Disabling parts of the brain with magnets can weaken faith in God and change attitudes to immigrants, study finds

Disabling parts of the brain with magnets can weaken faith in God and change attitudes to immigrants, study finds.

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Is there a way to excite these regions with magnets? Maybe libcucks can be reformed.

You mean DBS? I mean, possibly it can be done, if you were to stimulate the Amygdala it could be possible to change a liberal into a conservative

top kek

yeah but can they cure my social awkwardness?

> Only mentally disabled people dont believe in God.
Yes, and?

>Disabling parts of the brain with magnets

... clever Jew.

unfortunately leaf, liberals brain regions can only be correctly excited with hot lead

Now if only you people could figure out how magnets work.


>gibs conservative lobotomy
>create liberals
You think they'll ever figure out they're the ones with brain damage?

You failed to to mention that the specific region of the brain they targeted was linked with problem solving and logic. When you shut off the part of the brain that controls rational thinking you literally become an atheist loving dolt.


> Insane Clown Posse make a song professing their faith in miracles, inability to understand magnets and distrust of scientists
> They are widely mocked as idiots
> Turns out that scientists are using magnets to turn people into autistic atheistic leftists



So people's faith in God is a manifestation of tribalism. Disable parts of the brain responsible for tribalism and people don't care so much for their God.

I am quite tribal and anti immigrant but have never been religious, nor my family. God people seem alien to me.

So if they disabled this part of my brain I suspect I would feel more open to religions and lose tribalism.

Sounds like gravy for the brain

Icp is redpilled as fuck

This proves that conservative beliefs are based on overactive emotion and fear.

Nope, you'd be more distant from God and more of a libbie too.

>if you damage the brain, subjects are more likely to accept economic migrants who want to kill them

Not with magnets. Only electricity can fix them.

>brain damage turns you into a leftist

But it is fear (often justified) that has people huddle together. It is the fear area they are zapping.

I would lose fear of religious people and foreigners, becoming easy prey

Better go get surgery for superior europhic intellect then bud. ;v)

Really gets the noggin joggin

They're literally saying that becoming retarded turns you into an atheist #RefugeesWelcome idiot

You do realize that the take away here is that conservative brains are damaged, right? They're saying conservative brains don't function right. They're hyperactive for fearful emotions, much like infants.

lad. what?

>Technically it impedes noggin jogging, my friend.

I have no idea how they where allowed to conduct this "study." If I was on the ethics board that was presented with this shit, I'd have shut it down instantly.

How to turn you average centrist American into a communist:

If brains need magnets to function correctly then why don't they come with magnets?

More likely the magnets make healthy brains function suboptimally


Nice joke. Lefties are the ones who parade their emotions around.

>Disabling parts of the brain with magnets can weaken faith in God and change attitudes to immigrants, study finds.

>Having constant fear is "functioning properly"
time to wake up and stop letting your emotions control your political ideologies. Be adults and stop being afraid of everything. You're not children anymore.

top kek

they really don't know how magnets work yet because it gets into quantum physics

>much like infants
Do the infants need "safe spaces"?

i sincerely hope there aren't any juggalos on this board.
But i wouldn't be surprised at all if there were


Now, I have to wonder where these parts of the brain are located. Is it something that could be easily targeted using, say, a cell phone?

The jews aren't even trying to hide their domestication brainwashing anymore.

Why discount your emotions? You have them for a reason.

They have served your ancestors well for millenia or you would not have inherited them.

What hubris to lightly dismiss the wisdom of aeons.

You do realize we're afraid of stuff for a reason, right? Saying that one shouldn't base there opinions off of fear is ludicrous. Sheit nigga, Harambe died because that niglets mother didn't fear for the safety of her child and simply let it run around like a fucking gremlin. Fear is what keeps people in line, and it is what hold a polite society together.

>using a powerful magnet to destroy the regular function of your highly evolved brain turns you into a liberal


>the final sample consisted of 38 participants

wow it's nothing

>the independent

>undisabled brains are damaged
You might want to troubleshoot your logic lobe

>"that bear is dangerous, we shouldn't let it inside of the house or it might kill the entire family"
>"time to wake up and stop letting your emotions control how you control the borders of your house. be an adult and stop being afraid of everything. you're not a child anymore"
Discounting potential dangers out of open-mindedness is stupid.

Further evidence that normies and leftists are brain damaged. I've long suspected that their heavy abuse of drugs like Molly in their college days left them permanently impaired.

More like communists brains are maladapted.
Why do you fuckers always assume being a liberal is the default and not the error.

So, Juggalo-wing magnet squads when?

