WWII Redpills

WWII Redpills; I need a few for class, but nothing too crazy or that would get me fucked over for. And shit that's factual, not like

>inb4 holocaust never happened

More on actual WWII, not just kike hating shit, I'm trying to explain redpills, not get kicked out

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Katyn Forest

Make the point that Patton thought they were fighting the wrong enemy

FDR cucked every European nation east of the Oder river.

>Declare war over Poland's sovereignty
>Cede it to Stalin thus condemning the Poles to decades of socialist servitude

the allies killed 2 million german POWs in concentration camps after the war was over.

Bleiburg Massacre

Ask If Britain was so sure the Nazis were going to invade and it was indeed there darkest hour as Churchill proclaimed why did they not recall their armored divisions from north Africa to help defend the homeland?

At least 20,000 US prisoners of war were taken by our """allies"""" the Russians, where they remained imprisoned and tortured. Our president and his commie advisors did nothing to try and get them back.
Also how fucked we got with the lend lease stuff.
The war also could have been shorter. Also the anti nazi Germans trying to come to peace agreements with US.
Really the red pill is the commie infestation in the US gov't during WW2 that really fucked things up This is all documented btw, so it's not tin foil.

>commie infestation in the US gov't
This is the reason Chinese nationalists lost and China became communist

This sounds very interesting, I have not really heard about this before.

Any keywords to look up for more information about this?

It isn't true.
Being honest this board has been flooded by Stormfronters since 2012.
You won't find anything of value here and I'd suggest /his/ at this point.

There's no evidence Htler actually killed himself. FBI thought he was in S America or even USA. Soviets thought he got away or was even captured alive by one of the other allies. Pretty strange considering the official story is the Russians had his dead body.

- Churchill and FDR had direct lines To each other and would bypass the diplomatic service, foreign office, secstate, defense departments, chiefs of staff, generals etc.

- Churchill drunkenly ordered the anthrax bombing of Germqn cities when drunk. Generals convinced him to climb down by stressing that this would make most of mainland Europe uninhabitable for centuries.

- GCHQ/Bletchley Park knew about Pearl Harbour in advance, so Churchill likely did too. In any case, FDR had deliberately bated the Japanese into war by blockading them from SE Asia oil.

- Look up allied firebombing on Dresden, Pforzheim, Berlin.

- Poland was invaded because Poles were massacring ethnic Germans.

- Hitler dropped operation Sea Lion at short notice and brought forward Barbarossa because German intelligence discovered that the Soviets were about to launch a massive offensive and attempt to sweep to the Atlantic. Barbarossa vegan approximately 15 days before that offensive was due.

For years we've all thought of this as an example of Hitler's degeneration in mental faculties, because of inexplicably opening up the two front war he always wanted to avoid, at the worst possible time.

Turns out Hitler caught the Ruskies off guard and saved Europe from the commie menace.

- After the war we deliberately starved millions of Germans to death, just like after WW1.

Watch any of David Irving's lectures on YT. Especially anything about the Nuremberg sham trials. Read the introduction to Hitler's War and The War Path.

The bad guys won WWII.

It was a WORLD war not a localized German/British one. The north African campaign forced the axis to fight on another front, instead of letting them waltz in and claim a whole lot of free clay and resources, and the suez canal, before turning north again

tough pill but nice digits

D-Day beachhead invasion only succeeded when the German Army shore defenses ran out of bullets. Wave after wave of allied soldiers were sent to effect this. (Wikipedia page gives a scant reference to this)
Battleships were expensive but human bodies were cheap so allied ships never got close enough to pound the German concrete bunkers, because they themselves would be exposed to damaging enemy artillery fire.

Why is it morally acceptable to kill civilians if you use an airplane during WW2.

D-day was a babby-tier battle

Holocaust didn't happen. 6 million Jews weren't incinerated. If you can't handle this shit, fuck off onto CNN, or Huffington shitheap, dipshit.

Read Major Jordan's Diaries by George Racey Jordan. He was involved in sending lend lease material to Russia and testified on his experience to the HUAC.

the rin death camps, dachu, dressden, operation gomorrah, the winter war

>the greatest history never told

Focus on the British bombings, such as Dresden.

The russians won WW2

Germany invaded Poland because Polish and Jewish death squads were murdering the German minority there.
>What is Danzig massacre

Japan was planning to retaliate after the two nuclear bombs were dropped and an attempt to storm the capital was made by those still loyal to the emperor

German Civil War of 1918. This was a Jew-led communist revolution (Rosa Luxembourg was a famous leader) that caused the internal collapse of Germany during WWI. The German army was still fighting well but the rebellion caused logistical collapse internally. Hitler's ability to get Germans to hate Jews was based largely on this event.

Soviets Raped and Murdered their way across East Germany after the war was over

The jew bank system


>we knew the japs were going to attack pearl and didn't evacuate it
>we knew the germans were going to bomb coventry and didn't evacuate it
>we often sent out spotter planes to places we knew the german fleets were so later when we 'happened across' them it wasn't suspicious
all to protect the fact that we'd broken their codes

Bring up the Japanese Occupation death toll. It easily dwarfs the Holocaust, and they tortured and butchered both civilians and American POWs. They experimented on them too, with biological and chemical weapons, flamethrowers, etc. Unit 731. And point out how they got a relative free pass compared to Germany for it. It's a subtle redpill.