Why don't you ethnic nationalists realize that race doesn't make you more superior than another race...

Why don't you ethnic nationalists realize that race doesn't make you more superior than another race? Why don't you realize that culture, not race, is the problem?

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potato potato

It's both race and culture. Blacks used to marry and have stable lives.

White Power!

Why would you say its a mix? I think its culture only because if the blacks had the same culture as the white race, then we wouldnt have to worry about race because they would act the same as whites.

But why race?
Race is just some categorization due to your biological caracteristics, culture is the context that really affects you, your person and your way to be/think, a white can be equal or more also less degenerate than a Black or a Muslim or a Hispanic

>more superior

high quality bait


>check out this based black guy with a trump hat

Also some whites have some sort of racists culture against blacks, leaving them in a disadvantage situation

Its not bait, i dont want to make anyone mad. I just want to discuss the race and culture issue

it's not that it MAKES you superior, even if it's common that you're likely to be superior. the superiority doesn't matter. what matter is that it's YOUR race. YOUR family. the people YOU care about. and even if they were inferior, you'd still fight for them.

It's both you dumb faggot. Malcolm X was right to want a black enthnostate and so are white people for wanting to preserve theirs.
>If they had the same culture as us...
We tried to get them to do that both here and abroad. It didn't work. Rather than beat our heads against a wall that won't budge we would do better to go our own separate ways

Daily reminder that genetic purity is as bad as diversity. We should redefine Aryan to mean people of Eurasia and North America who have nationalistic, and conservative values. May the west rise again!

To reject any biological basis for behavior is just foolish; you can't tell me that groups of humans were geographically isolated for millennia and the only things that evolution were acting on were superficial traits.

However, culture and environment are far more significant factors and drown out any genetic factors for the most part. Although genetic differences do not have a huge affect, they are still measurable when you control for environment and culture, which many studies have done and demonstrated.


Why are shitskins so desperate to live here? Get off our dicks you subhumans.
Your people cant make a functioning country? Might want to admit we are superior

it's been discussed. many times.

Niggers are inferior

Then why oppose mass immigration? If culture is all that matters, it wouldn't matter what the demographics of America were like as long as the newcomers learned English, ate burgers, played football, and respected the Constitution.

Here are a few redpills for you OP


Nice argument


Read these then get back to us.

>To reject any biological basis for behavior is just foolish; you can't tell me that groups of humans were geographically isolated for millennia and the only things that evolution were acting on were superficial traits.


(2008) Li JZ et. al., show the distinct population groups of the Earth by genetically testing individuals from each population group and mapping them by their single nucleotide polymorphisms.

Only three groups - South Asians, Central (West) Asians, and East Asians have overlaps while Middle Easterners, Central Asians, and Indian South Asians have genetic contributions from European population groups. There is no genetic continuum between Africans and any other population group alive. The 40.000 years of evolution put between the rest of Mankind and Africans can be shown as the source of this.

This finding is supported by (Lao et. al., 2006; Costas et. al., 2005; Xing et. al., 2010 (1); Xing et. al., 2010 (2); Jakobsson et. al., 2008; Huang et. al., 2011; Paşaniuc et. al., 2010; Huang et. al., 2009; Hao et. al., 2009; Nothnagel et. al., 2009; Chanda et. al., 2012)

>However, culture and environment are far more significant factors and drown out any genetic factors for the most part.
False. I have a few to back that up


(2009) Way & Lieberman analyze genetic contribution to cultural differences in this piece and draw support for dual-inheritance theory.

They show that there are genetic predispositions for IQ, collectivism, individualism, a wide breadth of aspects of socialization, depression, and other psychocultural phenomena which determine the values of societies and their people. They show that populations have mean genetics which means they have mean dispositions and thus mean personalities as well and thus cultures are formed around those same means.

Add to the second link

These findings are supported by (Simoons, F, 1969; Simoons, F, 1970; Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi & Piazza, 1994; Holden & Mace, 1997; Durham, 1991; Perry et al., 2007; Campbell, 1965; McElreath & Henrich, 2007; Kroeberm & Kluckhohn, 1952; Sasaki, 2013; Cochran & Harpending, 2009; Bentley, Hahn & Shennan, 2004; Boyd & Richerson, 1985; Gabora, 1995; and so many more)

and culture manifest itself out of thin air?

