Liberals and Identity Politics BTFO

Liberals and Identity Politics BTFO

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Sowell is pretty well-trodden territory on Sup Forums, but have a bump nonetheless. Shit is timeless.

I literally just found out about Sowell the other day,
it was on a related-video to a johnny rebel song.

Based black man, but still black.

I enjoyed "Black Rednecks and White Liberals" but culture and education do not account for the majority of IQ, genetics do. Refusing to fight in the identity politics battle is just a principled surrender.

If genetics accounted for a majority of our IQ, then wouldn't that mean we could never be as smart as our parents, and we as a species are exponentially becoming more stupid? Look into "Wealth, Poverty, and Politics." Sowell talks about culture extensively and is a main theme throughout the entire book.

>he's just found out about sowell
you have a lot of learning to do, babbies
I suggest friedman while you're at it

>and we as a species are exponentially becoming more stupid?

We actually are though. There's a downward trend in IQ for the last 60 or so years.

I'm reading Intellectuals and Race right now. It's a pretty good read.

>the question is not why the Irish were so dumb it is why the English were so smart

Sowell ducks on a few questions on race regularly though. Usually something like
>>why are iq's like this
>we should be asking why western (white) populations are so good at this not why other's aren't as good at abstract thought

Yes, because our culture has become horrifically decadent. Race likely shapes culture to a certain degree because it influences biology and biology will influence how we react and interpret the environment around us. How we react to and interpret the world around us will lead to the formation of traditions, morals, and common attitudes which are the foundation of culture.

Sup Forums has a raging boner for race, especially if they are white, because it boosts their ego and sense of self worth in a piece of shit world that has no worth to them. However, race is not as important as they make it out to be in the realm of whether or not a person can be "good" or successful. Nigger culture is toxic because their history has been toxic. Biopsychosocial aspects are the major roots of all societal and cultural problems.

It just so happens that white culture has been superior, but there are also asians cultures that you could make the argument that they are superior. It's not necessarily de to rrace, although it probably is on some lmarginal level. Environment, education, aptitude, luck, and advantage are far more important and far more likely to dictate a group of people's ability to succeed in any given society

I know there are way more dumb people than smart. It's always been that way. But I still believe culture is a bigger factor than genetics in societal problems. Culture grants or doesn't grant opportunities that allow for individual intellectual growth independent of ones own genetics.

And he's right. Why are Whites, Asians, and Jews better? Whites, Asians are Jews are abnormal, what prompted this development and how do we apply it to others?

The answer, more likely than not, is natural selection.

Advantages like intelligence


Thomas Sowell approaches the IQ/Race debate from a historian's perspective and this is why he's able to devalue IQ scores in his analysis. Based on his view, its not particularly abnormal for a group to have a low IQ then after a generation or two have it change if the correct cultural constraints are implemented.

It's not an 'if' it's a scientifically proven fact that ~70% of IQ is derived from your genetics. Intelligence is an evolutionary trait like any other that can be selected for, take dogs for instance, they're all the same species but certain breeds like the border collie have been selected for intelligence and they have the highest IQ, the same thing happened with humans except it was an effect of the environment rather than selective breeding.

Wow. So angry. Thomas Sowell is smarter than you rather than being a drooling nigger like you are. This is due to the advantages made available to him in his environment and his aptitude which was likely influenced by the culture in his home. Genetics have a role in intelligence, but race itself likely does not have as MUCH of an influence as other genetic factors that present themselves as a variance in all human populations.

We get it, you want a race war. We likely will have one due to other racial and ethnic groups' inability to adopt the dominant (and objectively superior) culture of their current environment. Race is heavily tied to culture, but race is not the limiting factor that you uncompromisingly believe it to be. You're gonna fight me on this because it challenges the dominant schema of both yourself and this board, but it's the truth. Those who don't accept this are niggers themselves.

It's easily proven. Is a tortoise's inability to speak Mandarin Chinese merely because it hasn't been placed into an environment that would nurture it learning a language? No, it will never be able to learn a language because it is by its very nature "locked out" from having that capacity.

The same principle applies to human beings, just not to as stark a degree. Evolution does not bow to the classifications we give to ourselves in order to respect our egalitarian worldviews. If Europeans and Africans had remained isolated indefinitely, those differences in cognitive ability would continue to widen.

Why is it so unlikely that he was merely a statistical outlier? No one denies that there can be incredibly intelligent blacks, you're cherrypicking. I could just as easily cite Will Smith's son as evidence that environmental factors have no effect on intelligence.

I'm not cherrypicking at all. Genes and their expression are heavily influenced by the environment and the stressors that come with it. These stressors come in the form of both eustress and distress. The longer these genes are expressed in a certain way in response to the environment, the longer they will continue to be expressed independently of environment in their offspring. It will take awhile for the genes to express themselves differently in response to different stressors when introduced to a new environment. However, this is very difficult and examples can actually be seen in southerners.

