Why Germany does not pay us reparations for WW2?

Why Germany does not pay us reparations for WW2?

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Give back the clay and maybe they'll give you mony

i dont get it

They get shittons of EU funds already. And we even invest in Eastern Poland. No sane individual would do that!

Coz asking them to pay the 1st time made them get mad and start another war.


Thanks Spen. Spen is best.

1. Poland is at least as responsible for the war
2. Poles got shitload of German land after WW2
3. Poles should be lucky that nobody talks about the two million Germans that died when they and millions of other Germans were expelled from those regions after WW2.

It's our rightful clay and they don't deserve it nowadays

>27th september I buried my english precision rifle
>it was the saddest moment of this war



No one does reparations via gifts of money pay attention faggot

This. Take your clay back Polan.

>Poles murdering ethnic Germans
>triggers Nazi intervention to stop it
>Poland cries it's being oppressed
>France and UK start the war

You already got Silesia, East Prussia, Pomerania and Posnania

How do expect these reparations would work?


We could rebuild Warsaw for you.

The only rightful clay you own is under your fingernails.
Keep the hands of our radio stations next time and nobody will be hurt.

This shit couldn't get anymore retarded. How about Poland, Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine give their stolen territory back to the poor East Germanic peoples? A bunch of Wops, Tunisians, and Spaniards can reclaim it

cuz ur poland

>keep your hands off our radio stations

Russia als declared war and occupied you. Did you ask them?

It would be "interesting" if you tried.

Soon ...


Most of them need reparations themselves.

I don't think that Germany owes us any money.

Thinking that gibs would do us any good, is nigger thinking. It would just demoralize everybody. Kind of like winning the lottery, many people cannot handle it. Our current "poverty" should motivate us to work smarter to build our own wealth.

Also literally all Allies took all sorts of reparations for WW2, didn't do them much good it seems - UK and France are shitty, while the Axis powers have great economy, Germany and Japan most notably.


Soviet Union robbed us too for many years, shortly after ww2 then later during communism, and now Russia is a shithole worse than Poland.

>Why Germany does not pay us reparations for WW2?
Because you deserve nothing after being squashed like a miserable bug so fucking fast as you did!

Seriously, your people are a bunch of cowards.

>Most of them need reparations themselves.
>I don't think that Germany owes us any money.
T. Niemiecka piąta kolumna.
Jak ktoś Cię pobije to nie chciałbyś odszkodowania, nie?

let the poles rage
they even have politicians claiming all of Germany is polish clay, because Germans are slavs or something.
let them rage
maybe they need that to get through their inferiority complex.

uk forgave their debt you moron!

Chujowe porównanie. Dostajemy hajs z Unii.

Because our politicians will waste these money on useless shit and our white niggers.

Read the article dipshit.

"John Gimbel comes to the conclusion, in his book "Science Technology and Reparations: Exploitation and Plunder in Postwar Germany", that the "intellectual reparations" taken by the US (and the UK) amounted to close to $10 billion"

Any proofs to support your claim?
No? Awww so sad.
>inb4 bloody sunday

Więcej wraca do Niemiec kurwo debilu.
>o kurwa jest park i plac zabaw, chuj że zrównano z ziemią stolicę i nikt za to nie wypłacił odszkodowania
Dziękuję B*gu każdego dnia, że nie jestem polakiem, tylko żydem.

Exactly that.

Best reparations for us would be for US and UK to not betray us in 1945, and let us enjoy the same post war boom everyone else had, but now it's too late for that.

You recieve those funds IN EXCHANGE for free transfer of goods and services across borders, youre not being paid reparations for having been invaded by germonie.

pierdolone "patriotyckie" miastowe kutasy jak ty sa kurwa misernie.

fuck off

Because polish concentration camps ;>)

considering that Poland is occupying German (Prussian) land (the land was never formally annexed by Poland in any peace treaty) and ethnically cleansed the German populace from it, you can go fuck yourself. If Germany wasn't defanged as fuck they could easily go as far as to demand Königsberg back, considering that it was never formally annexed by Russia and at no fucking point before 1945 was there any Russian presence in the area. the Germans were cleansed from there too.

remember goyim, ethnic cleansing is always okay when the winners do it

Ugh, please educate yourself fellow burger.
These were Polish Death Camps.
Got it?

Stand in line goyim. Jews are first to receive gibs.

Jews held Germans collectively responsible for invented crimes, and they shall no doubt be held collectively responsible for judeo-communism, the scammed reparations, and their western subversion and destruction after we let them in with open arms and treated them as brothers. Obviously all Jewish wealth worldwide wouldn't be enough to make good on these crimes against humanity but they can work the rest off over the generations, just as tens of millions of innocent and decent Germans were forced, and are continually forced, to do.

They would benefit from that too. Where do you think the money for building materials, tool would go? Who in Europe happens to have a great industry that produces such things? Poland?

