What profession do you have the least respect for? I'll start: Architects, pic related

What profession do you have the least respect for? I'll start: Architects, pic related

Yea fuck those guys, nobody likes buildings that dont collapse

If your builders aren't Chinese then your building wont collapse. Buildings only collapse if you cut corners.

Fuhrers, we don't give any respect to our fuhrers.

You must be a cherry picker

Politicians and Actors. They play pretty much the same bull over and over.

parking cops, local zoning/code enforcers, bylaw enforcers, HOA presidents, (((Bankers))), central bankers, pension fund managers, wealth managers, hedge fund managers, entire """financial""" sector, used car salesmen, buskers, insurance salesmen

No wonder leafs can't find a job

Architecture is the leading visual art form of our time. Fuck movies, fuck painting.

Swedish politicans


architects don't engineer the building they literally just give it aesthetic looks

they have to run their (((designs))) by a real engineer first

the refugees will soon enough

journalist, actors, female teachers, HR or basically anything with leftist parasites sucking the blood out of hard working white men.

On it senpai

Computer Scientists aka Code Monkeys

Top fucking kek, include me in the screencap

Retail security and the like.
They literally do NOTHING 99,9%+ of the time.

>Muh I don't get paid well even though I only work 9 months a year
>It's really hard to teach kids literally out of a premade book they didn't write
Followed by nurses
>I'm underpaid wah
>It's so hard even though they don't make any decisions ever
>They literally only do what doctors tell them and get paid like $30/h

Real estate agents. I can't believe its 2017 and this parasite profession hasn't been replaced by google yet.

Say that @ me in real life

I'll show you dirty linux cucks

half of the time spent by the nurses on my unit is just gossip and chatting

>getting paid to do nothing
What's better than that? I held a position that didn't require much at all, being paid $14/hr just a to watch netflix for 12 hours out of the day.

Meanwhile the nurse call alarm is going off because some old fuck fell out of bed again
>Lol nurselife!

Don't shit on those whores. I worked as an orderly in a nut house and I fucked almost every decent looking nursing student that passed through there as well as two of the full time nurses and one doctor.

Hospitals are better than any other place for picking up sluts.

>Hospitals are better than any other place for picking up sluts.
Popular overarching theme in /d. Just saying…

I don't know what goes on in /d/. I know what goes on in hospital break rooms.

Protip: if someone is already fucking on the couch, use a chair or a blanket on the floor. No time for finding elsewhere.

heads of black community engagement and graphic designers

Engineers are the ones that design buildings that don't fall

>he says sitting inside a building designed by an architect


No wonder Canada is third world. Arabs like you shaggin your child brides out in the open.


Try real-estate brokers

Pharma lobbyists, fuck those guys

you are just code monkeys hahaha



Anyone who works for any anti hate / pro civil rights watchdog organizations.


shut the fuck up you fucking faggot reddit-using nigger. FUCK OFFFFFFFFFFFFF

You sound like a commie.

Policemen,professional youtubers

Bernie Sanders

Politicians and Actors: A few out of each group every generation become some of the best people in history. The rest are a bunch of corrupt, perverted dickheads.


Bankers, businessmen, politicians

Paedophiles too.

Lol. God, I fucking hate programmers. Damn useless code monkeys. I have to tell everyone in the world about this instantly for free on a website that they made possible.

But is that a reason to hate them?
They have a very dangerous job, atleast here in Sweden.

Well, yes. It'll be a shame when they all go to jail. We'll have to content ourselves with watching a new batch of slightly less-charismatic celebrities.

judges, lawyers and journalists

Biotech/gene editing researchers

Biggest naked emperor of all time.

Journalists, Politicians, Fuck them.


Why? People assume they have it easy but i've shadowed some and their job is pretty brutal. They're only in the courtroom for a few hours but the amount of shit they have to deal with is absurd.


Fug off.

doctors, physicists and blue collar workers


I don't know in UK but here in Spain the job of lawyers and judges is to punish civilians and defend criminals.
So they won't get respect frome me.

Models and the people who photograph/dress them

police officers

>Architects being in charge of structural engineering


No profession in particular just individuals who are blatantly "diversity" hires. Female cops are among the most ridiculous.

HR and ((((journalists))))

>They literally do NOTHING 99,9%+ of the time
All it takes is one jackoff with a cell phone camera to ruin both your life and your employers if you do your job, a la that one blowup when the guy went after a Wal-mart shoplifter that one time, which ALSO ended in a settlement. Half the time, retail chains enforce a "don't do anything if they make it to the parking lot" rule, since lawyers will scream about technicalities if you're not IN the store when apprehending someone

Teachers. Always whining about their pay, not to mention they are brainwashing our children.

Also (((journalists)))

Architects. They are failed engineers

I don't want to have to explain lawyer's duties to you but I expect they're the same as over here. When you get pissed at a lawyer in a movie for defending someone who is obviously a scumbag, just remember that they have to do their best to get them off unless the client has admitted their guilt to them. If they don't do that, they lose their job as a lawyer and are struck of the register (kicked out the career entirely).

Everyone is entitled to justice, the whole point is that they are not criminals yet. They are only criminals when they are actually convicted, not when they are at trial.

Swedish men

Middle managers. They spend their lives engaged in petty turf battles with other middle managers, getting in the way of productivity most of the time.

Hello CIA. Here's data you can get from me:

Actors who engage in political activity
Bankers and financial experts in TV
Those dumb bitches at HR departments
Judges,Lawyers and Prosecutors (Especially those pricks that handle divorces and shiet)

No bullshit people that have robed more than a hundred times get no jail time in spain
fuck off

Le finance is vampirism meme died in 2009 you autists. Go back to /r/socialism to fight the bourgeoisie.

I have no respect for politicians personally.

That's just your shitty legal system then, and not the fault of the judges or lawyers. Get some reform going in your stagnant country.

Either that, or you just have no idea what you're talking about.

That's not the lawyer's fault though, he just wants the best for his client. It's most likely the judge that is being a scumbag

>It's most likely the judge that is being a scumbag

The judge typically has to follow set sentencing guidelines. In a country with a shitty civil law legal system these tend to be incredibly difficult to change so you have a legal system unable to adapt to changing times.

>Process Servers.
I understand that they're an important part of our legal process, but I don't respect them at all.

Any career that doesn't directly produce something or take care of a direct need of service.

Basically every single job women do. Those careers made by big companies just for tax reasons. All middle management, human resources, receptionists, bookkeepers, etc.

Also, middleman sales people that sell something that doesn't require them such as car dealerships and real estate agents.

And career politicians and big bankers.

I don't understand the underpaid meme. No one forced you to go into that profession, you know what you were getting into.

This is my ideal job 2bqh

or if you've slanty eyes

Politician is very high up on my ideal jobs list.

>HOA presidents
Not a job, usually volunteers

Well, teachers are overwhelmingly women, and women have expensive tastes, and spend way beyond their means.

i used to deal with archetects on a regualr basis, they are all no tallent thieves.

just pasting off the same designs time after time despite repeated warnings that there was no way they'd get permission if they didnt make alterations.

their answer to this was to get the clients to agree to site visits. another 500 euro to the architect for nothing.

they are all crooks

NHS persons and teachers mostly. Lawyers and journalists, too.

medical doctors, shrinks and "social" workers ie barneværnet
(might be a local problem)



Have you ever worked somewhere with shoddy bookkeeping? Those companies bleed money like no other.

There is literally nothing wrong with socialism