In the south, for whatever reason, there were more distressors that elicited a genetic expression of high cortisol levels. Over time, the genes responsible for increased cortisol levels were passed down to the southerner's offspring and children were being born with elevated cortisol levels and an increased cortisol response to environmental stressors independent of their environment. It is for this reason that southerner's tend to be more violent than northerners and quicker to anger in general.

Once those genes are flipped on and expressed in a certain way, they are passed on to children. Unless the environment offers opportunity for different expression of these genes and multigenerational inheritance of these genes, the undesireable expression of these genes will be very difficult to change without mutation.

Epigenetics is a thing, and it's the next red pill.

Here's another Sowell video where he talks about wealth, poverty, and politics.

when kids were given IQ tests that were based on inferring how many blocks were stacked in a 3d arrangement, the blacks and whites did about the same on these tests.

it's only on the verbal/reading comprehension that they differed, because the black kids were not educated in reading and writing. somewhere in that video Sowell mentions that the black kids didn't know the meaning of the word "opposite" so they all failed a certain question. it's not a lack of intelligence, it's a lack of knowledge.

but if you are constantly told in a welfare society that the reason you don't have what other people have is because they are keeping you down, and you buy into it, you're not going to try hard in school, and therefore you'll never gain knowledge.

that is what has been happening in america since the 1960's in a nutshell, and now it's spreading to other places like here

This partially contributes, but it's not the whole answer. Blacks are not the only racial group to have endured generational oppression, it is only with the combination of their legacy of geographic stagnation and this oppression that they have been doomed to lag in a world that increasingly has come to value intelligence in mate selection.

i think you'll agree with a lot of what Sowell has to say on the matter. we aren't doing his points justice in this thread

Having a consistent culture and race, in addition to plentifulness and proper governance for long periods advances a society towards homogenized intellectual growth, particularly when races were historically isolated for so long.

Many empires experienced stages of massive intellect and prosperity in the middle east, india, and even North America as well as Europe and Asia. The outliers of Africa and south America can be contributed to most likely a total lack of domestcatable animals and staple crop yeilds.

This over time advanced China and Europe to a place well outside of other nations. Even the middle east was very prosperous until the Mongolian invasions which left the remaining tribes scattered and without proper means of irrigation to sustain a larger population.

Thusly, whites and Asians have always been in an ideal situation to produce a more intelligent culture. Shaped over thousands of years of evolutionary picking and the most intelligent men flourished.

Racial and, more importantly, cultural mixing are what I see as an issue today. IQ is always a tricky measurement, but many peoples simply don't value intellect and cooperation because they don't see any value in it. Arabs especially are defunct when it comes to openmindeness and Islam is perhaps to blame for their impeded growth and inability to assimilate with literally any society.

I'll concede that epigenetics can partially account for some of the behavioural issues surrounding racial differences like higher preponderance for violence, but it doesn't account for base intelligence and I've seen nothing that proves to me otherwise. You can't work with something you don't have and frankly I don't understand why the assumption is we should have to work with it at all.

I do, I just think he stops short of making the logical conclusions his arguments suggest: that this type of sustained environmental pressure on populations over the course of a few thousand generations eventually leaves a genetic impression.

>a. The outliers of Africa and south America can be contributed to most likely a total lack of domestcatable animals and staple crop yeilds.

Entire post discarded. Africa and South America has more native domesticable animals and staple crops than Europe or China ever did.

>more importantly, cultural mixing are what I see as an issue today.

sowell talks about how multiculturalism is basically unproven to have any positive effect and in fact has a negative effect

that's a begging the question fallacy though, and he does offer evidence that today modern blacks are perfectly capable of achieving a decent standard if they would just stop wallowing in self pity and blaming whitey. they're basically controlled by left wingers for the leftwing's own benefit (a secure voting bloc)

The Americas had domesticated animals and Africa had domesticable animals, don't bring this Guns, Germs & Steel meme shit here. South America had the potato for Christ's sake, rice is actually one of the worst staple crops to grow in terms of amount of calories put in required for calories acquired and Asians managed well enough


Why can we agree that speciation occurred between the "races" with regards to melanin level, susceptibility to disease, dietary adaptation? If you have bone marrow cancer, one of the most important factors in determining the suitability of a donor is race. Like James Watson said, it is unserious to think cognitive ability of the brain would be unaffected by this kind of environmental variation between the races responding to their surroundings.

>tfw alt light and cuckservatives are so racially cuckolded that they blow their load when they find a single non white who agrees with them on some basic center right economic policy

its so pathetic, its the political equivalent of gaymer gurls getting thousands of beta male followers and 5K a month patreon donations because LOOKK AT THIS HOT GUIRL OMG SHE PLAYS VIDEYA TO!!!!!! WTF I LOVE HER

Yeah Sowell is the ONLY non-WHITE GUY who agrees with conservatism

He's making fun of the lionising of non-white conservatives that redditors like to engage in.

Sowell makes some of the most incisive arguments I've seen anyone of any race make on a whole range of topics. The only thing his being black has contributed to, really, is him being blacked out by the left as opposed to being called a racist for saying what he says.

This, he's untouchable, so they just pretend he doesn't exist, which is racist.