Brazil is forever commie

>mfw in the middle of an American Rock Festilval people started to shout the name of our leftist former president which will be candidate once again in 2018
It's over, Brazil is finished, plz kill me finished

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we're fucking doomed...

Aren't you a capitalist country though ?


Elect Lula please so the economy will crash even more and I can go there and buy things for next to nothing.

Lula de novo com a força do povo

chora coxinha

If that worked, you could go to Africa right now and buy everything uou want
Unless all you want is soy, I suppose that would work

Who owns da beans of brodugtion den ? :D

we are diseased with the cultural marxism. we just scaped a 14 socialist oriented government that fucked our biggest oil company (that is actually owned by the government and is inneficient as fuck. the stock price dropped from 10 usd to 1 usd during the last years. ), and helped the major gommies in the americas, Venezuela and Cuba.

I am so sorry, Brazil. We failed you. We should have never sent our freaks, trannies and homos to the Penal Colony of Brazil. We should had Holocausted them. But we had too much mercy. If we could go back in time, we would only populate Brazil with good Portuguese people. And you would still have an Emperor

In a few years, China.

We still have hope. Bolsonaro will make brazil great for once.

I blame the Foro de São Paulo

He'll never win against Lula. He'd win against a tucano, except maybe Doria, but not Lula. People developed a cult around that faggot and he has a lot of funds, Bolsonaro has no capital or political support from major parties.

How can a country go from being the first country to commit biological warfare/genocide against natives to being a communist state?

So they're privately owned.
Gabidalism it is then.

>We should have never sent our freaks, trannies and homos to the Penal Colony of Brazil.
>16th - 19th century. Settlers mix with native women = homos and trannies


Bolsonaro actually looks like a funny guy. What is his economic stance?

Hey, what do you think I meant by freaks!?

No one does ourges better than commies. Subversive psychos have been working their lunacy on the entire continent since the 1800s. The US stopped them from taking over during the 50's and 60's during the cold war, but now there's no interest in stopping them.

that was not the mistake. the mistake is our own. we shoudve be an empire in brazil, The masons and their schemes turned brazil into a fucked up republic. Now we have no values no morals and no heroes. Every great thing brazil did that could creat heroes was erased from history. Just like this 3 brazilian man that faced 100 germans in the ww2. they fought bravely, and killed plenty of germans, when the bullets were depleted they charged using their bayonets. The germans witnessed it, and they burried the 3 Brazilians with the saying : here there are 3 Brazilian heroes. When the war was over, the bodies were returned to brazil, the army condecored them as heroes, but the president at the time never turned this public, for political reasons he did not want to give the military more power. i took exacly 30 years to know this history. thanks to Sup Forums and this band:

WTF I hate capitalism now

>obeying worker unions is compulsory in brazil, and basically any worker cartel can get executive power just by being a cartel

Nuke us please.

Legit question: is Tiririca politically based?

>his economic stance?
Mixed. He's in favour of getting closer to the US and Europe and going away from Venezuela/Cuba/Middle easterns like PT did. He's more or less a nationalist conservative with protectionist ideals about some important resources, especially minerals, but he is against state companies and is in favourable to privatizing if it is national companies, etc.

he has none. Thats is a huge mistake. he should present something fast. Every time he talks about it he talks about nationalizing our reserves of niobio and grafite. A large number of economists already debunked the economic impact of that. He does not know enough about economy. In my oppinion he is not the man that will take brazil out of the crisis, he is the guy that will make brazil a safer place and will instance order on this huge chaos. The candidate that can solve the crisis is the actual major of São paulo, João Doria. He is filthy rich has lots of contacts and is doing a very good job in são paulo. He was elected mayor in the first round with 40% voters.


He is one of those guys that do nothing bad, but also do nothing good.

He is as corrupt as a wood stick would be, but also a good politician as a wood stick would be

Well, privatizing national companies is what matters most. You can have some protecctionism, but not that much

Doria is only another Jew.

>The candidate that can solve the crisis is the actual major of São paulo, João Doria.
I'm not that big a fan of Bolsonaro, but Doria is just a generic centrist. Never forget, he was 100% Hillary.

Is his party based at least (by based I mean that it would be on the right side of the spectrum)?

he is allright. he never missed a single day of work. but once he realized there is nothing he can do to fix brazil as a congressman and that his party is filled with rats, he got tired of the politic game. he said he will never run for politics again.

>check out pics
>5 years of worker's party "progress"
Fuck these degenerated nihilists.

Why did he gave a speech on UN in first place?


he was pro hillary. but his candidature as president makes me happy. He could fix the economy. And if he fails his voters will vote for bolsonaro.

