren't anymore. For the Right to have a viral video currently, the video has to be uploaded to a brand new channel. Basically channels on the right are flagged from showing up on nonpolitical normies suggestions.

The exact opposite happens with John Oliver's show. They're quite literally telling people how to think.

Is there any data to back this up? Considering the backlash at jontron and pewdiepie, I don't think this is true.

Back to Argentina


back to the womb

>YT allows people to vote without login in


When you're too busy being TRIGGERED by everything, there's not much left to be entertaining with.

YouTube has always been rightist ground. Nu/pol/ is too young to remember when we took over jewtube in 2012.

There was a small leftist interlude with the implementation of Google+ but we took it back in 2016.

Because they keep getting banned from everywhere else.

Twitter bans right wing folks right when they start getting big.
Facebook censors and bans often too.

Youtube does as well, but not as much.

>not much else
Western politics in general?

That's a really elegant description, a microcosm of the left-right divide as a whole. I'm stealing that.

You mean like the house and the senate? Yeah, I have no clue why.

Oeople need to vacate Youtube asap they're cracking down on thought crime. And by the way has anybody noticed the sudden proliferation of mainstream news on youtube? Like full episodes of MSNBC and shit all over the place it was never there before and often I get straight up live streams of cable news showing up and before it was crazy hard to find those.

Because there are no editorial filters between the commentators and the audience.

>right are kept out of traditional channels

Oh shit you're right


I just heard on the radio that some companies are pulling ads on youtube because their ads show up on videos with "hate speech" and "fake news." I can only assume that youtube will start censoring their content to regain their ad revenue?

If that happens where will we go?

Read the article, I fucking love it.

We should really start boycotting these faggots


>Why are the right dominating YouTube
Because Leftists actually have jobs and don't have time to spend their whole day making circlejerk videos for their underaged tween audience like the Alt-Right.

I thought you were talking about the snibbety snab treatment.

will be a bit of a shock but we'll get used to it

Yeah verizon and AT&T are pulling their ads until google can gurantee their ads won't appear before videos with hate speech.

So now we've come full circle. Google is going to ban and police videos that are controversial so they can get money. And what a surprise, right wing conservative opinions are considered hate speech and controversial.

Right wing opinions are going to get holocausted.

Internet is low effort, actually affecting the real world is hard.

YouTube is mostly an open medium. Reddit was starting to lean conservatively until the admins and paid activist groups shut it down. Twitter was leaning conservative until they banned right wing accounts and many right wing personalities. Google cut off ad sense money to 'fake news' which had a lot of the smaller conservative outlets that were starting to gain momentum.

Look at these social media Giants suppress new media and plaster dying media like NBC or CNN all over their front pages trying to keep them afloat.

Because leftists are making popular culture hideous and sterile. The new wave of conservatism headed by Trumpism will reverse it.

You're right. I have an ad blocker on my computer so I don't see any change. The segment said a lot of the companies were European. So no prob for me.

Please god no

I'm surprised that youtube has remained fairly free and open considering they're owned by google. They have been flagging stuff for whatever they can, Naked Ape and Sargon have taken shit down and had stuff demonetized for (((copyright violations)))

because most people watch TV.
the elites know that people watch TV all day so they fill it with deception and garbage.
the internet however, is not fully controlled by huge corporations, they can't control every channel or every chat room.
when TV will no longer will viable expect massive censorship on any controversial thing.
i mean shit, i already get my comments deleted in every msm site i post in.

The way to filter YouTube is to first extract a cluster of right wing users and then use their clicks to learn what is right wing content and what is not. YouTube needs to promote right wing content to some users in order to learn if they should suppress that information for anyone else to see. That way it would seem like if the right wing is dominating YouTube, when in fact YouTube is just using your activity as feedback for its learning algorithm.

perfect explanation.

Exactly, first few years atheists like thunderf00t and TAA became popular, now it's "there's only two genders goyim!" jews play both sides of the aisle.

The left is about equality of outcome , wich is impossible since everyone is different. So except if someone in a position of power force the better performing individuals to not be as good as they are , the lef's goal cannot possibly be accomplished. Wich make liberal ideas impossible wich is why a lot of so called "liberal" are really just communists who don't want to identify as such (or do but those ones are the easier to prove wrong).

Projection if I've ever heard it. Early infancy YouTube was insanely left wing, everyone was an Obama shill.

Except the entire US government.

Because it's free and open while everything else is controlled by ((((them)))).

Good point

das it my frenchmayne

Because it's all too much too fast. Gays only recently got the right to be married and now they are already moving onto tranny rights and gay representation in the media. Their subversion is becoming more and more obvious so people are fighting back

>not shitposting
Das it not my autralianfag

PJW is a leftist, just like all libertarians. Granted, libertarians are a refined sort of leftist, since they believe in rule of law and the free-market. They are, however, radical individualists to the point of denying collective rights and natural human hierarchy.

Ima fuck that pussy up mia khalifa

>Why are the right dominating YouTube but not much else?
Because being an actor/VA is so dirty that a very heavy portion of them are lying about their political ideologies so they don't get publicly hanged by their higher-ups. What's the worst YouTube can do? Cut off their monetization?

Edgy children love Youtube.

LMAO, alt-right. None of the popular right-wing YouTubers are alt-right. Stop falling for memes.

Youtube is vast enough to the point that the left-wing shills can't suppress everyone.

The alt-right hates Jews. Literally every major right-wing YouTuber is pro-Israel. kys.

Hillary a stinky shit