/pp/ — Portuguese Politics: "Portugal Beats Hungary" Edition

Time for another /pp/ thread, maninhos! As always, Brazilians, Spaniards, Brits and Poles are VIP. Others are invited to join us and participate. Post rare Salazares, conspicuous codfish macros, sexy Portuguese cuties, dank Pepes and Portuguese-related imagery.

Thread theme:


>Traditionalist, Neo-Reactionary and Monarchist websites:

Other urls found in this thread:


>talks about football
fuck off


>tfw no Portuguese sissy to manhandle

There's a sissy who comes to these threads now. And he's told us he wants some nationalistic fag to date. So if that's what you're looking for, you came to the right place.

But you're still both faggots.


>Poles are VIP

I told you, there was a based Pole who used to post here with us and was a great guy. But if he doesn't come anymore I'll stop including them.

>"Portugal Beats Hungary" Edition



>Portugal Beats Hungary
Give me a quick rundown on this


Quick rundown:

>Hungary bows to Cristiano Ronaldo
>in contact with Órban
>Hungary is a satellite state for Madeira
>Ronaldo said to have IQ of 75
>said to possess superhuman lower body strength and endurance
>owns all football-related awards
>state governments fear him
>we don't know his endgame but we hope he is a benevolent being

To bump the thread, I have a question for you, Albertos.

Do you think if José Antonio and Salazar ever met, would they have been best buddies?

I think Salazar would've tolerated him but in the end he'd simply befriend him to have one less worry to deal with. Salazar was a quiet and reserved man, for the most part. He was certainly more erudite and knowledgeable than any other dictator in history. We owe a a lot to him.

I see.
José Antonio was a really wise man too. He even had a plan on restoring the Spanish Empire and was Hitler levels redpilled. But he died, just because he didn't agree with Franco. Porbably would've been an extremely competent dictator.
>tfw no Iberian Dracula ruling over the country



Melhor que música de preto.

Salazar was not a great fan of Hitler, though. He said that he hoped the Allies won the war because Hitler's regime had pagan elements in it and its fascist nature gave incentives to class warfare, something which Salazar detested. He wanted the Portuguese to live a normal life, he never wanted class mobilization or class warfare. That's why he banned Rolão Preto's party (National Syndicalists/Lusitanian Integralism) and persecuted communists.

Based Heróis do Mar.

Sétima Legião, Heróis do Mar, GNR, UHF... We have the comfiest 80s bands senpai.

Please explain this.


What lead to the coup which removed Estado Novo? I heard Caetano was being too friendly with leftists.


He was the greatest business partner of Portugal.

That doesn't prove anything. He was showing solidarity for the Germans. Here's where I saw he didn't like Hitler:

>Although Salazar admired Mussolini and was influenced by his Labour Charter of 1927,[27] he distanced himself from fascist dictatorship, which he considered a pagan Caesarism political system that recognised neither legal nor moral limits. Salazar also viewed German Nazism as espousing pagan elements that he considered repugnant. Just before World War II, Salazar made this declaration: "We are opposed to all forms of Internationalism, Communism, Socialism, Syndicalism and everything that may divide or minimise, or break up the family. We are against class warfare, irreligion and disloyalty to one's country; against serfdom, a materialistic conception of life, and might over right."


Why is socialism and communism so popular in Portugal?

When I went to Lisboa I saw leftist posters everywhere...

A number of leftist groups that were angry with the Ultramar war managed to infiltrate into the MFA and on 25 de Abril 1974 managed to secure Quartel do Carmo, where Marcello Caetano and his loyals were safe from the angry military. We also had the USSR fund radical leftist parties which wanted to install a communist dictatorship here after the revolution but luckily based Frank Carlucci and the moderate opposition managed to not make things worse.

We get SA intellectuals to give us quick rundown in sociology centers.

Well it's not known for sure why Caetano didn't crush the coup. It was just a small number of the military. Most of the military and police were obviously loyal to the government. And they were just awaiting for Caetano's approval to advance on that group. But these orders never came.

Officially it is said that Caetano didn't want bloodshed.

Socialists are in power since 1974.


While right wing can't do conferences - Nova Portugalidade. Only left is allowed to indoctrinate and dominate sociology center (extreme left in CES in Coimbra, etc.) .

>Caetano didn't want bloodshed.
Well if he had shed blood then Portugal would be the richest country in Southern Europe by now.

Very likely.

A partir daqui, não deve-se falar noutra que não seja a única língua abençoada por Deus.

It's a travesty that men like him are able to taint that precious building. Wasn't there vandalism in Coimbra where the students spray-painted the walls? Nothing triggers me harder than people vandalizing property REEEEE

Pára de falar inglês.

When will you free my brothers in Angola

>Wasn't there vandalism in Coimbra where the students spray-painted the walls?

O pior foi o que aconteceu aos quadros.


