Hey just wondering is it true that Islam says it's okay to rape a 10 year old white non-muslim girl because infidels...

hey just wondering is it true that Islam says it's okay to rape a 10 year old white non-muslim girl because infidels are the equivalent of animals and it's encouraged to fuck livestock to release sexual frustration

like under sharia law isn't it the case that all non-muslims should die, become slaves, or convert to islam with no other possibilities being desirable

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Yes and if you read the books (full koran and reliance of the traveler -- essentially a sharia law handbook) this all pretty fucking obvious.

Most of the people who follow the religion can't read though so it's all just post-facto rationalizations for savage chimp behavior.

come on guys I really want to know and I thought you would tell me the truth

don't make me ask /b

are you telling me trump is literally doing nothing wrong and in fact the liberals are advocating rape and dooming non-muslim refugees by forcing trump to reshape his initiative to target countries known for sourcing terrorism instead of muslims specifically

>like under sharia law isn't it the case that all non-muslims should die, become slaves, or convert to islam with no other possibilities being desirable
Not just under sharia. It's in the first pages of the koran, so it's even law for the so called moderate muslims.

>Most of the people who follow the religion can't read though so it's all just post-facto rationalizations for savage chimp behavior.
my understanding was that they picked up the baby as soon as it was born and whispered the koran in their ears and forced them to memorize the words before they even had the capacity for morality or individual thought, so they basically don't even need to be able to read, or rationalize to be indoctrinated with zealotism

I don't know, why don't you go read the Quran and see for yourself faggot

I went to a mosque to get a copy of the quran because I just wanted to learn about it and everyone got real angry and started to surround me. I literally had to use boxing footwork to keep them from standing behind me and assume a fighting stance as I walked out.

where can I find a copy? they're not like christians at all :(

Trump isn't banning them from entering the country altogether and arranging to forcibly repatriate the ones in the USA as the founding fathers of the US who created the Marines to deal with the Barbary pirates would have done in the current circumstances.

Flooding our countries with these people really just ensures that future generations will have a bad time and need to violently exterminate them or otherwise drive them off the land to regain some semblance of a sane country again. They have NEVER peacefully co-existed with anyone in almost 1400 years.

It's bad enough that they're of different races but the mosque acts as a sort of cultic socialization tool for these largely illiterate people and inculcates them with the values from the books which is basically an expansionist, war-like totalitarian ideology. An imam kind of like a drill sergeant in a military, but for dumb brown people.

You can read it online for free.

would you be kind enough to provide a link please? a scholarly or reputable source would be great.

Don't make shit up please. They are savage enough that you don't need to lie.

I'm serious they got real fucking paranoid at me even though I was just telling them I wanted to learn and I had to backpeddle real fucking aggressively to get out. I was on full fighting alert mode because they were bunching up and searching for vulnerabilities, like going for the grab.

I'm sure it wouldn't have happened if I wasn't white-skinned.

Just a friendly reminder leaf that your days of insulting the Prophet are over!

Report all Islamphobic leaf attacks to the RCMP. M-103


honestly if every muslim would show up in my face and give me a reason I could kill all of them singlehandedly, it's their willingness to shamelessly hide and lie and stab you in the back like cowards that makes them so hard to deal with

the rcmp is never going to touch me

anyway, I wanted to hear my suspicions confirmed by others, thats why I really made this thread

>hey just wondering is it true that Islam
The Talmud says it too, moron.

Quran tl;dr - All the bad shit you hear about it is real. All the good stuff is usually taken out of context to help faggots virtue signal on twitter

that's not true I'm almost certain that the talmud says that jews shouldn't fuck non-jews and should only sell them for profit to muslims and catholics on each side of the Mediterranean

Nah, they're actually pretty much the same book.
Hell, the talmud is actually being more explicit about all the rape your (white) slaves shit.
The koran heavily implies it, the talmud straight out states it.

Aren't non-Muslims allowed to pay a tax as well? Like, obviously they're going to be persecuted, and time to time just randomly killed, but it's better than all being put to the sword immediately.

