Anyone else regret voting Drumpf he said we'd win and get tired of winning but he hasn't won once yet name just one...

Anyone else regret voting Drumpf he said we'd win and get tired of winning but he hasn't won once yet name just one time his one please I'm waiting he hasn't brought back manufacturing, mexico isn't paying for the wall and to make matters worse his healthcare plan is a disaster not even scumbag republicans would vote for I wish I was #withher

I regret voting for Hillary. I'm so tired of losing. I went to protest the trump rally and I got my ass kicked. Maybe trump is right

Are you happy?

I'd rather have a retard running the country than this corrupt bitch

Only rural and suburban retards voted for Drumpf. All the city people went for Hillary.

>any one else regret voting for a politician not in my country


Fuck of shill

Fuck off*

First off - Australia. Second lets count:
> No tax penalty on not signing up for healthcare
> Immigration exec. order created a wildfire in tech. There's a hiring frenzy going on.
> Mainstream media getting their asses handed to them on a near daily basis

What does winning look like to you? This shit is chess it ain't checkers.

Former Drumpf supporter here, it's hilarious watching him crash and burn. But seriously, we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.

Anyone else regret voting Drumpf he said we'd win and get tired of winning but he hasn't won once yet name just one time his one please I'm waiting he hasn't brought back manufacturing, mexico isn't paying for the wall and to make matters worse his healthcare plan is a disaster not even scumbag republicans would vote for I wish I was #withher

I've seen this exact message posted multiple times. Furthermore you're Estonian. You haven't been here long, have you, cunt?

Same thing with you. Go home, faggot.

I fucking do.

The main reason I voted for him in the first place was because of #repealandreplace

Now, Trump literally said he is going to let Obamacare implode, destroying the American economy in the process.

I thought we were supposed to make America great again, not stand idly by as we implode into nothingness.

Fuck Trump, he gave up too easily.

I bet you're a rural or suburban retard. City people voted for Hillary.


I regret being cheated out of voting for Bernie Sanders in the general election. Only if the DNC did not rig the Dem primaries in favor of the Clinton Campaign.

>again with the 4d chess meme

When will you faggots learn that Trump doesn't know how a Bishop moves, much less how it would move within 4 dimensional space??

>oh wait ...let me check that list of meme replies shareblue gave me

>Drumpf at 2% chance to win

I bet you feel silly now, don't you? Welcome to 2016, it's a shame you have to be dragged into the real world kicking and screaming.

Not gonna lie, i regret nuclear codes.

Seriously not baiting, but could you of some other user explain, why obamacare ist so Bad?
I'm not well informed since eurofag and enough problems in my country.

>Only rural and suburban retards voted for Drumpf. All the city people went for Hillary.
because they are inbred autists.

It's not bad. Republicans just want poor people to die. Which is funny because most Republicans are poor. But they think they ought to be rich.

You're showing off your bigotry.
Democrats are the party of the rich and the crony capitalists.
It's funny that Zero went 8 years with no promises fulfilled except one, and that one destroyed the healthcare system.

>why obamacare ist so Bad?
Massive increases in cost.
The poor lost all coverage because the best plan requires thousands spent before coverage starts.
Doctors had to either opt-out, or go bankrupt.
Medical innovation basically stopped.
The list goes on and on.

>I regret being cheated out of voting for Bernie Sanders
>obama only added $10trillion in debt bernie coulda done a lot more
>where my free stuff at
Leftists never realize that they'll be the first ones executed by the system they create. Ask any ghetto rat under obama.

Careful mate, you'll summon Obongoleaf

>Now, Trump literally said he is going to let Obamacare implode,
No, he didn't.
>he gave up too easily.
You gave up after two months. The US government was designed to move slowly. Move back to your own country if you want a dictator.

That's good. I destroy it every time it shows up. It depends on photoshopped charts.


>City people voted for Hillary.
Every city is on the verge of bankruptcy and depends on massive new debt to keep going.
City life doesn't need intelligence for survival; in fact, that gets in the way.
So of course they voted hildog.

>Former Drumpf supporter here,
Who cares?


>Mainstream media getting their asses handed to them on a near daily basis
I fucking love the daily press brief, and watching liberals cry about how mean he was to them when a reporter tries to lie and my man Sean cites facts that prove they're lying.

These dumbass threads are one of the reasons I still support him.

Im so tired.
You must be tired too op.
Im going to sleep.
You should go to sleep too op.

The problem in my opinion is that I imagine not sure that other countries actually have a public healthcare system provided through the state but with Obamacare we are insured through private companies that are funded by the state so in this way companies can't keep up with the tens of thousands of new clients that cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars to cover per person so they upcharge everyone else to get their money back, through the state this is easy to regulate because they can either wave the extra fees or regulate hospital prices in some sense but insurance companies have no control of this and have to increase everyone else's prices to compensate this is the problem with the bastardized system Obama put in place that lines the pockets of the insurance companies.

>looks at flag

>lines the pockets of the insurance companies.
You mean, is bankrupting them.
Obama eventually gave them money to keep going, because he didn't want them to collapse until the single-payer system was in place, at which point they'd go out of business. You can bet obama supporters would have cashed out their stock right before then, and they did in the hundreds of other companies that obama pilfered, then destroyed.

better watch yourself cunt

I regret not mass murdering Democrats. If I could I would

Hillary wouldn't have been a complete laughing stock. :( #withher

This has to be ironic