Culture is based on biology

I agree with you, but I think Mexico is a bit hypocritical on this issue. After all, your government has immigration laws in place so as not to upset the demographic balance of the country.

What would it hurt to have freedom of movement so Central Americans could freely move to and live in Mexico? You would probably get whites living there too as well who wanted nice warm weather.

Yeah i'm sorry for not wanting white people to get mixed out of existence.
it happens to be so that i'm white and the fact that you're condoning white genocide with your "civic nationalism" kind of pisses me off.
i'm sure that you can understand that, right?


(2005) Mekel-Bobrov et al., conclude that the gene ASPM is a specific regulator of brain size, and its evolution in the lineage leading to Homo sapiens was driven by strong positive selection. They show that one genetic variant of ASPM in humans arose merely about 5.800 years ago in Eurasia and has since swept to high frequency across Eurasia under strong positivel selection.

The gene is almost non-existent in Sub-Saharan Africa.


Based dank black guy in Trump hat is based! It'd be a shame if this made it to r/all

Because *shocker* people bring their culture with them. And especially when migrating en masse, they are much more reluctant to set aside their culture for the dominant culture they arrive into.

I watched the US election with a Mexican-American whose mother was from Mexico and he voted for Trump, and he was obviously a patriot and loved this country.

All I ask for is that if you immigrate here, do it legally and have the appreciation and respect to not reject American culture and stay isolated in your small cultural bubble all the time and never naturalize yourself or assimilate.

Culture is the result of race, nigger. Cultures are the way they are because in the past, certain populations underwent selection pressure for certain personality traits.

Because they are stupid inbred degenerates who they'd (nazis) be better off if we gassed them. They can't except meritocracy is the only good.


You mexicans need to stop this


Thats the globalists endgame and they shill for it

But isn't that what America was founded on? The European rejection of Native American culture and the formulation of their own? Not to mention that American culture itself is a mix of many cultures, Mexican culture plays a big regional role in American culture, particularly in the Southwest. One can be Mexican and American culturally.

I think your argument is more of a political one, the fear of immigrants voting in Democrats more than a fear of someone bringing a different culture - which has always happened in American history. Go outside and you'll probably see cuisines and peoples from all around the world, that is what we are about.

Now we do have basic rules and ideas that govern our society, such as Constitutional law, but these values are universal, meaning anyone can adhere to them by choice. That is what makes us a great nation - we are for everyone.

Why do libs think being stupid makes you automatically inferior? In places like africa having brawn over brains is more favorable. Every race is well adjusted to their enviroments and are superior to every other in their own respective ways. Its like comparing a shark to a lion. Both are great killers but of their own respective enviroments

Culture comes from race.

Yes, I agree with you. All I was trying to say is that even if you take a black child and raise them with a white family surrounded by White/Western culture, indeed they statistically will show lower performance, but most definitely they will perform much much better than if they had been raised with a broken black family surrounded by toxic black culture.

Basically what I'm saying is that the positive aspects and influence of a culture are more significant than the innate genetic disposition and influence.

Long term, if you are an American nationalist, the comingling of the races into one would be a desirable goal.

Obviously, it won't happen due to regional differences, but being American is much more than skin tone or hair color, it's values, and whoever appreciates those values is welcome here.

Whites are better than everyone else at creating white babies.

Fuck off /leftypol/ nu/pol faggot.
Go prep jamal for your sister you kike.

Good thing I'm not an "American nationalist", then!

>They show that there are genetic predispositions for IQ, collectivism, individualism, a wide breadth of aspects of socialization, depression, and other psychocultural phenomena which determine the values of societies and their people. They show that populations have mean genetics which means they have mean dispositions and thus mean personalities as well and thus cultures are formed around those same means.

what bothers me is that this has been common knowledge for thousands of years. people knew this because it was fucking obvious, not because some semi-retarded scientists wasted enormous amounts of money to use their fraudulent office of Truth™ to authorize people believing it.

how lost are we that we don't see the obvious unless someone tells us we're allowed to?

races create culture, idiot. Why do you think South America has no culture? We have no race

>b-but Peru and the llamas!
Yes, when you imagine south American culture, you literally picture Indians. Because American Indians are a race, not the mestizo that live today though. What's Argentina's culture? they have none, they murdered their Indians into extinction.

