HyperNormalisation - or how we don't give a fuck anymore

So, it seems to have been a full success. All the news of the past 17 years were aimed to slowly get us to a place where nobody knows who is jewing who anymore, what is real, what is fake and what to believe in. The hypernormalisation is a full success:

We don't really care ...
... about corrupt politicians
... about mass surveilance
... about all the wars
... about reasons for those
... about terrorism
... about assasinations
... about inequalities

We go for the low hanging fruit in every aspect of our lives and are happy if we just get our peace and enough time and internet to post on a vietnamese snailhatching board. We don't really believe in anything anymore, not even science, and our only reaction to most of the stuff going on is crude humor or ignorance. We don't give a fuck what is right or wrong, we just choose a side that is convenient for us. We honestly have no clue what is true anymore. And that's exactly what was intended.

Adam Curtis was right, Orwell was right. The dystopia is here. The only difference is - it looks quite ok from afar. It is in our heads where it looks like the dystopian landscape from the stories.



Other urls found in this thread:



Thank you user

Was just about to make a thread like this, but you put it so well.

Weird how this shit works..

Did you really expect the dystopia to show up and people to fight it?

It was slipped into our daily lives through small daily decisions.

Our collective consciousness has been destroyed. 1984/Brave new world is 100% here already.

We live in a cyber-punk dystopia.

Great thread though. Happy to supply multiple bumps.

I'm just waiting for the alien dickgirls to arrive

Seriously though, thinking about this shit too much just gets me all emotional without anywhere to place this emotion.

This is why people die fighting for "what they believe in"

I think what you should believe in when realizing Normalisation is breaking free from not caring.
The most effective thing you can do is NOT accept the bullshit served to you.
And reminding others to not eat it everyday, which is ehy I create this thread e.g.

If enough people break free of the normalisation and start to think, things will get better.

Yeah, this is why things like weed are also degenerate, they keep you content and from changing many other things for the better.

full agree as ex-fulltime-user.

>smoked pot for years and i am more actively pursuing my goals of living an off the grid lifestyle than anybody i know irl

The hardest part for me is when I try to talk to people, even at the most superficial level about this sort of thing, their eyes gloss over and they go into a trance like state. It is the weirdest thing, like a switch has been flipped until the conversation goes back to the Kardashians or what team is in the sportball league championship.

It is crushing to try with everyone, especially my loved ones, and be met with absolute indifference.

The hardest part for me is when I try to talk to people, even at the most superficial level about this sort of thing, their eyes gloss over and they go into a trance like state. It is the weirdest thing, like a switch has been flipped until the conversation goes back to the Kardashians or what team is in the sportball league championship.

It is crushing to try with everyone, especially my loved ones, and be met with absolute indifference.

>If enough people break free of the normalisation and start to think, things will get better.
This happened. Remember Occupy Wallstreet? It was co-opted and turned into a bullshit commie movement, then paid instigators were sent in to cause trouble so police riot-squads would bear down upon the crowds.

There is too much power, way too much money and special interests aimed at keeping us divided, they have it down to a science while we scramble for a secure foothold.

This is why I actually really like Alex Jones. He may or may not be controlled op depending on who you talk to.

But he has a way of making people uncomfortable and get agitated. He tries to bring anger back into people. And brings on great people like Dr Piezcenic.


I think the memewar during the election was an interesting moment for human history. One I was lucky to partake in. A lot of people got very interested in very real things.

But I think people are sitting back and expecting Trump to do the right thing now and I'm not sure its going to be enough.

And this is where things get weird user.

Mind control is real. It just doesnt work like they say it does in movies and shit.

Dont believe me? Re read your last post..

It is pretty easy why this happens:

It's kind of like visiting Sup Forums for the first time.
It rips your heart and brain out and shits on everything you believe in.

Coming to terms with that wihtout going depressed, ignorant or crazy is quite a thing to achieve.

But the more people do it, the stronger we grow.

This version is missing about six minutes, like the 'semiotics of the kitchen' snippet early in the documentary. Proper runtime should be about 2h46 minutes:

Transcript: pastebin.com/vArWcUt2
Fuller version: vimeo.com/191817381

im afraid its gone too far
people are proud to be hypernormalized, they call it "tolerant"

30% of the population is needed for critical mass.

I think that part sucks. I also think its really difficult that was have two established worlds that now exist side by side.

There's the real world and there is (((the world))) if you will.
The one full of unconfortable truths, power structures, divisions and the reality that you have to toughen up to be free.

And the snuggly world where politicians are flawed but still people. That the powers that be aren't horrifically evil. That the media can be trusted.

Man that shit mad me so sad. I was going to go to the protests until I realized how quickly they were getting into controlled opposition. I visited an SDS meeting, as a pretty radical gommunist/socialist at the time, and no one there had any sense of class consciousness.

