Oh don't mind me, just busy being the political master race

Oh don't mind me, just busy being the political master race.

Other urls found in this thread:


Too smart for roads

not an argument

>retards beileve in this death trap of an image
that image lead the SJWs

stay mad bootlicker

>thinks everyone should be free
>not free enough to travel around the country on roads

Autists get out


It is entirely possible to be too smart for roads if you figure out how to safely and conveniently fly everywhere. Or teleport, if that turns out to be a real scientific possibility.

Helicopter rides for everyone

They would just call the flight paths and/or teleportation channels roads.

>implying the air is for public use

Why do statists think that roads don't get built under anarcho capitalism?

Roads are highly useful, so it's a certainty that private roads would e built and maintained without the use of taxation.

>this meme

Fuck off statist. You have the right to be a commie, it's only if you defy the NAP you'll be thrown out of a helicopter, and even THEN, said helicopter would be privately owned.

>wanting to live in a cyberpunk novel

>not wanting to live in a cyberpunk novel

>wanting to live under the boot of a overlord
>wanting to not own your own property

ITT statists can't comprehend how their life can be lived without a big brother government overlord

>wanting to live under the boot of an overlord corporation

>le evil corporations
tell me, what power does a corporation have over you?
would you be more relieved getting a call from the IRS or a call from Apple?

Sorry bro - I'm way more red pilled than you:



Nobody would have any sayso over you.

are there unironic ancaps in this thread? pls go. this is nazi board

This quiz is fucking garbage. Someone like Hans Hermanne Hoppe, who believes in complete private property rights, would probably land high in the blue square because this shitty compass thinks that private property is authoritarian.

>being a servile peon

You disgust me.


It's for memes, like OP is doing

Now, none.
In your ancap fantasy, they would be all controlling monopolies that replace the state.

post more nazis

a e s t h e t i c

Nat Soc sympathizer here




>monopolies would arise without government intervention
you have a lot of learning to do.
I take it you've been indoctrinated through public schools so I expect no more from you

I'm there as well but I'm a monarchist

How can cuckolds even compete?


>cuck to the state
user, youre the biggest cuck of them all.


>be AnCap
>not a cuck to the state
>ends up a cuck to Jamal and Jose
lolspergs btfo

>cuck to Jamal and Jose

>le the free market will sort it all out
>the Rockefellers and Morgans of the past wouldn't exist in a truly free society

>on the cuck line
>calling ANYONE else a Jew

He's a retard, the noble ancap is cucked by no man.

yeah, they would exist.
and what's the problem?
what evils did those robber barons do?


I gave a long thought to monarchism too, but for every good monarch, you get a shitty one.
>Kaiser William II
>inbreeding and degeneracy
I'd rather see an oligarch-republic, with military and civilian leaders electing a council and preserve the a US style supreme court. A very concentrated central government would leave a good bit of governance to the state/local governments
>what is this? Confederalism? confederalist?


Free market /=/ Croney capitalism

All of these Jewish corporations would not have so much power if there was no Government to manipulate into giving you an unfair advantage.

uh, ancaps can just pay people to build roads, I always thought the roads argument was so stupid

>Common good
>it's ok to rob me so some lazy loser can live like a welfare queen

I guess socialism is ok when le epic Nazis do it?

roads would only go to important places
>remote areas would have siberia-tier roads

>remote areas would have siberia-tier roads

Well than the people there have 4 options

>build their own roads
>pay someone else to do it
>pack up and move to someplace with roads

It's not my problem if people are too foolish to move to a place with economic opportunity.

They'd only get worse.
Slowly induct the population into believing the corporation is their nation, their god, their reason to live.

I see you friend

>implying there are welfare queens when there are no non-whites

you dodged the question.
what evils did those robber barons do?

You're a fucking retard. You can't even score that. Want to prove me wrong? Post your answers to the questions faggot.


They never got the chance to fully take over.

You'd have warlords shitting in buckets in the mountains inside of 10 years if you left them to build their own roads.
>too poor and remote to hire construction
The mountain west would become an impassable hellscape for all trade.
>afghanistan: Idaho edition

I cracked up when I read that.

>implying there are welfare queens when there are no non-whites

Yet another fallacy common among the stormfags. See pic related.

By the way, if all whites are fine, then explain white liberals? White communists?

Lazy parasites are from all races. I suspect you're one of them. You dream of a world where the Nazis would support your fatass because you're white.

>justifying welfare at all
this is why I can't into NatSoc
NatCap however, that I can do.

If they're too stupid to be self-sustainable, then I have no pity for them.

>le warlord argument

What are said warlords going to support themselves with without commerce?

>not just a communist in a different outfit

in the modern era there are too many retards brainwashed by government schooling to have a truly free society.
Someone's going to have to make sure communists are physically removed.

You misunderstood , I was merely bring ironic , I am far right libertarian as well

>Someone's going to have to make sure communists are physically removed.

If someone wants to be a commie, that's fine. If someone wants to willingly form a voluntary commune, that's fine.

