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if hillary is so dumb, then why was she too smart to win?

Trumpcucks btfo

>World renown company
>Smokin wife
>Smokin daughters
>Smart as fuck sons
>Master of Cyber grandson
>President of the United States of America

Liberals: "This man is so dumb he's a big baby and has never accomplished anything!!!"

Shills are out in full force tonight.

Actual liberal here.
I can never tell if he is a genius and knows far more than we do, or is an idiot who cant keep his mouth shut and things just happen to turn out in his favor. He didnt won because he is intelligent though. He won because people were fed up of the corruption of the established people, being fed the same lies over and over again. Trump as an apparent outsider was the chance to change something and was the best shot for anyone who knew it doesnt matter wether you vote republican or democrat as they are both controlled by the (((same))) people. He could be a literal illiterate retard, and i still would have preferred him over clinton or bernie or cruz or anyone else except maybe for ron paul as he would have brought the chance that he would actually try to do something for the people and not only for (((them))). This small chance was more than enough for people to vote him. And i would take the most incompetent person who at least tries over some asshole with a stick up his ass who maybe knows how all the stuff in the government works, but only uses it to further (((their))) own agenda


Because Americans are even more stupid.



He lost the popular vote.
He shouldn't be president.

Fuck off already. The only reason she could win the popular vote which doesnt even matter in the us was because of over a million dead voters and a lot of illegal voters.

Daddy's Money and don't mean his friend Putin, lies up on lies that the lower class of Americans grabbed on to like they do there beer during an NASCR crash plus help from the republican pack to support there wining nominee which bit them in the ass , I can go on and on you don't have to be smart to jack someone off and we got the biggest jackoff thanks to good people like you , o if you rally want to know life is like a box of collocates

If donald trump isn't a hippopotamus, then why does he have blond hair?

we live in a republic retard

>loses a billion dollars for fun

got proof?

>He didnt won because he is intelligent
that was an extremely easy to lose election for someone who said half the shit he said. An idiot would have completely blown that campaign.

> he is a genius and knows far more than we do

if you observe him keenly enough you can see this is closer to the truth.

Fake news. Literally. Dead people don't cast votes. That's a republican lie created to scrub voter rolls of democratic voters.

One theory.

The most common responses I've seen are either muh Russians or they say his voters are also stupid.

So do I, what's your argument?

>saying that after Bush was president

Yeah this. They blame voter stupidity.

Trump is president because he was running against the person who stole the election from Bernie Sanders.

If the DNC did not rig the Dem primaries in favor of the Clinton Campaign Trump would not have been president.

>faggot liberal artist preaches from on high
Could some prole string this snide twat from a lamp post please?

Because a lot of americans love things that are loud, gaudy, and incomprehensibly dumb.

He's the popcorn president.

or this guy