I'm not trying to shill for AJ, I just kinda like him.
There are lots of great alternative media outlets that showed what-for this season.
Hell I still read CounterPunch on the regular.

Charles Manson has been saying the very same shit last 40 years.

Gotta love the way people do it too

>oh im functioning on 4 and a half hours of sleep in the past 2 dayz!

>oh rly well try not sleeping for 5 days in a row

literally saw this type of shit at my college more than once

Wtf is wrong with people

monkeys will watch snakes

pot literally gives you brain damage

What does that even mean user?

Smoking anything gives you brain dmg, but pot edibles are a WHOLE different ballgame

don't throw shit in brick houses

The 30% number, I believe, was the critical mass threshold for female:male ratios in a given organization in order for the women to have actual influence beyond mere tokenism. However, that number might dip as low as 15%:

For ideas and beliefs, I've heard that 10% is the threshold:

This book predicted it all with 100% accuracy

>25. Far back in ancient times we were the first to cry among the masses of the people the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," words many times repeated since these days by stupid poll-parrots who, from all sides around, flew down upon these baits and with them carried away the well-being of the world, true freedom of the individual, formerly so well guarded against the pressure of the mob. The would-be wise men of the GOYIM, the intellectuals, could not make anything out of the uttered words in their abstractedness; did not see that in nature there is no equality, cannot be freedom: that Nature herself has established inequality of minds, of characters, and capacities, just as immutably as she has established subordination to her laws: never stopped to think that the mob is a blind thing, that upstarts elected from among it to bear rule are, in regard to the political, the same blind men as the mob itself, that the adept, though he be a fool, can yet rule, whereas the non-adept, even if he were a genius, understands nothing in the political - to all those things the GOYIM paid no regard

Gonna need some statistics on that. Could you provide me with your mom's finest recipes on spaghetti sauce?

I am not sure if my vote for Trump was:

1. a manifestation of hypernormalization, using sardonic humor to take ownership of my disenfranchisement and willfully choosing resignation by substituting lulz for meaning and agency.

2. a genuine, but naive, almost obstinate, hope that America could be made great again and Western Civilization could be saved.

3. my last ditch effort to lob a molotov cocktail at the hypernormalized system and burn the whole fucking thing to the ground.

Fire with fire?

stare into the kebab long enough and the prophet (pbuh) will stare into you

I remember one user came on here and said a revolution, if one took place again in the US, was estimated at 30% active participants.

This is compared to most nations where 10% of the population actually rises up.

have you never experienced the fuzzy, disconnected feeling that pot gives you? that's dissociation, if you smoke it for long enough your amygdala atrophies and boom, you have brain damage

I'm sure you genuinely believe that what you have posted is extremely deep and profound.

we (I, humans) like to watch scary/prophetic/foreboding shit because we're curious and want to see what will or might happen

it's a symptom not a cause, people are choosing to get high and drunk to escape whats going on in our culture because there's no point in anything anymore, this nihilistic attitude that a lot of people have nowadays is more of a problem than anything else.

>3. my last ditch effort to lob a molotov cocktail at the hypernormalized system and burn the whole fucking thing to the ground.
this one. something new always rises from the ashes

to be honest: even if most people hope for 2. and act like they did it because of 2. it was most probably 3.

at least 3. might turn out to be true.

Hey, way to prove his point

no not really. It is just a little primer to open on the topic of "being on one side" is bullshit since both are paid and intended.

just another way to talk about divide & conquer.

I don't smoke. So no.
I drink more often than I probably should.

Unfortunately the only reason I asked was because I read your statement as /pol gives you brain damage and not pot gives you brain damage.

Cause I have known potheads and they literally get stupider every time I meet them.

It's time to oppose the state, lads. The best we can do is, we can physically remove the Jews.

part 1: youtu.be/f82mHHAt6yI?t=6m5s
part 2: youtu.be/0IEQmuaJeew

amygdalas are overrated, they just make you afraid and angry

> we don't really care

Well we're working to kill them all so I think you're dead wrong you blackpilled german cuckold faggot.

I remember weighing this same thought.

I was hoping 2 could come to pass. But really expected my vote to count for 3. I assumed that 1 was probably the truth, and that Trump was just another patsy.

It remains to be seen which timeline we'll end up on next.

this shit is one of the few things that makes me genuinely sad
then i remember that nature doesn't give a fuck about politics and although earth doesn't deserve it, i hope we are purged as soon as possible

Here is one for sweet potato

Roasted Broccoli and Sweet Potatoes


> 3 small bunches of fresh broccoli
> 1 medium sweet potato
> 3 cloves garlic, minced
> olive oil
> salt


> Preheat oven to 450
> Wash and dry broccoli and sweet potato thoroughly.
> Cut florets from the stalk and set aside.
> Cut sweet potato into even sized cubes.
> Place broccoli and sweet potatoes into a large bowl and drizzles with olive oil. Just enough to lightly coat.
> Toss to distribute the oil.
> Place broccoli and sweet potatoes on a foil-lined baking sheet in a single layer.
> Sprinkle with minced garlic and salt.
> Baked for 12-14 minutes or until sweet potatoes are tender and broccoli is lightly browned on the tips.
> Sprinkle with more salt if desired.

