Yooka laylee is now a political game

why did they get so hyper political? i dont get it

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God damn it the 1 game I was looking forward to.

same here.
worse part i was a donor and NO REFUNDS
Still gonna try and bomb it's steam reviews though

Reminder that NeoGAF saved their tags from being trolled.

I am wondering if them advertising the game featuring JonTron's voice acting and then failing to deliver it is enough for a class action lawsuit
To defeat the jew we must become the jew

I just wonder why people care when there is Mario.

Can millennials actually be too poor for Nintendo consoles?

Buying a switch after my impending vacation in New York

Didnt they depolitisize it by taking him out?

why not just attacked the low hanging fruit?
They have a jew bee villain and a aunt jemima vending machine who serves the player :^)

Botw is pretty good. red pilled too. SJWs fucking hate it

Is that supposed to be the villain in the upper right corner? Why is it a Jew?

The devs don't actually care about politics, but making this move gives them two significant advantages:

1. Controversy draws attention, so there's less of a marketing campaign they need to run.

2. Any actual criticisms of the game can be effectively dismissed by calling the dissenter a Nazi, racist, etc.

Next Zelda will feature Link and Zelda with brown hair and eyes again after 25 years. And first white boss.

God this game looks like shit, look at that car and those people in the background, it looks like a cutscene in a Gamecube game.

It doesn't seem like it's all devs, it's more like some community manager bullshit again and the devs are under the impression that everything's fine, just keep developing the game.


It's this fucking faggot banning people on the steam forums and saying that customers aren't eligible for a refund. I don't know how those types of people keep getting jobs in the industry, but there you go.

the devs protected their twitters very early on for a couple of days

Call your bank and get a chargeback. I already got mine. All you have to do is tell your bank they said the product delivery date was supposed to be oct 2016 (says on the kickstarter page).

You ain't wrong friend


I can't changed, banks

Damn that's a shame.

>yooka laylee needs more attention

can't wait for the reviews

I got 2 steam copies coming my way
I plan on enjoying it and negative reviewing it

Even Destiny stood up for JonTron when they gave him the boot.