Prove that you aren't a blind follower of Jesus Christ

Name one criticism you have of him.

Other urls found in this thread:

He sacrificed Himself for """""""""""""""humanity""""""""""""""

You can't criticize Jesus Christ.

As much as we know, as a professional, he didn't criticize the quality and worksmanship of the cross he was crucified on, even though he had plenty of time to do it. That is just lazy, really.

I have none.

I'm not a blind follower of Trump though.

Wine bibber and a glutton, he hung out with drunks and whores.

Didn't he come out of a Jews vagina? That would be my only criticism

blind? we follow Him for a reason. Its because He has nothing to criticize. OP is a faggot

He still owes me 20 dollars.

top kek, I never thought of that. It would've been awesome if he had said something like "oh man, that's some shitty work right there, look at all the splinters and loose nails".

Would've ruined the whole moment though

double posting because whatever

no criticism, he's the Son of God and God himself. How awesome is that? No need for some deeply idiotic criticism to virtue signal your very rational and free thinking mind.

Maybe it is in somewhere in the apocrypha, but - for understandable reasons didn't make it to the canon.
Aw, crap, think about the metric tons of hilarious stories we have be deprived of because they thought in the synod: "no, this shit is to wierd even for the Son of God."

He is a jew

King Solomon, the father of freemasonry, was a Jew.

None you nigger heretical piece of shit burn in hell for all eternity.

Believing in Jewish lies under any name is believing in Jewish lies

>Stop believing in Jewish lies

The first lie ever recorded by a Jew was

>I wasnt cucked UMM MY WIFES A VIRGIN

oh no the jews!

Heil Hitler

He refused to become a doctor

Oy vey

He was a Jew

Abraham in any cloak be it a cross, crescent moon and star or a star alone


Not even. He sacrificed himself to improve humanity. Or at least some humans beyond humanity.

Wait till I roll 88 for that shit

Deus Vult.

I think He is too lenient of mankind. If I was God (and I'm glad I'm not), I don't think humanity would have lasted this long. Just imagine having a bunch of children that don't listen to you always asking you for shit. It would get old real fast.

Didn't make the bread gluten free

Didn't exist

Prove that you aren't a blind follower of Mohamed

Name one criticism you have of him.



But I am a blind follower of Jesus Christ.

Obvious shill thread is obvious

If you were god, you'd have noone to blame but yourself: you created man on your own image. If the image is shit...


I have none, Christ is perfect

Blessed be His holy name forever and ever, amen

A shit eating pedofile like that deserves only piss on his memory and everyone who worships him is scum when it really comes down to it I dont care if he made some good movies Woody Allen is a fucking scumbag!

>Pic Unrelated because in my country itis illegal

> faggot implying that Christianity has ever helped jews in anyway

Sup Forums hates jews but worships jew.
toppest of the keks

Ok heresy time, not criticism of Christ but of common perceptions. I'm not sure about any of this.

I don't like the magic tricks but I doubt He really did any. Poor translations and political motivations added magic tricks to appeal to the lowest common denominator. They always seem jammed into the story instead of fitting with the wider context. Why would God emphasize practical reality again and again through metaphors and allegory but then in a few places for no reason abandon that framework without any mention of why? Miracles happen but they are bound by the nature of reality, there is nothing "supernatural", the concept is meaningless.

The common bread and wine of the group was multiplied through His message of sacrifice for the group. Walking on water is a metaphor for being above life/death. The virgin Mary was a virgin when she received Jesus from the holy spirit, it emphasizes the separation of the flesh and body, she was carrying Christ before she became pregnant but she didn't become pregnant a virgin. Christs flesh is not special, it's human flesh, born normally, fathered by Joseph and killed on a cross. The resurrection is real but His flesh was not reanimated. Christs body is eternal and holy, not His flesh. The difference is stressed over and over in the Bible.

>pol is one person

I guess one person can't make thousands of threads about jeezuz crust.

He wasn't real. The Romans created Christianity as a means of controlling the masses for future generations to come as a contingency plan if the military were incapacitated of holding off a peasent revolution. You know this in your heart to be true

Why does georgia get it's own flag? I think every state deserves their own flag.

Why did the romans try to kill all the christians?


this. christianity is redpilled as fuck

That's fake news. The Romans written themselves into history as being opposed to Christianity as a means removing any sort of doubt anyone would have of Jesus Christ

can't criticize someone that I pretty much know nothing certain about, and i don't count scripture in this case because it was written by man for man.

He was a Jew


Invade us please, we are already dumb and fat.

He should have just brought the rapture and saved us from the real hell, hell on Earth.

>pagan larper
>calling Christianity cucked
>the religion that smashed paganism
K den

Didn't. Usual religious propaganda 'we are killed by gorillions by the evil empire!!!'

