Can Sup Forums give solid reasons why ancap is/isn' a great idea?

Im writing a paper.

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Anarchy of any kind couldn't last. Whoever ends up with the most military and financial power would just form a government.

le roads XD look mom I posted it again!

financial power is a spook.

>have no proper military
>get bumfucked by the mongols

No ying, only yang.

Fraud is allowed under ancap

how so


Lying doesn't violate the NAP

Exhibit A

"Vuelos de la muerte"

because its just another name for lolbertarianism and thats a terrible idea


Anarchy is prequel to feudalism. its a dumb idea. Write that.

Watch or read some Hoppe and don't listen to memeing retards.

>no proper military
Pic related.

Have you ever seen Zizek in public?

But fraud would deter any further bussiness from any other company in a pure capitalist society...?

What evidence do you have of that?

>caring about commies
Sniff sniff

He's just trolling. Breaking a contract of sale would get you sued.

It is literally feudalism.

Because you would replace government with Walmart .

>do my homework for me
Demanding I do free labor for you is a violation of the NAP

Do you sign a contract when you buy something at a store?

(you don't)

the government takes money from the population
the government pays itself to sustain its mechanism of taking the money from the population
the government pays money to road building company
the government pays itself for sustaining its mechanism of hiring the road building company
the road building company builds the road

How so?

No but large scale trades and long term work does require contract. If you were to commit fraud you would have your company labeled as fraudulent, and in a society built on the foundation lf trade, being labeled fraudulent sounds like both economical and career suicide?

You don't have to sign shit. It's a valid contract. If you can prove the exchange took place you can seek compensation.

without laws the world falls under the law of the jungle. Warlords become the new rule makers. Warlords take land. Warlords = Lords. Begin feudalism.

Pretty much this. Humanity started out ancap. If worked then governments wouldn't have popped up globally.

this is now an ancap ball meme thread

The average person's only contracts are with large institutions they cannot avoid like banks & utility companies and their employer.

There were two times I've gone to a grocery store and bought meat that went rotten before its best before date. One I never went to again but is still open and doing business and one got shut down by the government for health violations. In one case, we have the market response (I stopped patronizing them) and in the other, the state response (they get shut down). There's less rotten meat dealers because of health and safety regulations.

Consumer protection laws are like an entity underwriting all contract-free market interactions. They're positive.

As an ancap, you're making suppositions that aren't supported by reality. Ancap is internally consistently, but explicitly rational & not empirical.

Why would that be the case? Expectation of benefit is not enough to reverse a transaction; study your tort law.


Anarchy creates a power vacuum, one which will inevitably be filled by a more authoritarian group.

But you said it yourself, you stopped going to the store that solid you shit meat

In a state controlled by markets, surely youd NEED to offer the best you could to maintain customers and prevent what happened to the store you talked about?

This, Anarchy inevitably develops into an established government and op is a fag.

It's yin you stupid piece of shit.

Guys, this is Hoppean bro. I have made the new Hoppewave video. Do I release it now or wait for the next /lrg/ thread?

Yeah, but the moral of that story is that the one that sold shit meat and didn't get caught suffered a minor penalty, which the one that did get caught, got blown the fuck out.

This isn't a good idea, it's morally correct.

will never work, but you can consider as a good utopia, something to approach much as we can but never really reaching it



i see your point.

receipt and invoice aren't enought?


Before I go to bed. You can write about the most common misconceptions.
First would be that ancap is lawless.
Like here. It's not. Common law still exists and is enforced by insurance companies and private courts. See link from earlier.
Second is that it's pacifist. It's not that either. Nowadays it's governments that stop you from defending your property. Whereas in ancap you have a right to defend yourself. If someone is endangering your life or property you don't just stand by and go muh NAP. You either sue them or shoot them depending on the situation.

>Why would that be the case?
You can sue now as well for the same reason you troll.
>Expectation of benefit
Has nothing to do benefit. It has everything to do with expecting what you pay for as specified.
>study your tort law
And you study your common law.
>An obvious ancient practice of exchange, in many common-law jurisdictions it is now governed by statutory law.
When states stop regulating the law it falls back under common law.

