sit on the porch of your farmhouse with a corn pipe in your mouth

> sit on the porch of your farmhouse with a corn pipe in your mouth
> drink moonshine and pick your banjo
> watch over niggers working on your plantation
> if any negro stops for over 10s just shoot them with your shotgun
> see your ten children playing happily in your yard
> little Seamus is already practicing whipping negroes, be very proud
> your beautiful wife Betsy drives in to your yard with her pickup, she has just arrived from the towns pumpkin fair and gives you a kiss
> look at the Confederate flag waving in a light breeze
> a tear of joy rolls onto your sun-baked cheek, oh how can you be this happy

And it's over forever :)

It makes me happy this dream will never come true.


Unfortunately, niggers were never treated that poorly as slaves.

>be southern
>lose war

I don't understand where the mistreatment of slaves meme came from. Slaves were very expensive property. A small percentage of the population owned them because most couldn't afford them. Who buys a fucking sports car and scraps it when the battery dies or a tire goes flat? You wouldn't do the same to your investments in slaves. Also people complain they were mistreated.... Well you have to supply food, shelter, and medical treatment to keep them healthy and working

>your blonde, blue-eyed daughter named Antebella sits on your lap with her brightly colored cotton dress

Is anyone that brags about the union victory even an actual anglo-american? How do you look at your population being completely replaced by the irish and italians and think this was victory?


To be fair the shelters tended to be pretty cramped
People seem to forget that there were house slaves too, and that job was so easy you get paid minimum wage to do the same shit

>everyone outside California was Confederate

Project apartments are cramped too. Also niggers get free money and food and healthcare.... Its almost like they are still slaves to the welfare state, their only value being garunteed votes

niggers still deserved to be whipped because of this.

housekeepers most certainly do not get paid minimum wage. i love comments like this because it's obvious that you've never tried to clean your own house; if you had, you'd know that the ability to do it quickly and well is much more difficult than actual minimum wage jobs like bussing tables or working retail.

Oh yeah I'm not saying it's any different than most second world cities, just that it wasn't nice either
They really don't need any of the free shit now that it's been nearly 200 fucking years

why make me cry, user?

dang, this got me right in the feels


>Finnish Goaltending

The South were not American.
Only a minority of wealthy land owners, the rest were poor white trash peckerwoods.

>not having a glowing NH dude left of the calicuck, making both the cuckfederate and the calicuck look like manlets

They wouldn't have had trucks.

>he unironically took the cowpill

Sounds like hell.

Checks out.

the south were literally suburban and rural retards
i can see why a finn would sympathize with them though

>tfw you'll never rape the light skinned slave who is probably your half sister

Only 1.4% of whites owned slaves at the pinnacle of slavery in the US.

We can equate this to the top 1% of contemporary income earners who pay their employees minimum wage.

>Drink moonshine and pick your banjo
>Look at the Confederate flag waving in a light breeze

At least I still have those two.

Sup Forums:

>niggers were never treated badly as slaves
>kikes were never actually gassed in their holohoax

But they should have been.

Agreed. Didn't many beg to stay on the plantations? Didn't the Union Army have to force many to leave?

Isn't black on white violence now much more severe than the white on black when they were slaves?

I wouldn't want to be a slave because I'm white. However, if I was black, I think I may want to be a slave to a kind family.

I think White Americans are now slaves to them in many ways.

Ben Afflecks family owned slaves. Apparently, he asked that nigger that has no business at Harvard to keep it quiet when they were making some movie about it.

(Sorry not interested in the specifics. If you are, look it up.)

But then you realize that you had 10 or 20 people doing it. I have cleaned my own home and several other homes as well and I can tell you it's not fucking hard. Look at hotels, they get minimum wage and do more work than house slaves

Especially a tribal African who was captured and tortured by other Africans. Working on a plantation must have been a fucking dream compared to the shit they would have faced back in Africa and on the slave ships