Honestly, what do you feel when you look at this picture?

honestly, what do you feel when you look at this picture?

The scariest thing about humans is the ease with which we short-circuit the objective parts of our brain in order to pledge ourselves to nonsense.

ugly fucking manlet trash

It's nice to see young white families having children.

Naive activists. Poor guys.

I'm not sure. It looks to be a young family making a political stand on a college campus. As a couple who had children, I assume neither of the parents are still in school so I'm confused at why they are protesting on a college campus.

>what do you feel

disdain. they shouldnt bring children into something they dont understand.

I don't think there is a more beautiful sight in the world than a loving white family of good genetic stock.

Btw the kikes at google are trying to shit up search results for 'white family' with niggers as usual.

you need help my friend

I'm happy whenever I see white children. It means we have a future in this world, at least for another generation.

If the Mother has nice feet then maybe the girls will too?

you need help my friend

Happy that White people are still starting families and having kids

that would be awesome

do we have any moar?

There's hope for the world yet. That's a father and a son right there.

Points for making the cunt and cuntlets understand that while they live in Daddy's house they need to do as Daddy says.

Kind of impressed that a guy with a neckbeard and a bowl cut managed to reproduce

Don't use children as political props.

Looks like the fucking autists who probably post in those threads

Sad for the kids. Child Protective Services should take them away from those nutcase parents who are warping their minds with trash.

Why do the kids need to know about pizzagate? Fuck,their parents are assholes .

bluepilled communist faggots on vacation from Sup Forums

Kys.Where the fuck did you get i was a commie you retard ?

I don't think pizzagate is real but just dismissing it as without any basis is short circuiting the objective part of our brains too

cheese pizza


These inbred cuckservative types always make us look bad, this shabbow's goy probably has and "I stand with Israel" bumper sticker too. Literally as bad as liberals desu

Go be a gullible nigger somewhere else