It's like, live pretty shitty and pay money, or die now.

are you telling me that hitler did nothing wrong because I'm seriously starting to consider it

I think it's that if you believe in the judeo-christian-muslim god you can pay a tax and live as a second class citizen who will always be subservient to muslim rulers or you can be directly put to death or live in abject slavery forever. I'm absolutely certain this law is so that jews can have property and sell slaves in muslim ports and is more of a formality, they don't extend this privilege to christians except to humiliate them.

Nice post m8

Suck a bacon sausage Ahmed

hol up

i'll get ya some quotes

It's called the jizya and yes if you don't pay it they kill you or drive you off the land, but even if you pay it they're still basically allowed to do whatever the fuck they want.

The end goal is to pressure people to convert. Of course there's no real longterm goal here because if they get world dominance what then? No more people to parasitize off of, and they are a parasite ideology-religion.

Mohammed was basically just a warlord-merchant who loved to attack caravans and towns he thought he could take and his followers created a quasi-religious ideology to justify that kind of behavior.

First you'd have to explain what you thought he did wrong to begin with. You probably still think muh holocaust is real.

why would you need a physical copy?

there is lots of good pages to browse the Quran and are easier to search

For a word-by-word version:


For a more general approach, with different translations available:


>“A proselyte who is under the age of three years and a day is permitted to marry a priest.” 1 Subsequent rabbis refer to ben Yohai’s endorsement of pedophilia as “halakah,” or binding Jewish law. 2
gentiles are viewed as cattle and the law does not protect them from the laws in the talmud

so I think you were referring to 4:24

>And [also prohibited to you are all] married women except those your right hands possess. [This is] the decree of Allah upon you. And lawful to you are [all others] beyond these, [provided] that you seek them [in marriage] with [gifts from] your property, desiring chastity, not unlawful sexual intercourse. So for whatever you enjoy [of marriage] from them, give them their due compensation as an obligation. And there is no blame upon you for what you mutually agree to beyond the obligation. Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Wise.

وَالمُحصَناتُ مِنَ النِّساءِ إِلّا ما مَلَكَت أَيمانُكُم ۖ كِتابَ اللَّهِ عَلَيكُم ۚ وَأُحِلَّ لَكُم ما وَراءَ ذٰلِكُم أَن تَبتَغوا بِأَموالِكُم مُحصِنينَ غَيرَ مُسافِحينَ ۚ فَمَا استَمتَعتُم بِهِ مِنهُنَّ فَآتوهُنَّ أُجورَهُنَّ فَريضَةً ۚ وَلا جُناحَ عَلَيكُم فيما تَراضَيتُم بِهِ مِن بَعدِ الفَريضَةِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كانَ عَليمًا حَكيمًا

>First you'd have to explain what you thought he did wrong to begin with. You probably still think muh holocaust is real.
well killing jewish children probably unnecessary but I figured maybe what really happened was he drafted them into the hitler youth nazi training programs

is there a good source online to browse the Talmud w/vowels?

Preferably w/word-by-word explanation as in:


Ok, well then you buy into fiction with no physical evidence.

Hitler Youth really wasn't any different in terms of what was being done than today's public school system--indoctrination. At least the Hitler Youth were inculcated with healthy values which were ostensibly good for them instead of what western white children are put through today.

so what you're saying is hitler didn't kill any children?

>it's encouraged to fuck livestock to release sexual frustration
it's prohibited
in s. arabia and iran results in death penalty

There's no evidence of Hitler ordering any killings of anyone. The only thing which David Irving was able to find primary evidence of (real documents) was letters from Heinrich Himmler to one of his underlings about euthanizing some small number of old feeble people, which had explicit orders to keep it a secret from Hitler as he wouldn't like it.

This may shock you but war victors tend to create propaganda to demonize the vanquish and/or justify their own atrocities--like fire bombing Dresden after the war was already over and killing hundreds of thousands of civilians.

all this time I've been wondering why hitler looked like such a nice guy in every picture...


I have a lot I need to think about

>Tarık Suresi 7. ayet: Sperm comes from in between the spine and the ribs.

>Rahman-14. : God created mankind from mud.

It really doesn't take a genius to grow up an atheist in a muslim country.It's full of bullshit.

