You can lie to your consumers and then refuse to refund them

>you can lie to your consumers and then refuse to refund them
Free markets were a mistake

>b-b-but no one bought it because of that

fucking wot, jesus

>what is competition that doesn't deceive their consumers

non existent in free markets

jontron has 3 million fans. it's no surprised some of them believed the lies

pull some charlie hebdo shit on these developers

Hello FBI.

just calmly point out that they employ no minorities. thats enough for the libs to devour them

Well how does kickstarter work?
How are the pledges set up? Is it a contract were it specifically details that you have to name a certain reason to remove your backing?
Because generally I would hope you can just opt it without even giving a reason.

I dont give a single fuck. Dont give to kickstarters if you dont have the money. Think about it as money you loose on the street. And they can do whatever with the game.

>People still fall for the modern video game jew

>Beloved devs known for having a good track record of making good video games when Microsoft doesn't jam it's cock up their butt 24/7 ask for money to make games without Microsoft's influence
>Be surprised when they get a ton of cash

donating to a kickstarter is basically just handing them money and hoping they do what they say they will do.

they have no legal obligation to refund

>legal in a free market

Kill yourself.

If that is true I find it hard to be in any way sympathetic to the people who now want to refund it.

don't be sympathetic. they're idiots for donating in the first place.

course the devs of the game shot themselves in the foot by removing the influence of a popular e-celeb who the core audience they are targeting hold in high regard, his political beliefs be damned.

virtue signalling at its finest. and i'd be willing to wager the game itself has suffered from the same flighty attitude. not to mention the studio employs all whites and only two women

tl;dr its retards shouting at retards

they do though

I've been telling you. We need regulated capitalism.

NatSoc is the only way forward.

Fuck off with your autismo Vidya

This is why I hate free market good goys. They can see that these people are profiting off of deception, but they don't think they should face civic or legal repercussions for their immoral, exploitative behaviour.

There's already plenty of laws against fraud.

I'll wait while you name a developer that keeps its promises and doesn't knowingly mislead the consumer

Is the implication the market isn't free or this isn't fraud?

For games like this that are honestly kind of mediocre, little things like this can have severe implications for sales. Had Mass Effect's only problem been that one Indian anti-white dev and not actual content almost nobody would've given a shit and sales would've been unaffected. Weaker titles can't afford that