Wasn't the revolution successful just because the gunman in the armored tank didn't fire the bullet? If he had fired that cannon it would've ended instantly and we would've transitioned to a socially conservative, economically liberal country, i.e. the patrician's choice for social order.


Filhos da puta. Encontraram os responsáveis? E porque é que fizeram isso?

Meu Deus, até fico enjoado.

Devias organizar um evento da Nova Portugalidade só para os chatear.

Que o senhor apiede-se de vossas almas por fornicarem este fio.

You already took care of it. It's in USA hands now.


Reee Acordo Ortográfico.

Guys, I'm thinking of watching pic related. Is it neutral or anti-Estado Novo?


Anexação do Brasil e retorno ao Império Ultra-Mar quando?

Also, o que é Nova Portugalidade?


Segunda-feira passada, dia 20 de fevereiro, algumas dezenas de pessoas presentes numa iniciativa promovida pelo Conselho das Repúblicas subiram as escadarias que levam até à Sala das Armas no Paço das Escolas e entraram na Sala Amarela, apesar de ela estar vedada ao público.

Aí, desrespeitando o património que dizem defender, riscaram quadros antigos presentes na sala, fazendo até inscrições num deles.

Fizeram disparar o alarme de incêndio partindo elementos do sistema de deteção, e quase arrombaram as portas da Reitoria para "conseguir falar com o Reitor", sem terem solicitado qualquer encontro.

É um abuso afirmar que alguém não quer reunir se o pedido de reunião não foi feito.

Apesar disso, quando me apercebi do interesse em falar comigo, fui ter com essas pessoas e com elas dialoguei durante algum tempo, esclarecendo algumas questões que me foram colocadas e ouvindo os seus pontos de vista.

Lamento que se causem estragos para conseguir o que se pode obter com uma simples carta ou mensagem.

Sou um profundo defensor da escola pública. Jamais pactuarei com qualquer tentativa de alterar essa condição.

O regime fundacional é uma alteração de algum enquadramento legal das universidades, dando-lhes um pouco mais autonomia, com vantagens e desvantagens, mas que nunca coloca em causa a condição de escola pública.

É por essa razão que promovi a reflexão sobre este tema ( uc.pt/regimefundacional ), pois entendo que qualquer posição formal da Universidade sobre o regime fundacional carece de discussão prévia e diálogo esclarecido no seio de toda a comunidade universitária, com vista a uma decisão ponderada e inclusiva de todos os pontos de vista.

Fucking faggots. I hope they got expelled.

Lamento muito que o Conselho das Repúblicas acuse a Universidade de recusar o diálogo e de afastar grupos de estudantes da discussão da eventual passagem ao regime fundacional, quando o debate está aberto e vai durar. Houve já uma sessão, a 31 de outubro, aberta a todos, e haverá seguramente mais depois de o processo eleitoral para o Conselho Geral, ainda em curso, estar terminado. Pela minha parte estou, como sempre estive, disponível para o debate sereno de ideias.

Lamento ainda que, em todo o período de preparação da manifestação do Conselho das Repúblicas, e de forma organizada, tenham sido feitas centenas de pichagens nas paredes dos edifícios da Universidade, e colados inúmeros cartazes sobre a iniciativa nos locais mais diversos, causando grandes estragos aos edifícios.

Já em novembro de 2012, numa iniciativa anterior do Conselho das Repúblicas, foram feitos diversos estragos nos azulejos e nas cantarias da Via Latina. É um triste padrão que se repete e que não é aceitável que continue.

Nestas ações transparece um profundo desrespeito pelo património da escola pública que esta iniciativa diz defender. Para repor os estragos feitos muito dinheiro público tem de ser gasto e, em muitas situações, como no caso dos riscos nos quadros e nas pinturas nas cantarias, é apenas possível atenuar os danos, não sendo possível revertê-los totalmente. O património secular da Universidade de Coimbra não é nem do Reitor, nem deste grupo de pessoas, nem de nenhum grupo em particular, mas sim de todo o país, e até de todo o mundo, como bem o reconheceu a UNESCO.

Degradá-lo não ajuda na defesa do ensino superior público nem melhora a capacidade de o Conselho das Repúblicas fazer ouvir a sua voz. Não é aceitável que se desperdicem recursos públicos para este efeito, quando deviam ser usados para disponibilizar um ensino público de cada vez maior qualidade e cada vez mais inclusivo.

Saudações universitárias

João Gabriel Silva

Exemplos dos estragos de agora podem ser vistos em

e dos estragos de 2012 em



Guys, speak english, or the mods will get triggered and delete this thread.

Also, why are all political parties corrupt, leftist or shit?
Is there any good choice?


Nem eu sei.

>Mais que um idioma, a Portugalidade é terra e gente, cultura e sentimento, passado e futuro. Queremos reerguer o mundo de fala portuguesa.