Now, if they start trying to voluntarily asserting their authority, then the NAP kicks in. NatCap just gives you another government strongman with his hand in your pocket and his gun to your head.

alright, I agree.
but how do you deal with the 'muh invasion' argument? when a statist society comes and invades ancapistan?
I usually say private companies but they can be bribed by the invading nation

I didn't say not sustainable. They have less wants due to being away from the ubran centers. Some of them actually ENJOY shitting in the woods and living off the land. Not to mention their superior knowledge of the land will make them extremely difficult to remove from lands they are unwilling to sell/surrender to your expanding corporate overlord. You will likely die an uninformed underpaid office drone who was marched out to the tree line as expendable labor/live bait to ascertain if the mountain folk are indeed there. And after your death, the corporation will refuse to pay compensation to your family since your death was a violation of the NAP in someway or otherwise violated your terms of employment.
>NAP doesn't apply to someone if they're dead
>NAP isn't violated by intent, only by action

>the black numbers are way higher


I don't get it, what's the problem? theyre shitting in the woods and they aren't harming anyone.

>but how do you deal with the 'muh invasion' argument? when a statist society comes and invades ancapistan?

I imagine there would be a voluntary defense force or pact to ensure there would be no invasion. The entire population would likely be armed.

Also, you can't hold a territory where the whole population doesn't want you there.

>the black numbers are way higher

Nice job moving the goalposts. You said

>implying there are welfare queens when there are no non-whites

Clearly leaching crosses racial lines. It doesn't matter if blacks do it more. There's still white parasites that use the government to bleed hardworking, exceptional individuals dry.


It begins. Farthest you can go on the political compass.


Conflict is inevitable. Powerful Corporations always seek to expand. Textbook capitalism. The strong consume the weak. Corporations will violate the NAP for quick and easy gains against remote "tribes" and the tribes will invariably fight back with varying degrees of success.








See. Get a higher score than that post the answers.

[spoiler] What does this mean? [/spoiler]
[spoiler] This is my first time doing this [/spoiler]

Get on my level faggots

You can't have multiple "road companies" competing with each other to drive down prices. Unless you want everywhere being covered with shitloads of redundant roads owned by different people that go to and from the same places side by side. So whoever owns the road everyone needs to use can set whatever scam-tier price they want, and they're not forced to maintain the road very well either.

why havent you used spekr faggots? It's' much better than compass

Because it will rank even a communist as ancap unless you outright say you're an evil thief and want 1984 to become reality (then you might get centrist)

It's called competition. Corporations make money by providing goods and services, not by engaging in some sort of physical warfare.
If corporations are going to violate the NAP to gain something, why hasn't Microsoft assassinated Apple CEO?

Because the government would arrest them.

that's pretty impressive if it's your first time doing it.
if it's your first time getting into politics then you're 99% going to land in green.
Once you realize the root of all evil is in government and welfare kills a society then you will drift further and further right.

>road is too expensive
>people stop using it
>owner loses money
>eventually lowers prices or goes bankrupt
>gets bought out by competing road provider with better prices

Roads could also be funded by various businesses or industries, who rely on roads to move goods.

>capitalism is a zero-sum game

A corporation with billions of profits can't sneak a hit past the government?

because it looks bad, you nigger.
assassinating a rival CEO would make you look like Dr.Evil and consumers will stop buying from you.

Thanks for making my point, duh..

What's that? An Anarchist? Bring out the firing squad.

>>people stop using it
How, by riding horses alongside it? But they'd be trespassing on someone's property.

If you want to cross someone's property, you need to pay. There's no way around that. Every piece of land is owned by someone.

I can rig this so that the highest possible score can be achieved.
I just answer everything as Strongly Disagree (E: 0.0, S: -4.36), then go back and change the answer of one question, then see what happens. Here's the work so far:

Disagree S: -4.26 +0.1
Agree S: -4.0 +0.36
Strongly A S: -3.9 +0.46

Disagree S: -4.26 +0.1
Agree S: -4.05 +0.31
Strongly A S: -3.95 +0.41

Charity for the disadvantaged:
Disagree E: 0.13 +0.13
Agree E: 1.13 +1.13
Strongly A E: 1.25 +1.25

Disagree S: -4.26 +0.1
Agree S: -4.0 +0.36
Strongly A S: -3.9 +0.46

Sex outside marriage:
Disagree S: -4.31 +0.05
Agree S: -4.0 +0.36
Strongly A S: -3.9 +0.46

Same sex adoption:
Disagree S: -4.41 -0.05
Agree S: -4.72 -0.36
Strongly A S: -4.82 -0.46

Legal pornography:
Disagree S: -4.46 -0.1
Agree S: -4.72 -0.36
Strongly A S: -4.82 -0.46

Private bedroom:
Disagree S: -4.46 -0.1
Agree S: -4.77 -0.41
Strongly A S: -4.87 -0.51

Natural homosexuality:
Disagree S: -4.26 +0.1
Agree S: -3.95 +0.39
Strongly A S: -3.85 +0.49

Openness about sex:
Disagree S: -4.26 +0.1
Agree S: -4.05 +0.29
Strongly A S: -3.95 +0.39