Nice, I'll watch it tomorrow in any case.

Someone would build roads, then they would extract excessive rents from them. Competition wouldn't build any more roads because favorable routes are limited. Enjoy your shitty road distopia, you saline balled morons.

Hierarchy is a basic tenant of nearly all society through the simple fact that some people have more experience than others. The child always needs to learn from the parent, the student from the master, the friend from the friend, etc. Through religion, nearly all societies place themselves, to an imperfect degree but as an ideal, as subordinate to higher principles/beings. Even successful communes such as those in Catalonia require submitting to a strict plan of living in order to maintain said society, which I wouldn't even count as a criticism of the society in the first place, it's just natural. Ancap is almost repulsive to me because it essentially acknowledges this and says fuck it, the king of the hill is the king by virtue of him getting to the top of the hill, which ignores the kind of shitbirds that have the ability to climb/are born at the time, but maybe someone in this thread can explain it to me.

colonization of any country

You can only get a refund out of good will, not because of some law of the NAP or market.

*born at the top

>what is guerrilla warfare

Common law isn't NAP/Ancap law.

Common law is traditional Anglo/Germanic law, which, by the way, also considers libel a capital crime.

nigga, of the anime

Besides that its a great system.

>the king of the hill is the king by virtue of him getting to the top of the hill
And what's wrong with meritocracy?

>ignores the kind of shitbirds that have the ability to climb/are born at the time
You mean like politicians?

yeah, u're right

There aren't any. The only "arguments" against ancap are shitty meme strawman images.

Not your research assistant. Go do your own homework.

1. If you own a nuke you don't need a military.
2. The U.S. military has been BTFO by mudslimes who literally live in sand castles for almost two decades now.
3.Mudslimes literally bumfuck American kids due to the Americans own government.

You statist cucks are literally handing your daughters over to Muslims for rape at the behest of your own government. You faggots are embarassing, if you would simply revolt against your government your Muslim problem would stop tomorrow.

>Common law isn't NAP/Ancap law.
>Common law is a term used to refer to law that is developed through decisions of the court, rather than by relying solely on statutes or regulations.
Private courts make decisions. These decisions get used as precedent for future decisions. And if people don't like some judges they can phase them out more effectively than under a monopoly system.

Who pays for it?

Fraud is not allowed under Ancap. Learn to read before posting you can literally google search this in 2 seconds.

white as oil

Anarcho-capitalism isn't even an 'idea', it's incoherent.

Private property is LITERALLY the state. Territory where some individual or group holds a monopoly on force. Anarcho-capitalism is a contradiction in terms.

>And what's wrong with meritocracy?
The fact that strength and the ability to consolidate power is a piss poor judge of merit, see most of history.

>You mean like politicians?
Exactly but with nukes and ak's and shitty roads. Remember, the people who climb the hill aren't going to throw their kids/protegees at the bottom of the mountain to climb back up, their going to build their little mount olympus/capitol hill/capitol bank what have you and if they know how to consolidate power, which one of them inevitably will, then they will cut everyone else off at the base.

Anarchy is not a world without rules, it is a world without rulers. This is why no one who has become an AnCap goes back to statism. You idiots can't even comprehend the words you are trying to describe. Why should anyone listen to anything you have to say if you can't even read properly?

>choose your own private court to judge your company

>Private courts make decisions. These decisions get used as precedent for future decisions. And if people don't like some judges they can phase them out more effectively than under a monopoly system.
No they don't, precedent is a feature of common law systems.

Polylegal arbitration courts are picked by insurance companies to settle disputes between clients.

Degeneracy only becomes cheaper under a free market, these people need to be socially excluded before it will stop.

>Nobody gets to rule cuz we said so.

Hey dumbfuck. Whoever has the guns has the rulebook. People will work for protection by those who have the most means to protect i.e. mercenaries. Fucking warlords will emerge. It's called feudalism and it won't be stopped because you set up some baseless private court.

How did the Jewish Kritarchy last over 500 years? How did the Irish Tuath system last over 1000? Again can anyone who says something bad about AnCaps actually say something that isn't complete bullshit. It is true that in both cases the civilizations that were Anarchic were slaughtered by large Empires far greater in size than they (The Jews were slaughtered by the Romans and the Irish were slaughtered by the British) but each society fought off a much larger aggressor for hundreds of years before finally succumbing to defeat.

