Why don't we just annex The Bahamas?

Why don't we just annex The Bahamas?

Because it is apart of the commonwealth

why would we?

it makes us look like we have more power

Someone's got jungle fever

it's literally worthless

so take it over

A jonboat full of rednecks and a handgun could probably take it over
I don't want to be responsible for any more stoners and niggers

Russia annexed Crimea because it had a Russian population, is that the case for Bahamas? There's no point in annexing someone who will resist being part of your country, unless you make them your slaves, which I doubt would work in this era.

what about the spics in south texas and miami
britain can go fuck themselvse


/not thread

The higher res picture has more authority


The fuck is this shit?

We should have consolidated our Caribbean empire when we had the chance.

the thread must continue

Does anyone find her attractive? She's so pale like she's sick.

You have no interest in discussing this so keep posting Emma

You mean THIS Emma?


Sup Forums likes frogs.

I think she's.... fun to look at.

Frog Emma


Frog Emma

Goddamn she's nice to look at.

Hot! Any moar?

she's also really nice of a person

Seems so in interviews. Composed. Classy. Intelligent. Well spoken. Who really fucking knows though.

She has alot to be desired in her politics though.

All I know about it is she is vocally anti-gun.

anti-gun, and alot of other things...


that's a nice image of emma you shooped onto there