Sweet potato rundown

>did you know that sweet potato is a remarkable plant? It’s a staple food of many traditional cultures. NASA has considered it a potential crop to be grown on spaceships for long term missions. In terms of energy production it’s only 3rd behind sugar cane and cassava. It produces the most food value (a combination of edible energy and nutrition) of any crop per unit space and time. A study of Fijian farms using manual labour showed that ratio of energy put into farming vs yield of energy was 1:17 for rice and 1:60 for sweet potato. It grows on marginal soil and doesn’t require much nitrogen to grow. It takes a relatively short growth period of 3-4 months to yield. All parts of the plant can be eaten including the leaves which provide additional protein and nutrients.

and when they stop working you get literally the perfect goy, why do you think pot is so accepted?

That's what's scary, I have seen people accept ideas from memes and TV and then recite it verbatim. Then if you talk about anything outside the "accepted paradigm" they almost shutdown all cognition.

What I struggle with is getting past the barriers that have been erected to combat the truth. I have no idea how to get someone to listen. I have tried when they are under the influence of drugs, alcohol, doing something fun and sprinkling in nuggets. None of my tactics have worked and I am at a loss for what to do.

11/10 orange pill.

potheads != pot smokers
i smoke a bit but im not a stoner

basically that means i dont smoke before work
because id like to keep the job

who the fuck has anything to say about what i do when i get home?
if anything, ban alcohol and islam

I guess the only way is to start with small topics that show the same logic, like e.g. how shills influence elections.
That is something people can actually talk and think about. And it is a good starting point that you can show actual evidence for.

I think the only way to do this is to get people to work for it. Cognitive dissonance is what holds them down, so the only way to fight is to give them impetus to invest energy into getting a new answer.

This will create a new cognitive dissonance going the other way. Which can be directed into curiosity and rage and investigative desire. How you incentivize someone to investigate is beyond me however.

Did some journalist do a report about /pol (by another name) and say he started getting 'redpilled' before his wife pulled the plug? maybe we can research that.

I'm perfectly libertarian about the subject.

Personally I couldn't give two shits about what someone does at home to themselves.

Curtis documentaries are in of themselves just metapropaganda and hypernormalization of the center-left, skeptic worldview.

'Hypernormalization' is probably one of his weaker works. 'Century of the Self' is fare more revealing, but only serves as propaganda on the history and nature of propaganda, and obfuscates or ignores key trends permeating many of the figures it studies (i.e. Judaism).

A preponderance on this issues leads one to believe that Curtis is only allowed to produce and distribute these supposedly groundbreaking works because they fundamentally obscure the problems of society and direct the intelligence and curiosity of the smarter elements in society towards fruitless endeavors, such as attempting to tie the death of a Japanese gambler to Trump.

I think that this quandary is the very essence of hypernormalization. As Pilate said, "what is truth?" and as Shakespeare rejoined, "nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." I am not so sure that hypernormalization is anything more than another word for the human condition.

Combined with current tech, and you haveeee.. BAM A FUCKING DYSTOPIA user

Well damn, is there more caps from that thread? Seems like an interesting read.


Tfw you realize the crazy old fucks with signs on the streets werent fucking playing around

>the end is nigh

T. chronic masturbator

Hit me right in the existential crisis and genocidal tendencies. Thanks.

Oh lord user the keks had at this statement you would not believe!

Try to consider the fact that we've lived in a cyberpunk-esque dystopia for roughly thirty years now, although the aesthetics and dynamism of society does not yet mirror Blade Runner, so you're unable to easily make a convincing argument of this truth.

Remember, Michael Crichton asserted that '1984' already came to pass, and that Orwell was actually unable to foresee a society that was aware of the dangers of a top-down surveillance state, and yet created and perpetuated a system that limits their points of view and potential actions.


>20 years from now.
>Still on Sup Forums
>Still seeking the truth
>Chronic masturbator
>Grow beard
>Forget to wash
>Only the truth matters, fuck vanity
>Connect the dots user
>It's all so simple
>The people must know

Get out of my head fucker

There are a bunch but I did not save them because I'm a shit apparently.

That's a good avenue, I tend to want to vomit all of my views onto someone rather than prod them into something that is rather easy for even normies to understand. Unfortunately most people my age are far too concerned with getting shitfaced and partying to want to entertain a conversation that doesn't involve drugs or beer pong. Sad times.