Also here is a rare Atatürk for you.He was also an atheist probably.

no, that's actually fake hadith to justify child marriage.

where youget this shit? some anti islam website?

no, those passages are a part of a historical record that does not pertain to today. only ISIL peddles this drivel.

I teach history and philosophy to high schoolers and from now and then i have one of those fucked-up-dry-wall-snorters classes, made up entirely by immigrants, all of them are muslims except the occasional greeks and romanians.
I can assure you they don't know shit about islam, they know some verses sometimes, sometimes they can't read while their parents can.
A parent who doesn't show his ot her child to read to but still teaches some verses from the quran is fucking diabolical.
And this is the majority of the immigrants we have in italy right now, most won't go to school.

bahahaha.... more myths.

you're a fucking muslim aren't you

you never went to the radical Muslim masjid, fool.

Well I mean, Muhammad married a 6 year old, so would you really be surprised if that was true?

Google QURAN, moron.

type "muhammed is a pigfucking faggot" and post it or get the fuck out

GOOGLE it svp.

It says that in Judaism too but you tolerate them. Checkmate

I really don't tolerate them they're cheaters and liars as well.


that's cos he's a sociopath like 25% of people are.

the successful ones have the money tho. and they do not understand what sharing means.

stop exaggerating. you didn't ask nicely or gave lame excuses.

seriously muslim get the fuck out you're not welcome here

say it. say muhammed is a pigfucker.

so what weapons would you use to kill those vampires you call Muslims?

i recommend an oak stake.

>Islam is being exposed
>Quick, let's blame the Jews

No, Ahmed, nobody's falling for it

my bare hands. bullets. whatever is most efficient at the time.

the koran is the fundamentalist version of the talmud.

the madiths are basically texts to excuse bad behavior or punish it.

child marriage is approved by a perverse hadith about aisha that islamphobes spout as it were true..

even some muslims who are moderate believe it to be true.

IMHO it justifies child marriage.

however it is untrue aisha was 9. she was likely 12. and abu bakr convinced mohammad to wait 6 years after the wedding,.

no, i am more well read than most of you virgins are.

no, cos it is a lie. most hadiths are basically men being men. i think muslim women who apostate are more truthful.

bahaha. little boy, go and tell them another bullshit story.

>however it is untrue aisha was 9. she was likely 12. and abu bakr convinced mohammad to wait 6 years after the wedding,.
this nigger seriously thinks I don't already know the words "Taqiyya, tawriya, kitman, muruna"

seriously you fucking mudslime I'm going to murder your father and teach your sons to love christ


the best way to kill a muslim is to basically chop off their necks and mount them on stakes like vlad the impaler did.

if they fear you as great shaitan, so much the better


it is your ignorance that leads you to want tokill them, boy.

yea even their hadiths lie.

Reported to leaf police.

sorry, stupid boy, i am a Christian. You need to know the enemy by being their guests.

otherwise you are just gonna get crucified.

Listen to me. I am not going to appeal to your emotions. I am not going to teach you fear. I am not going to make examples or try to sit with you at the table. We are not going to negotiate. I am not going to watch the life leave your body or look into your eyes as you fall. I am not going to torture you or bother myself with your women. I am not going to worry about your children or what they may do because I know they will recognize strength.

I will kill you. I will draw the life from your body and leave it scattered on the dirt. I will take no pleasure in your suffering, I shall feel no remorse for your loss. I will erase you like the worthless mistake you and your kind are.

keep reporting.

the stuff i am talking about is what soldiers against daesh must do. you cannot follow Geneva convention ever.

>no, cos it is a lie
Hahaha no it's not, are you serious?

You're denying the most trustworthy and authentic biographies of the life of Muhammad, and also calling Muslim scholars liars.

This is exactly what happened, he married Aysha when she was 6 and was still playing with her dolls, then had sex with her at the age of 9.

He also performed "thighing" on her, which I probably don't have to explain to anyone.

Most Muslims would be shocked to find these things out, but luckily they know close to nothing about their own religion. That's changing slowly though, thanks to the internet.

in order to defeat the Muslim you must think like the Muslim.

if you think like a knight you are gonna drown in a river you horse throws you in.

yes, unto my death. if muslims can, lie, i can lie too.