>no rulers

So the owners of property aren't the rulers of their property?

brazilian company's was exporting rotten meat and no one has noticed it, what would happen in ANCAP ?

define degeneracy.
In ancapland the "degenerates" won't be using welfare to fund their degenerate activities, but rather their own money.
I don't see what's wrong with that.

>no one noticed it
how would no one notice it? is there not a single piece of normal meat in brazil?

in ancapland, if the company does not satisfy the consumer, he will buy from a different company.
you will go out of business if you sell shit products

You mean like how the interstate highway system built by the U.S. was supposed to be rebuilt a decade ago but they decided not to build it because it was too expensive? We literally live in a shitty road dystopia you left-wing cuckold. Quit asking the government to solve your problems, grow a pair of testicles and solve them yourself.

>Private property is LITERALLY the state.
>Private property is a legal designation for the ownership of property by non-governmental legal entities.[1] Private property is distinguishable from public property, which is owned by a state entity
What the actual fuck?

>consolidate power
They can only do that if the society is statist. In which case what's your point? It's not an ancap society.

>precedent is a feature of common law systems
That's what I'm saying damn it.

>these people need to be socially excluded before it will stop
And you have a right to do that under ancap where everything is privatized.

I'm out. This time is awful for any discussion.

>They can only do that if the society is statist. In which case what's your point? It's not an ancap society.
That an ancap society will degenerate into barbaric statism, if you read my post.

Still wont be natsoc levels of non degeneracy.

>That's what I'm saying damn it.
Anarcho-capitalism doesn't use common law

New Hoppewave video for you guys!

New Hoppewave video for you guys!

New Hoppewave video for you guys!

for some reason the image came all fucked up so please use when you upload this on YouTube.

This is the one argument i make that no one can rebuttal, it makes absolutely no sense for a consumer to continue buying products that are subpar if other companies exist. And if other companies dont exists, it creates opportunity in the market for a new one to rise and fill the void of creating quality products... it just makes sense?

>We literally live in a shitty road dystopia

I don't know what shit-hole you live in but my roads are fine and I'm keeping them thank you very much.

No. The owner of property is the owner of property. A ruler rules people. Again it seems everyone arguing against AnCaps are just more statists struggling with the meaning of words.

the main frigorific company(JBS) had 33 unitys closed.

no one noticed because the meat was adulterated

>it makes absolutely no sense for a consumer to continue buying products that are subpar if other companies exist.

>All consumers have the same income level
>All consumers have total knowledge of the market
>All consumers have access to all market locations

lying how

Because An-anything is based upon having a power vacuum

Okay, who stops someone from ruling people? And how?

yes they do

>>Private property is a legal designation for the ownership of property by non-governmental legal entities.[1] Private property is distinguishable from public property, which is owned by a state entity

I'm talking about private property in anarcho-capitalist terms, which is a territory (when talking about land) where some person or people have exclusive control over and exclusive right to set terms of its use and lease, and by extension, the monopoly of force.

There is no difference whatsoever between privately held territory and a 'state' by the way described by ancaps.

Even today generic brand products exists as a quality alternative to expensive name brand products, you're telling me that it wouldn't happen in an ancap society also?

Have you ever considered fuck your roads?

Pretty much. People with money and connections would just form a new government to fill the vacuum and there would be no way to stop them.

Self driving cars will take care of the roads. Adding capacity just increases use. We need a new paradigm. I think the driving algorithms of self driving vehicles will really change things up. Less traffic, better utilization.

Trucks too. Getting trucks the fuck out of the 2nd lane. You get a truck in the second lane and a cuck in a Honda in the fast lane who can't pass. Then the people who want to go fast have to swerve to the empty right lane, rather than these morons just getting out of the way.

I work remote so your anarchist road pipe dream isn't any of my business. The roads around my house suck but I drive a Jeep and a DR650. People just need more durable vehicles. Your little princess suspension wasn't built for potholes.

Best government is Anarchist Nationalist Socialism.