When did you realize Sup Forums is actually on the side of multiculturalism?

Sup Forums is so great because many different cultures and ethnicities come together being able to combine the best of each.
What globalism does is throwing all of it together into a mixer until there is some abommination of brown genetic ooze that should have never been ultimately getting rid of all diversety by mixing everyone into a uniform mess.
Sup Forums is the real defender of multiculturalism. We are the ones that want to uphold our cultures and ethnic heritages so true multiculturalism can be preserved.
Globalism is what tries to destroy multiculturalism, probably because its easier to controll one kind of people under one system, than have to prepare multiple system adjusted to maximize the control in consideration of the cultural differences.

Other urls found in this thread:


were you really expecting me to read all that

if you cant be bothered to read 4 lines of text you might be on the wrong board gringo



as much as the whole "ubiquitous melting pot" converging of different cultures can bring about innovation and change, it also brings about dick swinging and war over what is essentially a difference in opinion.
We don't have to infringe upon another's land if we mind our own business.
On the flipside, that has to be a mutual deal.
And then on the topic of mass immigration/emigration: how is one to curb the rate at which these cultures from combining into a hodgepodge of what the fuck.

culture is more than just what you wear, your language, food and geographical location.
culture implies a mindstate.
emphasis on the word STATE.
you are subconsciously biased for or against your homeland if you "claim no opinion/neutral".
I would not say that Sup Forums is the real defender of multiculturalism, but it provides an unfiltered look into the minds and how events, both past and present effect the way that natives of their land speak, think, and act.
Is that defending multiculturalism?
It's a genuine question, I'm not patronizing you. I'd like to have more insight into what you are talking about.

Hmm actually that is a better alternative to both Globalism and isolationism.

Work on it a little.
How to handle marriages for example.
What about already existing populations in a country.
Like Turks in Germany.

shia poster here.
this is the caveat I was speaking of.
it seems as if the only solution, some would say the final solution: is to remove these people not by force, but by choice.
Make the culture of your land so strong they either abandon theirs (worst case scenario) and become "one of you" or they go back to where the fuck they came from.

i'm thinking pragmatically.
there was no genocide in america.
but yet, it still divided it up into more or less, regions where states could be considered their own mini-countries. (countryettes).
For example, be in South Carolina and pass the border over to North carolina.
totally different vibe.

well, i see it this way. isolationalism/nationalism should be done right now to stabilize things. figure out how to get on the right track and how to defend the country from foreign corruption. this should do every country asap, but keep in mind that this doesnt mean you antagonize other countries. you just distance yourself from them to better yourself.
when that is done and when things stabilized, when there aren unreasonable wars creating refugees and terrorists alike, when the grandscale corruption has been eradicated, then we can open up our boarders, and if humanity is ready for it maybe even completely open boarders as people may will travel, and may settle down somewhere, but wont come in masses and overrun your country.
I admit i have lefty ideologies, but i agree a lot of rightwing policies are needed right now. but not as endsolution, but as a first step.
many lefties have their ideology in focus, but dont consider the state of the world and of humanity where with the current corruption and tension it just wont work.

(to be continued)

for the existing populations, well thats a difficult problem. first i would make the refugees unable to stop roaming the country freely. i would make backgroundchecks etc, and whos background can be verifyed and is innocent i dont mind him walking around. everyone who cant be verifyed should stay under containment as many criminals and terrorists just throw away their passport we cant risk that. for whom it takes too long is free to go back to whereever he came from. criminals and terrorist should be overturned to the government responsible for them. everyone of them who walk around and commit crimes the same.

immigrants who are longer here can stay for all i care as long as they behave. every criminal should be send back though. if they have german citizenship i would say it depends on the case. if he is born here and lived here all his live he should be treated as a native. migrants that got here but have citizenship are a bit more difficult. i would say if they have a dual citizenship and they fuck up the german one gets revoked and sent back. if he doesnt have a citizenship it depends. does he have any negative records? does he have family here? does he have a job? or does he live on the governments cost? depending on those issues either sending back or not

How will war be?
Can anyone annex any part of a country and subjugate any population?
Maybe noone will be able to conquer anywhere or they must leave it eventually.

everyone can do everything. the question is if someone can stop you


second selfbump

>When did you realize Sup Forums is actually on the side of multiculturalism?
Sup Forums is terrified of so many things at this point, it's hard to keep track.

Globalism is 100% economic. That's why corporations bring 100,000 foreigners into America per year. They can pay shit wages and treat the visa holders like dirt, the way corporations will soon be able to treat you under Republican "leadership".

Even the KKK drives cars made in Japan. That's because Nationalism is 100% social.

So when some idiot tries to tell you that "nationalism" is the opposite of globalism, they are fucktarded fuckwits. You can literally kick them for being so stupid.