>Queremos uma Nova Portugalidade

Somos 250 milhões. A unir-nos, temos sangue e séculos, cultura e sentimento. Fomos forjados por gerações de homens de Estado, de combate e de inteligência. Entre os nossos maiores, contamos soldados e marinheiros, pintores e arquitectos, poetas e capitães. Temos uma música que é nossa e de mais ninguém. Temos uma língua - que é a terceira do Ocidente - e uma literatura. O que nos aproxima uns dos outros é também o que nos distingue dos restantes povos do globo.

>A Portugalidade é uma ideia e uma forma de estar.

>É uma civilização. Mais que uma constelação de Estados, o mundo português é uma aliança de povos com um passado partilhado e um futuro em comum.

>A sugerir a reaproximação entre nações de fala lusa está, mais que a economia, a necessidade - que é justa e natural - de reerguer uma senpaiília de povos que só por trágico equívoco se desfez.

>O que queremos resgatar é, pois, tudo – os feitos, os símbolos, os costumes, o idioma - o que nos irmana. Assim se fará a Nova Portugalidade.

Who's that ho?


>Also, why are all political parties corrupt, leftist or shit?
>Is there any good choice?

Depends in your electoral circle. Voting in PNR or other meme parties in legislative elections in small districts is a waste and irrational.

Urban "Gorilla" warfare terrorist.

Kek confirms. Do you vote PNR in nationwide elections?

Hi tsuuuuuuuuu-bros

>Do you think if José Antonio and Salazar ever met, would they have been best buddies?
Absolutely. Relations with Franco were diplomatic, but with Primo de Rivera, they'd be best bros.
Maybe Primo would be to revolutionary for Salazar's tastes and Salazar more like a quiet pious guy, but they would certainly get along.

army captains that were leftists and too afraid of the war. They used the war as an excuse to get support since they couldn't use the "dictatorship" card because things actually worked.

Academia. Lots of infiltrated journalists in the media and the so called opinion-makers are leftists.
There's not a single comentator who is trully right-wing except this guy observador.pt/opiniao/o-comentador-de-direita-uma-profissao-de-futuro/

go to a national board instead of an international one.

>you'll never fight along side Oldest Ally to retake the African Continent
why even live best bro

do you honestly think if it was pro-Estado Novo, or at least unbiased it would be aired on tv every year?

That's not as bad as losing the Euro 2004 in the final.

No, but I still want to see how bad it is. It's a glorification of the captains right?

>pára de votar em globalistas

>Do you vote PNR in nationwide elections?

Nope. I live in Coimbra district. I voted PaF.

Even in municipal elections, you never vote in meme parties - they can't elect vereadores, deputados municipais and mayor.

Same for freguesias.

>It's a glorification of the captains right?
Exactly that

It's anti-Estado Novo.

And (((Maria de Medeiros))) - PS MP or former MP.



It's that deodorant and some joke about Cristiano Ronaldo sponsor related.

Because pic.

Redpillem-me sobre Goa.

A bit of land we wad there since we started the spice trade, full of street-shiters.
I don't think we got much from it during the XX century.
As opposed to the african colonies, we're better of without it

Me contem um pouco sobre as gírias em Portugal. Realmente referem-se aos vossos caralhos como "malaquias", e as bocetas chamam de xaroca?

Two weeks ago, a catholic Goan thanked the Portuguese in Sup Forums and having the best Laws/Justice.

Goan Hindus are bro to goan Catholics, that problem is that now that non-goan Hindus are emmigrating there and aren't so fond of that friendship neither of Catholic Goans.

It's the smallest state in India and

>Goa is India's richest state, with a GDP per capita two and a half times that of the country.

according to Wikipedia.

About the other enclaves were in Portuguese Goa I don't know.

>Realmente referem-se aos vossos caralhos como "malaquias"
uma vez a cada 10 anos
>e as bocetas chamam de xaroca?
nunca tinha ouvido essa expressão. É cona. Ou rata. Senaita soa bem mas poucos usam





>sexy Portuguese cuties



who is this pixel demon?

>best allies detected


mother material for Portugal

>Some succession war is happening in Spain
The eternal fucking anglo

como é que são as gajas na vossa cidade?

greentext se quiserem

>no tits

why hasn't spain conquered portugal, is your country really that shit not even spain wants it

Oh wait, nevermind. I got mistook the Peninsular war with the Spanish Succession war.


hormones, birth giving hips
>>no tits
look again, somewhat unequal, equals out during pregnancy


why are you not emulating the great Enoch Powell, user?

whores, always crying for attention, trying to get excuses to show their asses in instagram.
But if you talk 5 minutes with them they'll always cry they can't find an intelligent, kind and caring man

>baixas (160cm)
>politicamente braindead

t. Aveiro

I'm learning, best ally.



>trying to get excuses to show their asses in instagram.

posta ai umas