Supporters of Navalny hold rally against Medvedev and Putin

Based Navalny will fix Russia

>400k Russians emigrating
Christ, that's high, but where all they all moving too? Haven't really noticed an increase in Russians where I live.

It's over already LMAO
based russian police

Mostly to Europe.
R&D people go where their fields get higher funding.

Make Russia great again!

I like Putin desu

The anchor said police is coming to the studio.

Bнимaтeльнo paccмoтpи чeлoвeкa нa пpилaгaющeйcя фoтoгpaфии. Moжeшь ли ты пpeдcтaвить ceбe, кaк этoт мyжчинa плaчeт и нaбиpaeт дpoжaщими пaльцaми тeлeфoн кaкoй-тo ycaтoй бляди, чтoбы paccкaзaть o cвoих "пapтнepcких oтнoшeниях" к нeй? Moжeшь пpeдcтaвить, чтo oн пpoпycкaeт нa гocдoлжнocть жиpнoгo мaмoнтa c дaчeй нa Pyблeвкe? A тo, чтo oн paбoтaeт пapy днeй, вopyя из гocбюджeтa, чтoбы кyпить ceбe яхтy? Tы видишь в нeм чeлoвeкa, кoтopый cтecняeтcя cкaзaть чинoвникaм, чтo нa cвoй copoкoвoй дeнь poждeния oн хoчeт oтcтpaнить их вceх oт дoлжнocтeй?

Teпepь пocмoтpи нa нeгo eщe paз. Bидишь ли ты нa нём нeлeпo виcящий дopoгoй кocтюм? Moжeт oн пoкpыт тoннoй бoтoкca и c зaлыcинoй нa гoлoвe? Oн oблaдaeт внeшнocтью тyпoгo зaкoмплeкcoвaннoгo кapлaнa? Cзaди нeгo cтoят пpoплaчeнныe ceктaнты?

Пocмoтpи cнoвa нa этoгo мyжчинy и cпpocи caмoгo ceбя, чтo c ним нe тaк? Пoчeмy в eгo взглядe — жeлeзo, в eгo ocaнкe — cтaль, a вмecтo кoжи — cвинeц?

Кaк жaль, чтo ceгoдня пpeзидeнт выглядит тaк, кaким eгo хoтят видeть "пaтpиoты".

Кaк жaль.

Right now, he said, 3 police officers are waiting him outside of the building, probably they want to detain him without cameras recording them.

the guy commentating that video is such a cocksucking liberal scum

"Every pothole, is corruption!"
"Every bad road, corruption!"
"Every snowpile that hasn't been cleaned, is corrupt government fault!"

what a retard. these russki liberals have 0 notion of self determination. how bout you go clean that snowpile yourself idiot instead of screaming corruption

He said that every bad road has name, name of bureaucrat who stole money that were meant to build that particular road. Isn't that the truth?

Firefighters came to the office, claiming that a fire is having place there (fake news). Seems like translation is over. Plice is inside now.


He says police with a dog is looking for an non-existent bomb, LMAO.

Kikes hate Navalny

Looks like police and firefighters left the office and translation continues.
Dogs, as was said, appeared to be cute and clever.

The fuck did Evgenia do to you? Jeez.

it's true in the minds of russians who haven't adapted to post-communist time.

not every injustice in society is government's job to fix

Pro-Navalny Russians want more freedom and more capitalism, not neo-feudalism, you must be getting something wrong. Sad!

Let you know that Navalny is for lesser government, more civil control of authorities and pro-guns.

to be honest i don't think russian people are capable of handling that.

when you will give russkis more freedom, they will start complaining "why isn't the government giving me X and Y?"

90 years of gibs is hard to undo, mentality is completely fucked