Multiculturalism is not bad and here's why. 60% of new immigrants assimilate and 96% of their children do. The speak the language, work hard jobs, pay their taxes, follow the customs, observe the traditions, etc. In the worst case scenario, you get Mongolian Barbecue and Panda Express - what pizza and hamburgers were to our ancestors.

You can be scared shitless of immigrants. You can be terrified of foreign languages, You can be frightened of refugees. You can have streams of steaming piss running down your leg every time someone says Aloha Snackbar. You can shit your skirts whenever you feel like you special snowflake superiority is threatened.

But our founding fathers would laugh at you for being such pansy-ass pussies.

if you import to many foreigners, the culture will change faster than the foreigner adapt to the native culture, and it will alter more and more and quicker the more people get imported. you have to controll immigration, limit it, or, if there are many enough wanting to come in, your culture will vanish. for the same reason we tell people here to lurk more before posting. so we dont have the same thread everyday made by some new newfag, which takes time and effort to discuss which could be well spent to uncover the next big conspiracy. they are supposed to learn the customs and basic redpills before they post or it will dellude the content of the board.

the economic globalism is just a front to massimport people under the disguise of boosting the economy, but serves the destruction of culture and heritage. that it is of importance you easily see among the jews which hold tight to it, and will only accept people as jews when their mother was one as well which serves to counter the undermining of the culture from foreigner and prevents its deluding

We do not owned shitskinned people anything. They should not have rights to come vote and influence my people's destiny. Humanity evolved and took different paths. There is 40,000 years of evolution put between us and Africans. We dont owe the (((people of the world))) anything. We only have a responsibility to our children. I dont care about some shitskin in africa or mexico.. They are destroying the country in more ways than one


(2013) Edward Dutton and Richard Lynn conclude that Finland has suffered a negative Flynn Effect between the years of 1997 and 2009 in all IQ metrics.

These results are in contrast to the gain Finland accrued between 1988 and 1997. The likely cause is the massively increased importation of migrants from other races, ethnicities, and cultures within that time period coupled with a slackening of mate selection criterion and racial endogamy. These findings are in-line with the consensus that outbreeding reduces IQ and the importation of migrants preempts that happening.

The manifestation of dysgenics in Finland supports IQ heritability, differences between races, and opposes the Flynn Effect and miscegenation propaganda in the same manner.


(2015) Michael Woodley and Curtis Dunkel conclude that France has suffered a 4-point drop in IQ scores in the decade between 1999 and 2008-9 during a period of mass migration from the Middle East and North Africa in particular.

Their conclusions are as follows

• Dutton and Lynn have identified a 4 point decline in French IQ.
• Dysgenics and replacement migration are causes.
• French IQ losses are found to be associated with the Jensen effect (ρ = .833).
• A common factor of g loadings and 3 biological variables loads on the loss-vector.
• This supports biological causation.

Took me about 10 seconds

>My friend...

>I dont care about some shitskin in africa or mexico
i see this as a bit harsh, even though we all have differences, we still are all humans and should work together if we are able too. what we are doing right now is destroying ourself to virtue signal that we are such good people, and this is absolutely stupid. but i wouldnt forsake relation to other ethnicities completely before that. i would just focus on my own kind, and help others whenever it doesnt interfere with the advance of your own kind. help yourself first to help others. kinda like in an airplane you are supposed to put on the mask yourself first before helong others with it

well, i assume it takes longer when you are in 2nd grade and just learned to read


>but serves the destruction of culture and heritage.
If your special snowflake culture so that fragile that it can't handle a 1% increase in population by browns, then it wasn't going to last anyway.

The thing is you shits can't tell the difference between legal and legal immigrants so you don't get to talk about law or sovereignty: having a trinket made in a foreign country doesn't mean we need to bring that country into our streets: nobody is talking about the purely economic trading between nations kind of globalism you retard. Also you like to paint huge strawmen like your retarded comic: those are like the autistic screachers of the right and nobody on this side does pay any attention to them: they're only noted at all so you can say "stupid republicans" and laugh to yourself. If you bring in ridiculous demographic changing levels of foreigners they form their own communities because there's no fucking incentive to assimilate when you could just not and have everything be like home but with more welfare, and this is clearly shown in France where despite having been there since the 60s the Muslim communities have retained their seperate culture and made their areas unsafe for police. In enough numbers, immigrants change cultures to accommodate them: that's when there's a problem since you shits keep telling us to just do that and keep going as we slowly disappear and you hail that as a good thing so publicly it fills me with disgust. Globalism here refers also to international bodies pushing their agendas on nations and restricting their sovereignty as in the case of the EU and often the UN. It refers to international finance only in it's need to replace individual unifying cultures with mass cosmopolitan culture, that is to do to the west what the west did in the colonial period, as if there's justice to be found in it: you'd know this if you weren't yourself likely another participant in cosmopolitan culture whose invested in it's survival, even if you often acknowledge that some of the ridiculously rich have agendas that are against your own, you don't see the part you play in that, as a tool, a mouthpiece for men you hate.