You can't have culture without having a race.

If this theoretical "white genocide" were to happen and we still had our christian, patriotic, God fearing and morally just culture, who would care about the pigmentation of our descendants skin?


I need you to give me a, white person a reason I should support multiculturalism.
We dont owe brown people a damn thing. In fact everything about them is a drag on society. Lets take your feefees out for a moment


(2013) Edward Dutton and Richard Lynn conclude that Finland has suffered a negative Flynn Effect between the years of 1997 and 2009 in all IQ metrics.

These results are in contrast to the gain Finland accrued between 1988 and 1997. The likely cause is the massively increased importation of migrants from other races, ethnicities, and cultures within that time period coupled with a slackening of mate selection criterion and racial endogamy. These findings are in-line with the consensus that outbreeding reduces IQ and the importation of migrants preempts that happening.

The manifestation of dysgenics in Finland supports IQ heritability, differences between races, and opposes the Flynn Effect and miscegenation propaganda in the same manner.


(2015) Michael Woodley and Curtis Dunkel conclude that France has suffered a 4-point drop in IQ scores in the decade between 1999 and 2008-9 during a period of mass migration from the Middle East and North Africa in particular.

Their conclusions are as follows

• Dutton and Lynn have identified a 4 point decline in French IQ.
• Dysgenics and replacement migration are causes.
• French IQ losses are found to be associated with the Jensen effect (ρ = .833).
• A common factor of g loadings and 3 biological variables loads on the loss-vector.
• This supports biological causation.

Justify this

It wasn't an argument, you e-celeb loving faggot. It was a statement.

Ethnic nationalism = crypto globalism.

I make fun of white Americans, and I know they say nigger more than they breathe. But here's the thing we may fight amongst ourselves, but our nationality trumps our race and is far more bonding. We don't always get along, but we keep shit in house. Brothers always fight, but an outsider can't fuck with my brother, I am a true nationalist. That comes from my time in the service. I look phenotypically arab, so when I was in Iraq, Iraqis thought I was the interpreter, and would often pull me to the side to try and reason with me because of how I looked they trusted me more than my red-faced white boy teammate from Alabama. Like I said we didn't always get along, but the truth is I would sacrifice a million sandniggers to save one white american and vice versa. Nationalism in me is so deeply engrained that it is reactionary. Anyway most anons views would mature substantially if they traveled and got some life experience.

Because believing that race determines culture is a form of collectivism, and inherently anti-American.

The American ethos is very simple, that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator (or nature) by certain inalienable rights. Whatever race you come from is irrelevant, so long as you want to come here and enjoy and respect the founding documents, you are welcome to join the tribe as a fellow American.

This same fear was mentioned when we had Irish and Italian Catholics moving here. People said - Oh no, we are going to be subject under the Pope if the micks and dagoes keep moving here! Yet it didn't happen, the assimilated, and America as a whole stayed secular.

Found the kike, Genetic Purity is truly redpilled. Hapas are inferior mongrels who never amount to anything but post on r/hapas.

The whole "well common sense would tell you X, but REALLY it's Y!" thing seems very Jewish in nature. Like it's one of the more obscure facets of postmodernism. Undermining people's faith in their own perception. It's disgusting.


>Why don't you ethnic nationalists realize that race doesn't make you more superior than another race?
fuck off kikel jackson

You are the poster boy of a cuckservative, and Christianity is a cuck religion.

SeeandYour "culture" excuse only goes so far. Also
>They are still Christian so it's ok
Except black people cannot into religion. Literally. I've been to black churches and listened to their "faithful" and you know what they see God as? A genie. They do not understand basic spirituality. They do not pray for strength or courage or forgiveness, they pray for immediate results like money, acquittals and negative pregnancy tests.

New age migrants are encouraged not to assimilate

The Europeans and the country they founded have the rights of the conquerors, you can't change history.

And no, I don't fear immigrants voting democratic, I fear anyone voting democratic, but I still believe in every citizens right to vote for who they please.