You'd get nice buildings yes, but it wouldn't benefit us economically, but Germany and others. Same as with EU funds.


No. You should be paying them.

My immediate family were involved in the partisan activity surrounding Osuchy, Jozefow, Bilgoraj, Aleksandrow etc.

They werent jews, but once partisans in the region killed some german in the clayey forest, they burnt half the village down and deported everyone to lublin's concentration camp, governed by germans.

yeah yeah 10/10 effort you got me to reply, and sure some poles helped with concentrating the fucking jews, but vast majority were living about their lives not helping the germans. UNLIKE our eastern brethren in ukraine and yugoslav region that sucked wehrmacht dick dry and helped with atrocities.

You fuck. Gorbachev offered Königsberg (Kaliningrad) when meme union was falling apart to Germans. But they fucking refused like our stupid commie fucks when Stalin offered it to Lithuania in 1950's. No one wants that place.

Got it.

>Poland wanting more welfare

wow what a surprise


fuck off, everyone knows your wehraboo dick licking faggots are rewriting history with your horseshit "ethnically cleansing german populace," fucking KEK

forgot pic, faggot

Because it's full of Russians.

Really? Surprising since Russia today claims they kept it and never wanted to sell it beacuse its a good place for the Russian Navy and influence on Europe. Meh.

Poland was sandwiched between the judeo-communists and the force that was going to stop them from swamping Europe. Poland shouldn't have kiked out and instead returned the fucking corridor, stopped harassing germans, and prepared for the coming fight against the soviets. Instead they jewed out so they could lose a bunch of land, seize a bunch of land, and clean our toilets.

What could have been. If there ever is another great trial to revist WWII I don't see how Poland doesn't get eviscerated.

>a country that only exists because the other superpowers wanted to fuck Germany
>a country whose only virtue is being so shitty that no rapefugees want to go there

>Why Germany does not pay us reparations for WW2?
who is going to force them? you?

Safest place for Jews in Europe goy.

Germany didn't finalize their reparation payments for WORLD WAR ONE until 2010, so...

I personally believe the Cold War and tensions with both Germanys before 1989/90 pretty much ended the idea of payments after the war since no one cared about that.

>returned a corridor
nope, recieved fair and square cunt
>stopped harrasing germans, and prepared for the coming fight
thats a good goy, bend over and take it up the ass from a western neighbor thats historically screwed you over

You blame Poland for Germany's autism, no wonder A FUCKING LEAF replied with such dumbassery.

Cool. Folks are actually from prussia.

Not hating on the poles. shit was a long time ago.

This guy gets it.
Lets take a new highway as an example of using EU money. In Poland there are only three companies big enough to take this kind of project:
None of them is a polish company. They hire poles and shit but all the profit goes abroad.
After long investition we end up with overpriced highway and another loan to pay.
Most of our retarded post communist politicians take huge loans to build sport arenas, swimming pools and other shit we dont need amd create debt usually in foreign banks. Usually german ones so krauts make another profit out of it.

>But they fucking refused like our stupid commie fucks when Stalin offered it to Lithuania in 1950's.
Jesus what have you done. If WW3 happens your nation is responsible.

how does that relate to getting REPARATIONS FOR WAR DAMAGES?

Yeah that's the key there. Might makes right, so what if you're a pathetic race that is given land won by the blood of others? What if you then proceed to harass and murder German minorities in these lands after the war? What if you refuse their pleas and protest to rejoin their former nation of 1,000+ years after 15 absolutely pathetic years under Poland.

Poland is absolutely fucked along with the UK if there is another great trial to revisit WWII.

All that. Thanks for one fucking sane person.
EU is a scam.

Kill yourself

east prussia and pommerania was colonized by germans invited by the polish king in the 14th century already.

and silezia has been majority german since 17th century.

same with sudetenland, even earlier.

not saying I disagree with you , germans sort of had it coming with losing the war and all that, but rewriting history is a stretch.

west prussia, posen and the nazi land claims were ofcourse retarded, but a lot of germans, especially the aristocratic families that held land there for centuries, of whom many were involved in the 1944 plot against Hitler lost everything. pretty sad desu.

that map is misleading in the sense that there were no "polish" then. merely slavic tribes

Poland started the war! You should be ashamed

Oh wow slav-nog, do you also have a map from the 2nd and 3rd century, depicting who settled there then?

In 1953, following the end of the Second World War, West Germany agreed at a conference in London to pay off its debts from before World War II, and in return was allowed to wait until reunification before paying €125 million in outstanding interest owed from 1945-1952.

SOURCE: qz.com/290183/in-2014-countries-are-still-paying-off-debt-from-world-war-one/

So technically, Germany had to be legally obligated by this conference to start paying debts by reunification which didn't occur till the 90s.