Perhaps I need to identify a topic that they have some conviction and reason to think deeply about. Then use that as a way to guide them into breaking down their preconceived notions.

One of the most wonderful things about Sup Forums is that there are so many viewpoints and argument styles that something is bound to resonate with a nu/pol/ user.

Good to know you find my suffering humorous.

In other words, fight fire with fire

Use the same damn tactics they use against us

Advertise to their minds. Keep repeating it even if it seems like it has no effect. Their mere TOLERANCE of it shows you are effecting them on some level.

We all do.

I found the tone of it to be halfway satirical originally? Im in the same boat, if it makes you feel any better.

A lot of people on pol are redditpilled but hate Reddit with a burning passion because muh upboats and comment-parasitism

and this is why Sup Forums becoming more popular is actually a good thing.

I think that's it.

I think that's why Sup Forums works so well in spreading redpills.

Or why the meme-war was so effective the CIA was literally building a unit for it.

Hmm, really makes me think...

Bingo anons

We are fighting the good fight.. even our enemies are helping whether they want to or not.

Two things are not long hidden: The Truth, and The Sun

yeah dude sometimes i dont know whether trumps a white nationalist, a globalist shill sent to destroy white nationalism, or just a meme

feelsbadman cant tell whats real anymore

Do you have a source for this? I don't mean in a snarky reddit way. I read that only 30% of Americans supported the revolution and 3% were actively fighting. 2/3rds of the Boston Tea party were 19 & under.

A small number can change history

Well, 10% is a considerable number in any state. My history teachers used to tell me that running campaigns in ol' Italy required a thousand willing men, and you'd march from Sicily to the Alps.

In the United States, 10% would be more than 30 million. The whole of the US Armed Forces and National Guard amounts to less than 3 million ground personnel (less than 1% of total population), police not accounted for (another ~900,000).

If we compare with Syria, which we'll note is actually dealing with a revolt, a motivated opposition of around 300,000 (dead and alive) was sufficient to displace millions in a country of 17 million people -- less than 2% taking up arms.

The American Revolution was bootstrapped by 77 militiamen in Lexington, with an average of 40,000 soldiers throughout the war against a population of ~2,400,000 in 1775. Again, less than 2% taking up arms.

Which is to say that a revolution doesn't need 30%, or even 10% of a population willing to die for a cause. You probably need about 1-2%, and the remaining 95%-96% of the population (non-combatant civilians) will get out of the way.

My thoughts exactly.


>whether trumps a white nationalist
It is definitely not this.

I think our top priority now should be redpilling all the new normies here, starting with this:

False narratives for the false narratives for the false narratives for the false narratives for the false narratives for the..

You get it.

Distract the masses with enough various forms of trickery and deception... and you get america in 2017

The power brokers of the shadow governments are still the enemy. That's clear and obvious.

Its definitely soon.

Cant you feel the waveform collapsing user?

Id give a source but feel no need to do so for something that to me, seems obvious. I didnt get that number from anywhere specific, and if i did i wouldnt show it to you because then it would be an argument of ideologies or some dumb shit.

Satirical but serious. You're supposed to read it as having a sarcastic tone but a completely distraught and broken face.

First thing to understand and accept is- these power structures, Globalist, whatever u want to call them,, they are actually weak and stupid. There is no ever present, all knowing force. This so called hyper normalisation came to life almost randomly. It's a product of mixing fast paced technological development with slowly changing social environment.

I concur user. That it how i interpreted it, and found it extremely funny because of the irony. It was more of a "you said it better than i ever could have in that moment" kind of thing

and they include the Neocons and Neolibs. The kikes and the dykes (really all the identity folks). The prison and military industrial complexes. The shadow government lurking in our untouchable intelligence apparatuses. Clear these things out and I think we are in business.

This isn't to say I have an issue with the gays. Gays are actually not the problem. It is when you go from rational adults who like to engage in the fetish or dysfunction of fucking their own sex to groups that actively deny the physical reality around them (trans) that we run into issues.

But it's all 3 combined that lent the movement the force that it needed

This one understands a little bit of meme magic i see

Praise be.

I think this is it.
I think, in a way, the only reason we got lucky enough to get someone through the filter of elite control was that...he was both too ridiculous, too inflammatory, and too much of an ass to be considered a real threat.

But he made great points, he had the right ideas.

So here we are all looking at this guy who in any other political climate was an obvious dead last. And he's saying all the right things, and hating on all the right people. And suddenly he's OUR asshole. Droping bombs on the people we've been hating all this time.

They never saw it coming.


Digits confirm

Praise kek

Yeah, because fabulously wealthy people with similar vested interests and ownership access to media conglomerates never meet in international interlocking boards of directors and round tables to discuss how to achieve common goals. That would be crazy.

>The dystopia is here
You got that right