When immigrants arrive en masse, carrying their cultural baggage, the resulting culture clash is much greater and harsher than if they were to trickle in and have time to assimilate as small groups rather than have the opportunity to form cultural bubble communities that are isolated from the rest of the country.

You are a good man user. Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't American.

Our land is not a land of blood, but rather of values. That anyone can be American should be seen as laudable, instead, ethnic nationalists want to limit American greatness to a certain tribe. In that sense, they are no different than the Jews they hate.

You are arguing for Nu america after the 1965 Immigration act. We use to have laws to protect white workers in this country. We genocided the indians. We are not multicultural in fact the first immigration requirements were to be a white male of good character

>how lost are we that we don't see the obvious unless someone tells us we're allowed to?

we're just not allowed to talk about it. most people see it, except perhaps some brainwashed college kids.

I don't think that is the case. Second generation migrants are as American as you or I. I know plenty of second gen Hispanics, Asians, even some Arabs. And they've all assimilated quite well - speak English, respect secularism, respect the rule of law.

Or we can allow immigration from Europe? Non white immigrants nowadays never accept American values. That's why something like civic nationalism is doomed to fail. Especially since most minorities voted against trump.

I have never met a single non-white who identified as an American. I am serious, not a single one has said "As an American" it is always "As a Dominican, as an African-American, as an Asian, as a Muslim (not even a race they end up identifying with their religion), as a Mexican" etc. It's really weird.

>Because believing that race determines culture is a form of collectivism, and inherently anti-American.

but that's not true. it was simply taken for granted in the first couple hundred years. people didn't need to 'defend' it.

>The American ethos is very simple, that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator (or nature) by certain inalienable rights.

that's part of the declaration of independence and it does NOT mean what modern leftists mean by equality or equal rights.

>Whatever race you come from is irrelevant, so long as you want to come here and enjoy and respect the founding documents, you are welcome to join the tribe as a fellow American.

nothing that matters can ever be irrelevant and it was never, EVER seen that way by the founding americans.

furthermore, you leftists are always eager to achieve progress, right? so now you don't want america to mature into a nation that is smarter and stronger than it used to be?


Ethnic-nationalists are fucking idiots. Thus, it's hard for them to realize anything.

One thing that really doesn't make sense to me about you people is that:

on the one hand you encourage people to be proud of who they are if they are lgbtqwerty^2(/whatever)

but on the other you discourage people from being proud of who they are as a race, especially if they are white. Essentially, I should not be proud of the accomplishments of my people because all races are "equal"

(Keep in my that there is no difference between being proud of yourself and believing in your own relative superiority.)

It doesn't make a lot of sense...

I remember Thomas Sowell saying in a video that the sons of black GIs that were left behind in Germany had the same IQ as the population. It's only in the USA that the blacks are stupider.

Also, wasn't the war on drugs a war on black people? Just like outlawing heroin affected the Chinks the most? And a lot of the drugs that were brought into the USA were done under the Aegis on the CIA. They don't care about destroying the blacks.

culture and race are the same thing wtf are you talking about.

>Dude, this one nigger put on a Trump hat so white people shouldn't exist!

I hate Trump-voting darkies because they expect our movement to conform to them and cucks like you are more than willing to.


That's right we gotta keep it in the family.

>I was treated better in a country of people of the same phenotype than I ever was in the US
>this is proof that Americans have a strong bond
An hero, Reddit meme tourist.

Day of Rake can't come sooner

You aren't the first to say stuff like that. As I said before, many were fearful of the Irish and Italians turning us into a papal state.

Contrary to popular belief, people are assimilating. Sure, you have some enclaves in the major cities, but that is usually a first generation thing. Ethnic white groups did that when they first arrived, you had Italian neighborhoods, Croatian neighborhoods, Irish neighborhoods. But they eventually assimilated and mixed in. That will eventually happen with Latinos and Asians.

I predict in a couple generations the West Coast and Southwest will be mostly mixed race. By then, Democratic identity politics will no longer be fruitful because no one will care for "La Raza" or whatever.


Hapas are literal scum

I think your misunderstanding my stance. I completely agree that in the US, modern mainstream black culture is a cancer to their people and does them much more harm than good, and the data shows that.