>Its still up
#4censored #MODexit #Corruption


prove it

based swissman

are you an idiot. Where are the Romans now faggot? All dead like their shitty empire.

looks like muh control the masses bullshit didn't work very well.

> prove something didn't happen
Noice try, master Pepe.
But if you wish, there are no any historical records found about such activities and empires are usually meticulous record keepers (beaurocracy is needed).

He threw us out of the temple...

Even jews can be saved through Christ, friend.

And drunk. Don't forget drunk.

I'm an atheist who doesn't believe in him and never can, naturally my criticism is endless, Jesus is a typical "dying-and-rising-god" probably mostly inspired by Horus and Mithras. Whatever the original Christian faith actually was probably 75% or more was replaced by the most powerful people at the time rewriting it to be the Roman state religion by deliberately appealing to every other faith - mostly by including some element of it.

Yet, it's been a painful process realizing how much better a Christian community is than an atheistic one which is vulnerable to degeneracy and the international Jew. I feel like a man who's watched most of his open-minded leftist friends be brutally Stroggified on the leftist assembly line. You know, until I was finally rejected from something I really wanted and worked very hard to get for being white, just because some "PoC" cunt could get away with it. I didn't believe until the knife was in my back - that's my shame but also why I am saved from having my personality and desires stripped away to be replaced with guilt, true intolerance and complacency/acceptance of Zionism and the international Jew. I used to think Christians were the most dangerous people in the world but now I see they're actually the best, I unironically moved to a rural town and joined their church - my life was transformed by this, saved. I went back to school, I lost tons of weight, I learned to do things in the real world and I had real people, trustworthy people, at my side because of their faith in Christ. There's no "fortress of I don't give a fuck about you" in these communities, there's no projective identification, no hatred.

The society leftists want to create in cooperation with the international Jew is objectively inferior for human health and happiness, it is inherently degenerate and generative of further degeneracy. That depression is the most commonplace illness in this model is no is intentional poisoning.

>still responding to "blind follower" threads

Why would the romans deliberately subvert themselves by creating christianity then executing the practitioners of the very religion they created. You are a retard sir.

What about the christians tortured and executed in Japan?

May they rest in peace.
I used the word 'usual' for a reason. Is the torture of christians by 'the japanese' documented somewhere?

You accept there are universal truths unbound by our physical world so you agree with the first monotheists meaning you aren't atheist, no one who accepts basic premises like logic really is. The structures embedded in reality that logic and math reference both exist outside of physical reality and most accept that so we agree with what monotheism brought to the table.

To "sin" means to be out of harmony with the nature of reality. Eat diseased pig or shellfish and you get punished, when man became self conscious and mastered fire we became an unsustainable force of death. We became out of harmony with God and caused the biggest mass extinction in history, eventually we would all be destroyed if we continued that path.

The net effects of following Christ is a sustainable society, moving us away from our inherited sin, it demonstrably establishes the eternal kingdom of God as prophesied. To follow Christ is to believe in Him, scripture basically says you just need to say truthfully that you accept Him as your savior out loud and in public, which makes sense. That really has consequences as you have already experienced because that's the nature of reality, the Logos is embodied in Christ.

Read Luke chapter 20,

Do you believe in the resurrection


Literally could have had all the pussy possible

>>be jesus
>>able to turn water to wine
>>could have been god (literally) of parties and made strong ass shine
>>Keks out and hands himself over, essentially comiting suicide
>>tfw he died a virgin
>>tfw he robbed us all

That you are Jewish and a fake one and your father is the Devil so you put a snake tongue on your adversary. Shut down this fucking board. You're all tampons

Your nose smells the sweet scent of revenge huh.

This is because people said same of Trump and you tried to compare him to God. So now you attack God and the Son as though He is a political asshole fatty inbred illiterate grab ems potential pedo president like is your cult

>gets butt hurt over faggy religious thread on Sup Forums

Everything is faggy eh. Except you stupid fascist (bundle of sticks) homophobic feminist matrilineal shekinah hoax platonic complementarity lilith believing no balled joo cucks attack Him. And gays. Because you caused the fall of man and put the red dragon in the sky

so Pontius Pilatus and Jews (pharisees) helped the Roman Empire to create cuckianity?

and the Roman agent Paul then had modified it
and Romans to as red flag started killing cuckians?

and Nietzche was not redpilled as he was fighting with a secret psy-op weapon of the Roman Empire?

I gotta go think.

he didnt come back yet. but he will soon

He is a fraud, never existed, rip off of many older pagan deities who are indeed the true gods.

Pic is about as blasphemous as you can get.
Fuck Jews.

The earth is not round. You are ignoring the historians of the time. You listened to too much kikey zeitgeist shite

The day of the rake has been postponed for this post.


The Gospel of Thomas just about says it all. However, he even tells Judas not to call him Master. Become the son of man. All of you.