>I'm a christian
>proceeds to quote mudslime insurgent tactics

the usual bullshit story.... you read the lie that justifies child marriage.

Oh I thought you were serious

They sure can lie to spread Islam via deception though, it's called Taqyia

Then why are they still doing it? There's video evidence all over the net.

no, both sides used these tactics.

you do not know your enemy.

you use western ideals.

start thinking like a muslim you moron.

the number one rule is EVERYONE IS ALLOWED TO LIE.

If you think I don't have the courage to behead a child or a woman you are wrong. I don't think like a knight or like the Muslim scum. I will be King, and I will make whatever sacrifices are necessary to achieve my desire and form my kingdom. I will create this world in my own image, in the shape of my own morality, and I shall teach others to do as I do, for that is justice, and that is the sword that shall strike down upon your neck.

i bet the ones whose jobs is to teach islamic law properly think these Muslim laws are good.

and yet the West know this to be untrue.

I am greater than the weaknesses of others. I will be the hero that leads them out of the darkness. You take your powerlessness, lack of trust and loyalty, your fear and cowardice for granted. That is what will be your undoing, while I build my kingdom upon justice and unflinching, unwavering integrity, you will be torn apart by your own children, and they will then come to me in supplication.

cos that's probably feebleminded masutrbators who do not understand greater jihad. and less jihad.

always resist killing people and doing violent. if you can control yourself, you can defeat the enemy, yourself.

absolutely not
t. muslim who has actual knowledge of the religion

soo is the widespread child marriage in the muslim world just a mistake? a misreading? are they not real moslems?

Too bad about the fumes but I want you to suffer.

your egomaniac saddens me. stop that. you are talking like a fool..

yes, educate us knd sir, and also tell us how to deat you while daesh are at it.

there you will have to ignore geneva convention because daesh plays by the law of Hammurabi.

eye for eye and tooth for tooth, and sex jihadi.

That fucking leaf. 200% hallal.

what I saw in the middle east was a flock of cowards listening to the ravings of madmen, unaware that any of them could lift a finger to resist

cut their heads of like vlad did.

remember vlad was always a christian but he was protected by mahmet 2 until the time was to protect his interests.

is that fear I sense from you? it seems you still have the mind of a beaten child who shrinks at the threat of violence from a greater will

>or (won't) bother myself with your women
eradication is the only way, Mongolians understood that very well. You're making a massive mistake though, it's not not eradicate the children with them.

you have to scare the enemy. daesh had to execute their men cos some of them go scared by carpet bombing and the fact that kurds stole their yazidi pleasure women.

no negotiation due to daesh brainwashing meaning nobody can be rehabilitated except via the quran.

especially those women from the UK fleeing to daesh only to realize they are dead.

the uk makes muslim women weak. the only way to survive is to let the women deal with the sex jihadi comfort women.

the only reason I would make a spectacle of your death is to reassure my people and bring them courage, showing them that I would go to any lengths to protect them

once your body was deprived of life I would return to the earth that some good might come from your worthless essence rather than parade it like the perverts of your grotesque history books

no, your violence should be tested out on the field in east syria not in this dhimmi land.\

why? because there you fit in. here, you look like a mentally ill psychopath.

So guys

Lets try and look at the brightside, that's what i try and do

So lets say sharia law becomes world law, since half of every country now are cucks that dont wanna offend anyone and willingly let them into their country, burn their flag, rape women with impunity etc., which may very well happen

Okay, so then you convert, it wouldnt be so bad i think, men are in charge, you can bed 12 year old women, feminists have to listen to you and their husbands, it would be a truly patriarchal society ,life would be pretty good for us

You know, worse case scenario

Fuck u muslim piss of SHIT

theturks tried to make muslim kids secular. didn;t work. now w have an unstable autocrat named erdogan.

I will take their women and children and provide for them a home, a district to call their own, to work with their own hands for their own benefit. you think I will welcome them into our own cities? you are mad.

>You're denying the most trustworthy and authentic biographies of the life of Muhammad, and also calling Muslim scholars liars
textbook takyia