If this is correct, Germany is paying reparations in some form to this day.

All the historic Prussian and Germanic lands belong to the Germanic people

because you started the war

>legally obligated

>now where could my pipe be?

>That image

Because they would work the same way? Say you get money for rebuilding Warsaw, how much of that would go to Polish companies? Are you retarded, or just 15 years old?

Chcesz mieć ładne budynki, ale za to zapierdalać w niemieckich montowniach do końca życia za minimalną pensję?

>I don't want to get scammed by EU Funds
>I don't want reparations for war damages
Hope you get stabbed on the street and give up on monetary compensation (^:
Enjoy your Stalin's Palace of Culture and Science.

Spierdalaj na wykop. Debil.

Note that this talks about WORLD WAR ONE REPARATIONS. This is because Germany stopped paying that in 1933. Basically, reparations for WWII were added on with WWI (not all).

ULTIMATELY, Germany is by law and agreement paying reparations for WWII. If they aren't, they're kinda breaking international treaties but no one cares.

How would our politicians reparations?
a) save our collapsing riterement system, decrease taxes
b) invest in infrastructure and steal some money
c) waste this on useless shit, steal as much as tey can, create eveen more debt and leave poland

Reparacje w ten sam sposób w jaki Izrael je otrzymuje, ale szabesgoje przecież nie zasługują

Już zapierdalasz w niemieckich montowniach i sklepach.
NIE ma Polskiego potencjału gospodarczego.
Morawiecki będzie o to dbał aż Polska nie będzie drugą Wenezuelą.
Ale pińcset plus jest, to podludzie mają radochę.

głupi goj, ja pierdolę.

>reparations creating debt
are you retarded by any chance?
Then again you ARE Polish.
Also, nice politicians you elect.

Polen pls... No more fighting we are tired.

Because Hitler did nothing wrong.

>poland should give back ostprusen
italian education

Japan, despite being nuked twice is better off than UK or France. As is Germany. Makes you think. Only USA benefited from German reparations. But they mostly benefited from not having any competition left and having an intact industry in the first place. Also makes you think.

If UK and France couldn't utilize reparations well, what makes you think we could do any better?


Start proscecuting the terrorists groomed in your country. You can make claims thereafter

>Izrael je otrzymuje
Izrael to gówno które trzyma się tylko dlatego że stoi za nim USA. Trochę słaby wzór do nasladowania.

Nie reparacje ale debile ktorzy beda miec do nich dostep. Widzisz ze wiekszosc polactwa sra w gacie z radosci dostajac patologia 500 plus i grazyny nie nadazaja gotowac bigosu z radosci, jak myslisz na co przepierdola takie pieniadze politycy jesli nie na umocnienie pozycji wsrod glosujacego na nich robactwa? Oczywiscie w polowie realizacji projektów hajsu zabraknie to wezma pozyczke. I skonczymy w jeszcze wiekszej dupie. Jesli chcemy reparacje to trzeba pozbawic prawa glosu polakow robakow i wybrac madrych politykow ktorzy raz w naszej jebanej historii przestana dzialac jak pierdoleni egoisci i zrobia co nalezy czyli uprzatna caly ten burdel zwany III RP

I should demand reparations too. They shot my great-grandmother's sisters son!!!

Just like after WW1, reparations were paid in clay. The area of clay Poland got paid is larger than half of the UK. You want to trade? Remove your people, give the clay back and receive an economic boost from us the size of 30% of your current government spending every year for the next 10 years.

Lepiej niż kurwa polaczki cebulaczki. Pośmiewisko świata, które wystarczy nazwać gównem w gazecie dla polaków i wszycy obywatele padają na kolana przepraszać za egzystencję.

Nigdy przenigdy.
następne wybory wygra koalicja PO i .Nowoczesna, bo teraz kolej niemców.
Do parlamentu wejdą też neobolszewicy z razem.
Z dobroci serca życzę Ci byś znalazł żydów na drzewie genealogicznym.

Sup Forumsand could take all of Germoney by just marching in on a weekend, the soldiers get weekends off under their union agreements w/ Bundeswehr.
Even if some were on overtime, they won't shoot, Germoney would breathe a sigh of relief to not have to pretend to be a country anymore and hope you'll keep paying to ship in millions more shitskins.

kek what a shit deal

talk shit get hit, third times the charm is incoming kraut

W lini ojca polskie chlopstwo i szlachta zaściankowa, najwieksze biedaki oczywiscie. W linii matki kowalczykiewicz wiec jest nadzieja.

Mam nadzieje ze wczesniej przejdzie przez nas w koncu ta jebana wojna i skoncza sie te cierpienia.



karachan.org pozdrawia :D


zesralem sie i smierdzi


Zgniłem z polactwa xD i tak za dużo ochłapów z pańskiego stołu się nawpierdalaliście psy pierdolone.