Those are some epic memes in Portugal, my man

His party seemed based

To clarify, Doria is essentially Jeb! if Jeb had a drop of charisma. He is an agreable neolib who figured out how to play the demagogue better than the rest of his pretentious party, mostly because he is more of a businessman than a politician.

i know he is pro hillary, but doria is before anything a marketing man. He is just listening to the bought media (he is probably watching too much globonews). Once he have a talk to trump he will change his mind.
this one is better

Would you say Bolsonaro being President with Doria leading the economic program a good solution

>He is an agreable neolib who figured out how to play the demagogue better than the rest of his pretentious party, mostly because he is more of a businessman than a politician.

He seems perfect. I hope he wins

He didn't.

Doria will never accept this.

>people saying Dória
He already said he won't candidate himself for president and he will support Alckmin

ITT: bunch of babies can't see Communism is the best future for our shitty country

Blood diamonds?

>degenerate jew festival with jew music
Why are you so surprised?

i pray for that every single day. But better than that, Bolsonaro´s son have contacts in the Mises Brazilian school, he could ask a person there to be his advisor and/or minister. That would unify the right (that is now basicly conservatives and libertarians) and create a good program to show to the market.

Why do you trust him so much? I don't even trust Bolsonaro, but at least he is consistent enough in the crazy shit he says that I think he'd at least try. Doria would be FHC 2.0. Better than Lula, but in the end he would just play the game.

He may actually be the most responsible choice however, because Bolsonaro wouldn't have any support from the congress and would end up just like Collor did. To be completely honest, this electin I will just vote against the left, so if it isn't against Lula I'll probably won't even bother.

You seem to be very boring politically, as in you sound like you'd vote for Merkel.

>unironically thinking like that
You should consider suicide

Still more than a year away, no need to fret over it user.
Instead, just sit back and screencap this: with the economic growth soon to return thanks to the few reforms already made with Temer, (((Lula))) will have been completely forgotten by then. Or at least, forgotten EXCEPT for being the one that ultimately caused all the economic troubles after squandering the solid economy he inherited when first elected.

Who knows, maybe the "russian hackers" will help out too by """interfering""" in our elections like they allegedly did with Drumpf and Le Pen.

It would work if Africa wasn't Africa, the home of the niggers. Unfortunately that doesn't bode well for Brazil, or most of it anyway.

Alckmin has the charisma of a smashed coca cola aluminum can

Bolsonaro or Doria got my vote

Would probably vote Doria over Bolsonaro

>Never forget, he was 100% Hillary.

Then is mentally retarded to fall into the elite tricks and like hillary.

>Communism is the best future for our shitty country
Communism destroyed anything it touched. Honestly, after the USSR collapsed, the only people still rooting for the left are the mentally retarded.

>this electin I will just vote against the left, so if it isn't against Lula I'll probably won't even bother.

im a libertarian myself, i dont even like any of them. i want a small government and more liberties to the consumers and producers. But i totally agree, our pressing matter is to avoid the left with all costs.

parem de falar em inglês, pardos imundos
ninguém lá fora liga pra nós
95% dessa thread é composta por brasileiros

>as in you sound like you'd vote for Merkel


Go back to cancro favelado.

Obrigado por me reconheceres, filho.

Agora a sério, espero que arranjem um bom governo de direita, e que limpem o vosso país da merda do Lula e da Dilma


Sadly this will never happen. Shitskins are too dumb. Democracy is a mistake.

>Brazil is forever commie
better than forever corrupt

The thing about that the left right now is that Lula is all they have. That's why the libshills are trying to kill him at all cost, so they'll finally have their PSDB drone back in power again for another decade. If Lula is out of the picture, the left is done for. No leadership whatsoever, except for useless, umpopular idiots like Marina, so we just go back to the status quo, which is progressive neoliberalism.

You will see your political pragmatism stab you on your back one day, as the corporate cocksuckers turn the state into a socialist technocracy and rule you like feudal oligarchs. Never trust liberals.

They're fucking synonyms

Communists are corrupt by nature. Commies just increase the state indefinitely and make it more cancerous over time, they just can't help it. PT has a horrible history with this, as they just make up useless projects and bloat the state so they can present their veteran comrades who have been on the good old party for centuries with overpayed government jobs. Not that other parties don't do the same, but the left is fucking obsessed, and they vow to strenghen their parties at all costs.

Latin American socialists are particularly bad at this, Venezuela being the best living example of their incompetence.

i think that even if lula is out of the picture, we still have Ciro Gomes as a very able possibility. The "educated" left that are now orphans will run to him. He could virtually destroy bolsonaro on a debate, but against doria he could not do it. Bolsonaro dont have the economic repertoire to crush Ciro in a debate.

não basta invadir terreno, vai querer invadir thread também?

>Ciro Gomes
>born in Pindamonhangaba

WTF, Brazil!?

Purge academia ffs.

>Ciro Gomes
They'll run him to the ground. Bolsonaro could beat him. People like Ciro and Marina simply don't have the popularity or loyalty of the popular electorate like Lula does, and the "educated left" isn't even 10% of the population.

