Libertarian right VS Authoritarian right

Well pol, which is it? And if it's anything to the left then KYS

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Fuck statists

Is there the threat of commies founding leftist governments?

Y > Auth (until you're finished with the helicopters)
N > Lib

It's gotta be authoritarian at least to some extent, because, ironically, you need a state to enforce everyone's freedom.

Yeah that's what I was thinking. That's the way fascism is supposed to be. Authoritarian until all the commies are dumped


While you try and try to divide the right, remember: we're pretty fucking autistic.


Statist are evil

Libertarian with no muslims or jews

pic related

Authoritarian right until the Jewish and Marxist threat is gone.

Libertarianism is that one right-wing utopia that sounds great until you realize that it's an utopia just like communism.
Authoritarian right is what you end up when you factor in reality.

we go 1488 until commie scum is gone, then we go to ancap utopia

t. brazillian intellectual


t. common core intellectual

Authoritarian right

It's the only political system that allows a higher dimension to being than naked economic self interest

Authoritarian Right = Franco's Spain
Libertarian Right = Somalia
I know which is better.

>he needs a state to look up to

Authoritarian right will eventually lead to self-sustaining libertarian right. They are one and the same, only difference being the lapsed time since the race war.

nigger, no it won't.
power corrupts, and the authoritarian state will grow more and more authoritarian until people revolt or it collapses.