legal and illegal*

>German 91.5%, Turkish 2.4%, other 6.1% (made up largely of Greek, Italian, Polish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish)
i assume these arent accounting for the refugees and only people who officially live here so these are the well behaving ones

however i couldnt find a certain number on a short research but:
>Around 1.1 million refugees arrived in Germany last year, according to the German government.
in ONE year. this is 1,3% of the population per year if it continues. all these people have no idea about the culture, customs or rules, with the police unwilling or unable to keep them in check and teach them those. additionally many people here already know those people customs as they came from there as well, and thus give the refugees and other immigrants the opportunity to live the same culture as before while seperating them from german culture which leads to them not adapting at all. but since we are forced to provide mosques and hallall food it unavoidably leads to their culture being pushed unto germans. every culture will go to shit if that happens.

this basically.
i know where those people come from kinda. we do fuck up the middle east, and should try to make it better for them again, this is what many of them believe, i believe. however destroying yourself will help noone, and immigration also doesnt solve anything as the numbers are just too big

we need to stop fucking shit up over there, and then fix the stuff there if we want to redeem ourselves

That describes a country with multiple cultures.
We want local cultures only.
We are localcultural.

>The thing is you shits can't tell the difference between legal and legal immigrants
There's not a dime's worth of difference.

>you don't get to talk about law or sovereignty:
The law changes on a whim, especially when righties are feeling a little extra sadistic and cruel

>If you bring in ridiculous demographic changing levels of foreigners
Would that be like 1% of the population? What is your math on this?
>they form their own communities because
They are ostracized, persecuted and dehumanized by native assholes was the correct answer, but lets see what insane shit you came up with

> there's no fucking incentive to assimilate when you could just not
96% of immigrant children master the English language - enough for many to get college degrees.

>the Muslim communities have retained their seperate culture
Mostly because Islam is NOT just a religion, it is an ideology that preaches the the west is decadent. It is a threat to our democracy.

>Globalism here refers also to international bodies pushing their agendas on nations and restricting their sovereignty
We all agree to eat a little shit to get along. That serves us well.

>There's not a dime's worth of difference.
there is, legal ones go through backgroundchecks and are ensured to have no criminal records. they pay taxes and thus contribute among other things. illegals dont.

>Would that be like 1% of the population? What is your math on this?
see >They are ostracized, persecuted and dehumanized by native assholes was the correct answer, but lets see what insane shit you came up with
nope, germany is probably one of the most tolerant countries there is. we have mosques, turkish supermarkets and all that shit. yet there are people here who dont speak a word german because they dont have to because they go to said mosques to talk with people where they speak the same language, to shop they go to the turkish supermarkets where they speak his language, all automates around have the abillity to change language etc. they are seperating themselves and have no interest in integration

>96% of immigrant children master the English language - enough for many to get college degrees.
and 4% dont learn the language properly of the country they live in

>Mostly because Islam is NOT just a religion, it is an ideology that preaches the the west is decadent. It is a threat to our democracy.
so you admit they are a threat?

>We all agree to eat a little shit to get along. That serves us well.
nope, that serves (((them))) well. they can transfer the productionsites whereever it is the cheapest ripping off some 3rd worlders that work their ass of for (((them))), make it easier to push for immigration to destroy cultures, it enables them to widen the influence of countries they have in control and thus their own controll

see it not as multicultural country, but a multicultural world. globalism leads to a uniform society as they will all come to mix into one eventually, and its easier to controll one kind of people than many different ones



Haven't posted that one in a long time.
Didn't think I'd find it.

Love that one.

Here's another simpler one that definitely helped me.

good thing you did

also pretty good


Oh and this too.


this one speaks out of my soul

this one i cant watch in my country. have to use a proxy. fuck our government

Of course we all want to persevere our cultures. It's the Jews who want to blend everything to make a brown mess as a slave caste.
Audiobook (Listen to it when you have time if you haven't read this yet): youtube.com/watch?v=tEvqs6Vs9jI&index=1&list=PLrHG_aAvxl-l8Md37lqjcZz3zF3ekgLFg

basically hitler takes here the role of soros, except in our timeline israel opposed soros from the beginning

thats what im saying. about the book, i will maybe look into it another time, but 3 hours is too long for now


second bump. after this i leave it if there is no interest anymore

Reported for samefagging

Also on topic: Your observations aren´t wrong. But we don´t talk about that here and you should know that. Everyone is white on Sup Forums, wrongthink not to be tolerated.

>But we don´t talk about that here and you should know that
we talk about anything political here. trying to make people not talk about something is censorship which basically everyone on here opposes