Don't forget the PT/PSOL/PCdoB left doesn't have Globo shilling for them, and don't have much hold of the internet. All they have is some unions and academia. At least Bolsonaro has the internet on his side, and his fanatic supporters could actually outsell him on the streets. Ciro x Bolsonaro would be fascinating to watch.


from what i watched on internet discourses from both of them. Bolsonaro has nothing on the economic side.

Lol, a bunch of middle class kids shouting for a communist thief. This country is a joke.

Why is it always the poorest who fall for the communist meme?

check this out, 17 minutes i think. Bolsonaro has nothing on economic plans.

what the fuck is it with spics and communism....don't you fuckers ever learn from other countries with way more rigid cultures? @COMMIES THAT SHIT DOESN'T WORK GET OFF THE BOARD

we could be NatSoc if you didn't war with them fag

Don't forget that Ciro "crushed" everyone on every "debate" he had against Lula or FHC. Yet when the motherfucker opened his mouth, he went from the first place on the polls to the third place. He's an arrogant northeastern type who can't help but to sound arrogant. Being an excelent debater didn't help him beat populist Lula or even "prince" Cardoso back in the 90's.

Don't get me wrong, on a debate he'd probably do better than Bolsonaro to leftist middle-class intellectuals and could even win some centrists, but that doesn't mean he'd win the election. If Bolsonaro emphasize job-creation he'll do "ok" with the vast majority of the electorate and that's enough. His thoughts on security and criminality, combined with his rabid fanbase is what makes him stronger than Ciro in my view. I don't know if he'd win against him for sure, but I'd bet on it.

I've probably seen the interview, you don't need to link anyting.

its easy :
>be unaducated, and poor.
>go to the public hospital, wait for 4 hours in the waiting line. Go out with probably a wrong diagnosis (it happened to me once.) get a free medicine (sometimes its just placebo).
> think for yourself : oh free healthcare is great.
poor people cant realize that :
1 - if the taxation were not crazy in brazil (we pay high taxes on products, services, imports, and over what we produce as workers. When you buy or sell shit you also have to pay it. ) this fucker would be able to pay for atleast his medicines cheaper than what the government pays for it (and also steals in the process).

2 - poor people cant save money or invest properly.

3 - When they have money, they spend it on shit instead of buying a book or learning a trade.

Lulapalooza é a prova que a esquerda caviar é o maior câncer do Brasil.

taking lectures from the former electorate of Obama. How is your obamacare going you fat bastard?

give to USA = nationalism

>just as planned

We're in the same bucket BrazilBro.
Our PM(s) keep selling Canada to the Chinese for fat stacks of cash.

lula ladrão roubou meu coração S2

Fucking disgusting

Its time to get together and start purging.

So to you, giving to Cuba = Nationalism? Venezuela must be ultranationalist then. This is where you commie fags really lose me, as your strategy seems to directly antagonize better trading partners and pretty much give FREE MONEY to pinko governments, investing billions in some gay port in Cuba because you want to fight the ebil imperialists. Fucking Star Wars mentality made up by babies.

>nobody posted my MBGA.gif yet
vai lula

watch out commies the captain is coming

Oh, we'll do the same. Lula will sell our entire country to them, and then give the money to comrade Castro and comrade Maduro.

still soc buddy if your countries weren't always trying to achieve some vain concept of a "higher social order" and just let your people degenerate at the regular rate and breed out the chaff you'd be fine. but no you're always trying to reinvent the wheel

son i didn't vote for obama

>standard of living in brazil
>standard of living in US

shhhhhhhhhhhhh no more tears now thiago pele was your only worthwhile export

No surprise here. Bolsonaro can't win and Dória is not running. The Northeastern shitskins will vote for PT again. I'm planning to get the fuck out ASAP.

> Dória is not running
Oh, he'll run. It's unlikely that he won't, everyone else from PSDB is fucked.

I am starting to believe pic related deserves to be your President

No. We just need a couple of nukes, that's all.

>communism and better future used in the same sentence

>Don't forget the PT/PSOL/PCdoB left doesn't have Globo shilling for them

Actually, Globo shilled hard for Freixo during the 2016 Rio elections.

>Actually, Globo shilled hard for Freixo during the 2016 Rio elections.
That surprises me, although the prime-meat eating elitist pricks probably thought a champaigne socialist like Freixo would be better than Crivella. How did they go about that? I guess I shouldn't be surprised that even the left's diatribe about Globo being a liberal/conservative mouthpiece is a joke.

Brazil is the future America

Globo news is shilling against trump and were shilling hillary nonstop. They are playing the cultural marxism all the tume the other day i saw a whole show qbout gender fluid fashion market in brazil. Globo news should aim for the brqzilian elites. Therefore our elites are 90% socialist oriented.