I don't think we should shame coal-burning women prior to a white relationship

I don't think we should shame coal-burning women prior to a white relationship.

If we truly believe that women are easily manipulated by our media, it isn't their fault and it is up to us to inform them. Once they become redpilled (regardless of their past relationships and hookups that weren't toxic and based solely on the experience with sleeping with men from other races), what does it matter if they have slept with anyone other than white?

I am dating a college German girl that has lived most her life with the false pretense that preserving the white race doesn't matter as well as some WW2 guilt. But ever since we started dating, I've become irreplaceable and I red-pill her along the way. She doesn't see black men as the only option when wanted to date an alpha male. She already sees a future with me as I do with her. And she now understands that its bigger than her. I constantly encourage behavior that is beneficial to her and our future children.

If we continue to shit on women that have ever slept with a black guy, we aren't doing anyone a favor. Especially for ourselves.

I'm not saying any sort of interracial relationships are acceptable. But at the end of the day, they are having children with white men that aren't cucks, we are successful.


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you right

Fuck off

Thats really gonna hold you back weon

Whatever it takes to dilute the painful images you have of Jamal repeatedly impailing her, buddy.

If you can get over the fact that there your gf once had a naked nigger sweating away on top of her while all her holes were being plowed and filled with black jizz, then I guess

Why would you choose to imagine that about any woman? You just mentioning that makes you the most cucked of them all faggot

Women here are no way as slutty as burger women. Also only a cuck would have kids with a coalburner after seeing that study, knowing that their kids will have dindu DNA.

Agreed its not entirely their fault. The blame lies with parents who send their daughters to school with blacks or live within 50 miles of them. Still... they are lost just the same.

I can tell you right now that if you let a study like that stop you from having white children. You're going to be kicked out of the gene pool regardless of microchimerisms. You aren't going to get a 100% untainted human. Your mother slept with some negritos in Reñaca for all you know, and I'm sure you're fine.

Nah. Men are victims of the mass media just the same as women are. All of us here (minus lefties and shills) have woken up and didn't betray our race. But they stayed asleep and now we have to feel sorry for them?

Fuck that and fuck coalburners.

Your mudshark girlfriend will cheat on you btw. Fucking cuck.

So you're telling me if anyone that is bluepilled is not allowed to be redpilled?

The fuck is the matter with you. A majority of people are raised bluepilled and make the conscious decision to be informed.

Nope, no hymen, no diamond.

Used goods, regardless of whether or not they're whores or serial monogamists, are trash and make worse wives.

Why incur higher risk for less reward?

Are you having difficulty reading? I know this is a lot for you to take in (probably what he said to your girlfriend) but don't try and deflect it back onto me. You're the one trying to justify your girlfriend being ravaged by black guy's.

A lot of people are raised bluepilled and DON'T go out and fuck a nigger. No mercy for coalburners.

Repeat after me:

All women are like that.
No women are worth it.

Once she gets a ring on her finger only niggers will ever get in that pussy again.

Run. Don't look back.

From the way you are describing my girlfriend around black guys, you truly are the cuck of this discussion.

The issue isn't about them not realizing the lies that are portrayed on the MSM. The issue is that they take too long to realize it.

They are, in the literal sense, retarded.

But I think a girl that turned 20 is still young enough to realize it on her own. As well as finding someone optimal for themselves regardless of race.

I agree, you can be a 40 year old retard.

Just stop trying to form coherent responses, it's getting embarrassing and you are obviously struggling, it's probably the aids starting to kick in. Get tested.

The man in that picture is ideal body, face, facial hair, and hair.

If they are stupid enough to fuck around with niggers in the first place you do not want them period.

Accurate representation of the situation.

Lol dude just admit you have no problem with your women being fucked by niggers. You're trying so hard to validate yourself. Cuck.

Listen, I think you try too hard. I do wish you good luck in your relationship, but I fear that when you hit your lowest point (i.e. work struggles, parent dies, etc...), you have a pretty good chance of getting cucked.

I don't say this out of malicious intent, but moreso out of experience.

From what I have seen with my entourage, the lower the number of partners your SO has had, the higher the chance that she will support you.

I don't think its ok for my woman to fuck black guys. I'm saying that it shouldn't matter if it was prior to your relationship. I'm not a cuck

She remained virgin till marriage, wtf. Everyone in my family is traditional. Also niggers are starting to appear now, there weren't niggers here before.
>implying every girl is like a Murican and rides the cock carousel
No hymen no diamond

microchimerism is only if intercourse resulted in pregnancy. Does that macro really cite some stupid shit like rooshv or chateau?

Learn to read, idiot.

I was waiting until someone with an IQ above 100 responded to this thread.