He had a disturbing granny fetish. He should have been into younger women.

was a jew

Galilee was a Jewish tribe? He spoke Hebrew? Just because His blood came from Judea doesn't mean Jews from today are Judeans. He blew put Jews. This is why you hate on Him or pretend not to care

>The resurrection is real but His flesh was not reanimated.
His church, meaning His followers acting out His spirit are His body. The body of Christ was resurrected in His followers. When He first appeared to the apostles all the doors were locked emphasizing that it was not His reanimated flesh walking around. Thomas didn't see Him until in the presence of the other apostles where He saw His living body because that's where Christ lives on, in His followers. That this is possible is the gift from God that is the center of Christianity but it's real and practical, not supernatural. We can and will live forever if we follow Christ but our flesh always rots, you are not your flesh.

not an argument

The Urantia Book

Paper 189

The Resurrection

189:0.1 (2020.1) SOON after the burial of Jesus on Friday afternoon, the chief of the archangels of Nebadon, then present on Urantia, summoned his council of the resurrection of sleeping will creatures and entered upon the consideration of a possible technique for the restoration of Jesus. These assembled sons of the local universe, the creatures of Michael, did this on their own responsibility; Gabriel had not assembled them. By midnight they had arrived at the conclusion that the creature could do nothing to facilitate the resurrection of the Creator. They were disposed to accept the advice of Gabriel, who instructed them that, since Michael had “laid down his life of his own free will, he also had power to take it up again in accordance with his own determination.” Shortly after the adjournment of this council of the archangels, the Life Carriers, and their various associates in the work of creature rehabilitation and morontia creation, the Personalized Adjuster of Jesus, being in personal command of the assembled celestial hosts then on Urantia, spoke these words to the anxious waiting watchers:

189:0.2 (2020.2) “Not one of you can do aught to assist your Creator-father in the return to life. As a mortal of the realm he has experienced mortal death; as the Sovereign of a universe he still lives. That which you observe is the mortal transit of Jesus of Nazareth from life in the flesh to life in the morontia. The spirit transit of this Jesus was completed at the time I separated myself from his personality and became your temporary director. Your Creator-father has elected to pass through the whole of the experience of his mortal creatures, from birth on the material worlds, on through natural death and the resurrection of the morontia, into the status of true spirit existence. A certain phase of this experience you are about to observe, but you may not participate in it. Those things which you ordinarily do for the creature, you may not do for the Creator. A Creator Son has within himself the power to bestow himself in the likeness of any of his created sons; he has within himself the power to lay down his observable life and to take it up again; and he has this power because of the direct command of the Paradise Father, and I know whereof I speak.”

189:0.3 (2020.3) When they heard the Personalized Adjuster so speak, they all assumed the attitude of anxious expectancy, from Gabriel down to the most humble cherubim. They saw the mortal body of Jesus in the tomb; they detected evidences of the universe activity of their beloved Sovereign; and not understanding such phenomena, they waited patiently for developments.

Another blasphemous Jew thread. Fuck off IDF. Jesus came to save your pathetic interpretations of the Law and you murdered him. You still haven't apologized. Burn in Hell.

He was a shitty carpenter - no braces on his cross

Christ is the Word, eternal without beginning but how He is expressed to us physically is how He is "embodied". If all humans are wiped out or no one expresses his spirit anymore His body "dies" but as the Word He always exists eternally.

He was a Jew.

Pilate’s Tragic Surrender

185:8.1 (1996.5) Here stood the Son of God incarnate as the Son of Man. He was arrested without indictment; accused without evidence; adjudged without witnesses; punished without a verdict; and now was soon to be condemned to die by an unjust judge who confessed that he could find no fault in him. If Pilate had thought to appeal to their patriotism by referring to Jesus as the “king of the Jews,” he utterly failed. The Jews were not expecting any such a king. The declaration of the chief priests and the Sadducees, “We have no king but Caesar,” was a shock even to the unthinking populace, but it was too late now to save Jesus even had the mob dared to espouse the Master’s cause.

185:8.2 (1996.6) Pilate was afraid of a tumult or a riot. He dared not risk having such a disturbance during Passover time in Jerusalem. He had recently received a reprimand from Caesar, and he would not risk another. The mob cheered when he ordered the release of Barabbas. Then he ordered a basin and some water, and there before the multitude he washed his hands, saying: “I am innocent of the blood of this man. You are determined that he shall die, but I have found no guilt in him. See you to it. The soldiers will lead him forth.” And then the mob cheered and replied, “His blood be on us and on our children.”

>“His blood be on us and on our children.”

>"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today."

May His Most Precious and Life-Giving Blood be upon me and my children.

He was a socialist hippy loser who wanted equality for everyone

Unlike the strong warlord Muhhammad who knew that humans were to be controlled and that conquering and social dominance were imperative to control humans.