Post red pills that run contrary to Sup Forums's agenda

Post red pills that run contrary to Sup Forums's agenda.

But they can't get away with it if you live in a functioning democracy.

this completely ignores the fact that importing low IQ voters, herding them like cattle, is exactly what those in power would want.

More easily appeased democrat votes.

Why don't the democrats import the cubans? oh thats right they are right wing leaning

But those are appeals to fear and ignorance and not an argument or redpilled, a sad mishmash of rhetological fallacies

>time when the government almost got away with "helping us"

Islam will save the West.

This pill will always be too red for /ptg/:

"It's not just that both Putin and Trump lie, it is that they lie in the same way and for the same purpose: blatantly, to assert power over truth itself."

How exactly is the way a government treats refugees indicative of the way it treats its citizens?

Why is everyone so much smarter than I?

it's not at all. You look after your own, and you do that before looking after others. Our country is hurting and there is no way in fuck I'm going to stand by for the importation of mass quantities of a shit tier culture. Saging this shill shit

Why did Trumpeteers boo Ted when he said this at the convention?

This is not even a blue pill. Not an argument.

Yeah.. they want to pay more money to the poor and have less wars for oil. That's exactly what the powerful interests want.

that's not really against Sup Forumss agenda since obviously a government doesn't want to just chuck out all it's tax payers and not let them back in

however they DO want people dependent on their welfare system for their entire lives so they stay in power which is exactly what happens when they let refugees in...

Your entire premise implies that your own group is seen just as human as the outgroup, which should be false ideally.

the government treats refugees pretty reasonably, like any other unwanted burden looking out for its own advantage at the expense of everyone else.
its at the personal level that the disgust shows. Individual civil servants are utterly sick of working as eunuch manservants for wog settlers, and so they treat these ghouls like shit.
then the government gets flak for being wacis, new diversity measures are enforced, and so on.
the government does anything it can to keep things quiet and orderly, the way a meat farm should be.

i liked tony benn, but he was only ever a reformist, like poor old skinner. sucked up and digested by the right-on labour despair machine.

Eating meat is borderline retarded

Okay so your saying the government is too expansive and should be restricted. Sure... You don't want that though do you?

Here's one "There is no evidence Russia leaked the DNC emails"

It's an uncomfortable little tagline every media outlet is forced to slap on every piece of speculation about Trump and you know they hate including it but it's always there, mocking the suckers. Even the dirhard leftists acknowledge this and feel the Dems are dickriding Russia to hard. It's fucking great.

>If the government treats foreign invaders this badly, surely it will treat its own citizens just as badly.
I hate government, but man this is a shitty argument.

we treat ourselves the same way; we don't want terrorists infiltrating and victimizing our population

that's treating our population well.