>I don't think we should shame coal-burning women prior to a white relationship.
Your never coming back to this and explicitly stating you're dating a coalburner shows how proud of it you are. You're ashamed, as you know you should be.

I'm chilean myself and grew up in Santiago. There have always been dark skinned dudes.

that's all i have to really add. I don't have a response to your OP.

A red pilled man knows the score. Shaming is a good tactic to sway public opinion, if you're going to use it, use it right or with subtle subversion. But most anything under your own control is finding your own quality mate, everything else is largely outside of your sphere of influence. So a red pilled man should be able to associate with only high quality women in his personal life and that takes care of most of the issue. Spread knowledge to other men, because they lead women.

The Microchimerism image is misleading; however I would refer you to:

Male and female infidelity correlated with previous sexual partner count. Data from National Opinion Research Center’s General Social Survey 2010 compiled into graphs.


"On the other hand, for men, having had more sex partners in their lifetime was a predictor of less sexual satisfaction."
And many other statistics

"Having more prior sex partners predicted a higher likelihood of future ESI"

Teachman study correlating number of sexual/cohabitational partners with divorce, using 1995 National Survey of Family Growth

"Both structural equation and group comparison analyses demonstrated that sexual restraint was associated with better relationship outcomes, even when controlling for education, the number of sexual partners, religiosity, and relationship length."

Sexual restraint in relationship correlated with better relationship quality



tl;dr: No hymen, no diamond.

Santiago is not Chile.
I live in another city I won't name, and niggers started to appear very recently. And my mother dislikes them, she always think they are potential criminals (and she is right).
Also it seems from what you wrote, that your mother was a slut and rode some black cocks.

That macro cites plosone and pubmed. Did you read them?
Science is in constant change, if you didn't know.

but Sup Forums isn't, ive seen the left side of that image for years now, and the right side has manosphere buzzwords that wouldn't be found in pubmed unless roosh became a doctor lately.

i know all of that, still microchimerism as it was put forth in that regard is bs. Good luck finding your virgins.

Chile expelled all niggers at independence

Immigrants from countries with lots of niggers like Colombia don't belong in the pseudo-Prussian highlands of Chile. The Chileans aren't pure white but they're one of the great races of the world, if Chileans were more numerous the world would be a more orderly place.

Eh, there's plenty of white girls out there who haven't FUCKED A NIGGER for me to choose from. I think coalburners should just be ostracized and made an example of.

Everyone knows that the left side isn't in the source.
The thing is that some guy read the studies and wrote that, realizing that the conclusion of the study didn't include something that could be infered (which is the messsge of the macro), as it would be way to politically incorrect for our times, because of (((feminism))). Now, if you want to debunk him, then read the studies and analize the data/results.

OP you're clearly an idiot. Only an idiot would use the typical "muh your mother did [insert degenerste thing]".
Btw slutiness has a genetic basis (well, not 100%, but still), so if you breed with a slut, your daughters will be most likely sluts too. Source: livescience.com/culture/gene-linked-to-promiscuity-infidelity-101201.html

And most coalburners are huge sluts.

sure thing hoss; 90% of those are from pregnancy out of 20% of women with microchimerism overall.

2% of your average non-virgin women will have chimeric DNA.

actually not even average, most of the participants had RA

Grouping all women that ever had sex with a black person and calling them sluts is retarded. What if a woman had sex with one man in her whole lifetime which happened to be black as opposed to 16 white men?

>Santiago is not Chile

You lost all credibility when you said that. Go to sleep.

You have a point here. People on Sup Forums are always like, 'U LIKE TO PICTURE UR GF GETTING FUKT BY A BLACK GUY?' as though its totally alright with them to imagine their girlfriend sleeping with white guys.

I mean, really, is it okay for your girlfriend to have had sex with other white guys? "It's okay, baby, you did it for the white race," sounds like something a true cuck would say.

>Grouping all women that ever had sex with a black person and calling them sluts is retarded. What if a woman had sex with one man in her whole lifetime which happened to be black as opposed to 16 white men?

Like I said, most women who have sex with blacks are sluts. Also sluts will always be sluts, no matter if they rode more white cock than black cock. >Santiago is not Chile
>You lost all credibility when you said that. Go to sleep.
Idiot. The rest of Chile isn't like Santiago. Nigger will go to the very populated cities (ie: most of them will go to Santiago, and some will go to Valparaiso, Viña del Mar, etc.) Anyway you lost all credibility when you posted that "muh your mother" joke. Go to sleep, little kid who uses those retarded jokes.

>implying Sup Forums is one person.

Fucking niggers. My mom left my father and became a nigger-fucking coke whore when I was 11. She fucked so many nigger cocks, I started to turn black retroactively.
Fucking nigger bitch mom!