The only thing I was saying is that people are a product of both their genetics AND their environment/culture, and that the cultural aspect ends up having a larger effect on the way a group performs as a whole. (This mostly goes for the US)

Now continental Africa is another story. Without European infrastructure, native Africans left to their own devices amount to about nothing. Africans have genetic disposition to have no sense of urgency or foresight, due to them evolving in a region where they had no use for farming or similar things that required a sense of urgency or foresight (ergo the so-called "African Time"). It doesn't matter how much money and resources gets thrown at them, without European instruction or example, they squander it away very quickly and they are right back where they started.

I mean... should we be proud of some aspects of who we are and at the same time ignore other aspects and hide certain qualities away?

That's essentially a lot like being in the closet don't you think?

White people voting themselves out of the globalists mess as an ethnic voting block terrifies them

Africans who move to the US are quite successful though. Nigerian and Ethiopian immigrants tend to be wealthier and more settled than whites.

Quite proof that culture is more important than race, and a culture of free markets and free minds begets success.

Tell us about yourself....I'm sure it would explain why you ask.

civil-nationalist cry about european ethnic-nationalism be they are niggers that what to leach off the white man because the kikes feed the white man to his zoo animals.


White people wont get mixed out of existence if you fuck the right races... keep it caucasoid and mongoloid never the negroid.

And yet you're too bluepilled to realize that race-mixing only makes your country shitter. Brazil did it, nobody should repeat what that shithole has done.

And Assimilating? They voted against trump in mass droves. That's why civic nationalism won't work. Minorities in America will always blindly vote democrat because they say so.

That's why I want the US to Balkanize someday. So we can have a white majority country without any of this tripe. If anything we should raise the white birth rate, Civic Nationalism doesn't benefit the continuation of whites in America.

Whites do the same thing though. You see how many whites still celebrate Italian festivals, Oktoberfest, and Irish parades, etc?

People will always look back on their roots as a positive, after all, it made them who they are. If you are fine with Americans celebrating German culture with a beer and bratwurst, I see no reason to get upset over Dominicans celebrating their culture, so long as America comes first.

Ethnic-nationalists are fucking idiots.

>>unless they are a nigger like yourself

Even this leaf gets it. =O

I'm not a libtard. And btw I hate the lgbtxyz community. I think the white culture is superior to all others so I believe anyone who comes to america or europe has to change to it. And i never said you cant be proud of you ethnic background, im just saying that you should have to act as if you are part of the white culture.

Prove to me that it's culture.

Remember white person out there reading.

Its not your job to uplift the third world over your own people.

In fact it is the losing strategy for your people

we realize that nobody is superior, look at the fucking state of whites right now, it's living proof that culture does matter...

...not more than race, though. especially with the minority threat that whites are facing, race is more important than ever.

>keep it caucasoid and mongoloid
Go back, Pablo or Ching Chiong.

We're 60% white and declining, minority majority nations are literal hellholes. Civic nationalism doesn't benefit whites in the slightest but rather minorities who always vote for gibs. We should raise the birth rate and hopefully the day of the US balkanizing will come.

>pic kinda related

Biology is the foundation and the flower is the culture.

>quite successful
That's because they're the cream of the crop. That's the reason why they ditched their African shithole and moved abroad.

Exceptions aren't the rule. They are outliers and the rest of their people are Homo Erectus tier stupid.


There was a study released this last year that straight up says DNA is what likely determines educational achievement and that the whole thing about socioeconomic factors is total SJW BS.

Predicting educational achievement from DNA:


>This is the strongest GPS prediction to date for quantitative behavioral traits. Individuals in the highest and lowest GPS septiles differed by a whole school grade at age 16. Furthermore, EduYears GPS was associated with general cognitive ability (~3.5%) and family socioeconomic status (~7%). There was no evidence of an interaction between EduYears GPS and family socioeconomic status on educational achievement or on general cognitive ability. These results are a harbinger of future widespread use of GPS to predict genetic risk and resilience in the social and behavioral sciences.

It's already well-known blacks consistently do the worst academically overall. The argument is whether or not it's genetics or socioeconomic factors, actual professional science says the former.