60% of this country is on prescribed drugs of some sort
shit is fucked

Pretty much everyone assumes that their mental state is the default, barring ____-ist propaganda.

>ore like communists brains are maladapted.
>Why do you fuckers always assume being a liberal is the default and not the error

Because they're brain damaged.
This also explains why Conservatives are more accurate at larping as Liberals(just ignore those parts of your brain) while Liberals can't larp as accurately as conservatives(they are literally missing the equipment in their noggin).

>Fearless liberal master race
>Fearful cowering conservative betas
This is the natural order. Our brains are wired that way.

>first evidence mind control is real
>they immiediatley use it to create globalist athiest leftists slaves

Am I in the wrong timeline?

Fear is a liberal strawman.
You don't have to fear little shitskins to not want to house them and have their filthy hands steal your shit.

Conservatives can identify threats and don't want them near them.
No one wakes up in the middle of the night sweating and gasping for air because they had a nightmare about shitskins taking over their country. People just identify the issue and want to fix it. No sane white person wants to turn their countries into shitskin hellholes.

>Disabling parts of the brain with magnets can weaken faith in God and change attitudes to immigrants
So using magnets on the brains of Muslims would weaken their faith in Allah and end the worldwide problem that is Islam; curing the issues in the Middle East and ending immigration to the West.

I mean, some are safe and very helpful if used responsibly. Some, like amphetamines and Ritalin, should be illegal IMO... also SSRIs are fucking awful and make men man and sexually dysfunctional. Not sure why better drugs like Bupropion aren't as common in treating depression as SSRIs

>brain damage causes the parts of the brain responsible for conscious threat awareness to go away, and it makes them leftist atheists
>so this means the non brain damaged people who are likely more conservative and have an intact and functioning brain are brain damaged

Fucking terrible shitpost. Please use a Canadian proxy from now on, because you're leaf tier retarded.


>millenials are the most liberal generation
>they use the first generation of cordless phones and use early cellphone designs
>electromagnetic radiation from the devices are astounding high, and there was a massive worry at the time about the damage it could do to a human brain, but no large-scale studies based on psychology didn't happen
>the earpiece especially is a large magnet that people put to the exact area of the brain where these parts exist, and where these parts have no shielding present to block the magnetic interference mirroring the study

>gen Z grow up and likely get a smartphone as their first phone, where texting is used a lot more than calling, and where the electromagnetic radiation is lowered drastically from other models, along with a shielded speaker
>gen Z is the most conservative generation since the great depression/ww2 generation

It all seems to match up.

Insects don't feel fear Commie.

Stop oppressing me you shit lord.

so liberalism is actually a mental disability?

like you have to be mentally disabled in order to still think muslims aren't horrible for society?

am I reading this correctly?

So Immigrants are dangerous, thanks Independant

Everyone in this thread is laughing but now that they know they can change your political and religious views by shutting down parts of your brain, they are going to develop chemicals to do it. It's only a matter of time now...

maybe it's for the best.
If our political disagreements are really based in physiology, then there's no point to discourse about it. The two sides can't reach meaningful middle ground.

So if one group switches over, there will be no problem anymore.

Maybe we should shock their brains, to stimulate the parts in question. And I know just the guy to do it.

There's a very good reason why we fear the foreign or the unknown. Because throughout human history, they've been a consistent source of fucking us over.

And as Islamists and rapefugees have demonstrated today, some things never change.

Maybe we should just skip that and go straight to all killing ourselves. You seem to have a handle on the situation, so go fist and demonstrate it to us as a example.

2 can play that game

>liberals are brain damaged, this is why they don't believe in god or protecting the national human stock.

SSRI's don't really cause erectile dysfunction, but the main side effect is people not being able to cum for a long time. In men with borderline low test anyway (numales and people who have a low fat and low red meat diet) will experience the ED effect. SSRI Meds are still highly over prescribed despite them being archaic and having better alternatives on the market, like even the most basic of SNRI.

Amphetamines like Ritalin, Adderall, and Pervitin (which is fucking Meth) are quick acting drugs in the system with heavy crashes and are far more damaging to the body when the drug is used and filtered by the kidneys and liver before you piss it out.

The cognitive boost you get from amphetamines cannot be understated however, and the drugs boost every aspect of your cognitive abilities. Much better Meds like Vyvanse exist out there and both work far better than the standard amphetamines, do less damage to the body, and have negligible come down periods instead of a crash due to its long lasting slow absorption effect. Plus withdrawals almost don't exist even when taking them for a long time, and any minor withdrawal is gone in 1 day.

