Just another day in Germanistan

A german store owner faces a possible jail sentence after killing a burglar that tried to take his stuff.
The police even told him to act the way he did because "they cant be always and everywhere"

So in other words: police wont help you, but you aren't allowed to do it either

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jesus christ germany

Artikel gab mir Aids uezs.
Wie kann man so viel victim blaming in so wenig text packen?


That's the same shit we have here, you can defend yourself but you can't touch the criminal, if you do your sentence would be probably higher than his

You guys actually live in a third world country.

probably he'll be let off if the criminal was violent

it does seem extreme to just kill someone if they are robbing your store, there is a reason the punishment for burgalary is not death

Speak fucken english... remember who won the war kraut

lol the criminal was not even a muzrat, he was a moldovean and the Lugenpresse try to portray him as a man who stole so he could feed his family when in fact he stole a bottle of wine. Just an alcoholic MD nothing to see here people

He just was found guilty, 3 Years jail time with the chance of probation after 6 month

It was in industrial revolution England and should still be that way of you ask me too much poofter culture around these day. Everyone is a little fucken tea cake and gets buthurt

A "possible" jail sentence. So they are going to investigate to see if there is any evidence he did not act out in self defense and then not press charges? Let us know if charges are ever brought up.

What a fucking joke.

I can't stand cuck laws like this though. Why are you supposed to let someone take your stuff? How can you deter people? Ask them nicely to stop?

>there is a reason the punishment for burgalary is not death
It's also the reason that there are so many burglars...weird

Unless the criminal was one of merkels guests. Which given the lack of crowing about violent germns is a likely case.

Ah so the man dragged the already defeated thief into the back of the store and beat him with steel knuckle gloves to death...6 months in jail + probation seems pretty fair.

>Speak fucken english... remember who won the war kraut
Why aren't you talking hebrew then?

Well screw the lives of those are are getting robbed. We have to ptrotect our new (((citizen))) from the evil nazis.

fucking cluck. If you break into my house I'm not calling the cops. I"m going to kill you; then feed you to the fucking fish.

What a weak thing you are. I hope your fat and are never happy in live.


is halt spiegel...

think the owner was a bit too extreme, had he turned it down a notch, he actually wouldn't have done anything wrong
the thief was an idiot though and most he should face are charges for manslaughter, not his fault the idiot is too stupid to visit a doctor

well it's quite extreme to beat someone to death about petty thievery, but if you don't treat your injuries and wounds right away they only worsen, even if you aren't injuried
it wasn't burglary it was theft.
victim was an immigrant "who pursued a better life but got the opposite"