Based Aerospace firm pays fine for hating mudslimes

>Electroimpact, a prominent aerospace supplier whose president voiced hatred of Muslims and encouraged his mostly white engineers to marry and procreate, has entered into a consent decree with the state Attorney General’s Office that requires the company to pay $485,000 and takes its controversial leader out of direct hiring.

Electroimpact confirmed to be \ourcompany\

How do we stop (((civil rights))) groups from interfering with our hiring practices?

That's pretty fucked up. I don't get why people are forced to like people. Muslims hate white people, only makes sense for whites to hate them back.

Once you get over 15 employees or something you have to comply with federal discrimination laws. Thank lbj.

Exactly. I dont see them scrambling to accommodate whites.

we need more of this

Civil rights groups need to be destroyed.
How do we get rid of them?
Any ties to terrorists?

>Muslims hate white people

>fined for expressing your feels

The worst part is, from what I understand, this company is pretty successful in how it's being run. Forcing "diversity" will most likely impact the quality of the business.

> I don't get why people are forced to like people.

People arent forced to do anything, the government makes it more difficult for employers to discriminate against protected classes in an effort to make society more cosmopolitan and inclusive.

>Muslims hate white people, only makes sense for whites to hate them back.

Most Muslims consider themselves white.

>You better say what we want you to or else we'll fine you

I love how democucks talk about free speech all the time until you say something that offends them

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Try to argue this when its been more than a week since the last terrorist attack

Awesome. All white space colony when?

Trump needs to start having these people eliminated

>protected classes
>make society more cosmopolitan and inclusive.

Are you saying that we are all equal but someone is more equal than others?


Also, this isn't antifachan. Quit archiving links that aren't complete cancer.

Unreal. Why does the state get to take a side on free speech? This is outrageous.

More companies need to start doing this. Hopefully it starts to become a trend.

That's not very logical, is it? You're trying to prove a rule with an exception.

your retarded leader literally said to outbreed us genius

>Doing the /brackets/ incorrectly.

>t. Muslim

Where do I send my resume?

Siege heil!



I don't see them scrambling for indoor plumbing. Guess cleanliness is just for jews anyways.


Go back to your shithole shitskin

>white men dominated company that promotes the progeny of white people

The fucked up thing is now they are forced to "diversify" the workforce by hiring chinks, muzzzies and women.

The west is dead.
In 100 years all high tech will cease to exist since the not diverse groups of white men won't exist anymore.
Well have anything at mass effect Andromeda levels of quality

this is what leftist and right faggots created you both need the rope. Pro-white third position is the only solution

Nice takiiyah or whatever that shit is, roach nigger.