>t. Guy who got dicked by my first psychiatrist and looked up Meds and their side effects to come up with a list of Meds that don't have the same side effects but produce results that are better overall than the others in the same chemical pathways

>Those evil bigots view unchecked, mass immigration from different cultures as a threat! What do we do?
>Use facts and logical points, like, umm...
>Let's disable the part of the brain that processes threats!

well, if they make a liberalizing chemical, and expose everyone on earth to it, then even the muslims would be left-leaning. I'm fine with being a cuck if everyone else is also a cuck, since the term would have no meaning at that point.

I'd rather we turn the left wing to the right, but it doesn't matter which way it happens. If we reach consensus, we're fine.

you and I have different opinions on what constitutes misfortune. I would happily dispense hot lead.

do you know about these from a parasite infected snails, that are climbing up do high positions to get eaten?

In the mind of a psychopath, they tend to have an edge (in some circumstances) in regards to gaining material resources and getting sex. This is because they lack impulse control. Certain parts of the mind simply don't function properly for them, specifically parts of the brain that are used for empathy. Basically a conscience. By turning this "off" they can in a sense be better than the general public at things like logic, because they absolutely have to use it to get by, they have to calculate risk somehow. They have to appear that they feel normal without ever feeling what sane people feel, manage their impulses, etc... and it takes effort.

I have known that there is a part of the brain that is effected by religious belief, and that people who lack religious belief tend to be weaker in that specific part of the brain. So in a sense, people without religious belief may have an edge in abstract thinking and other shit of that nature (which may explain atheist's slight IQ edge over the general population) . But this information about immigrants is amazing.

What part of the brain is it? It's like proving cuck tier views on immigration is a mental deficiency.

>I'm fine with being a cuck if everyone else is also a cuck

I've got some bad news son.

This article states right here that If ones faith to Islam is to strong it makes them worse....

Why is this not been brought up...

literally this sort of shit

>well, if they make a liberalizing chemical,

Like xenoestrogens?


This means, liberals have some parts of brain missing naturally

I never understood the confusion. How do magnets work is another way of saying why the fuck do magnets work. Maybe I should be a juggalo.

So the dream is for structured order. Great news!

>stop people from being overly emotional via magnets
>people start acting rational

Consider my almonds deactivated.

To be cucked means to have someone cucking you.

You can't be cucked by someone who is also a cuck. Just like you can't be killed by someone who is dead.

I wish everyone could be uncucked, but if it's impossible, then I wish everyone would be a cuck. Either way destroys the concept, and either way it ends the argument.

yeah, but you're sending it at somebody who could've been a fellow patriot
it may be too late to save them, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't mourn the loss

Well he does have a fucking kid.

This is not particularly new.

It is fairly well known that people who are less fearful are less religious.

This is because religion is based on fear, particularly of a fictional character who they believe will punish them. There's no real reason to believe in something intangible and uncommunicative, they do it because their parents (and social elites) conditioned them to like animals.

No user. You have "zero" spine, and are just a intellectual rationalizing appropriate reasons you'd be fine with becoming a cuck.

I doubt you have a gf, and if you did, you'd be at the mercy of whether she tried to convince you being cucked is okay.

the study isn't about religious indoctrination but innate human brain functions.

Are you implying the American left has any bearing in reason, in current year?

Should fear be disregarded if you've been lied to for decades by the Democrats? When the fears of demographic and cultural destruction are legitimate, why deny them? """progress"""?

Birth control and antidepressants cause frontal lobe damage.

Look up the symptoms of frontal lobe damage.

Do you know how many people are on these types of drugs?

I've been saying it forever, liberals are LITERALLY brain damaged.

It's all beginning to makes sense.

>human brain functions
Right. When you dampen the fear response, people because less religious, because they are only religious due to fear conditioning.

There is literally zero interaction between the religious person and the supposed deity, it's indistinguishable from nothing at all.

The belief is sustained by the religious person being afraid that something bad will happen if they think the wrong thing, like questioning or doubt.

Oh. And multiple cucks cucking each other, is called polygamous relationships, and is a matriarchal invention so women can have inferior men raise chads kids.

Yes, it's frontal lobe. It doesn't work on all the population though.

Really made me think unironically.

The same people rationalizing statism (inb4 lolbertarianism) and pharmaceutical crutches individually and socially are often the same who vote left wing and mock conservative/religious beliefs, as if they are "past it".

They're often quick to talk about the negative impact of fear, individually and socially as well.

>pharmaceutical crutches
Do understand that there are multiple aspects to people. The person who invented PCR also choked down LSD.

There are plenty of 'traps' for people to fall into, religion just being one of the many, as is SJWism.

I'd say most modern people are already 'beyond' completely believing in ancient mythology, even if they cling to some last remnants for social reasons.