I lost hope for this country. erdogan will become a sultan turn it into anto another islamic middle eastern shithole...

I lost hope for this country. erdogan will become a sultan turn it into anto another islamic middle eastern shithole. i am planning erasmus in europe and find a girl to marry so i can move there. which country should i go?

go to south america, its more your flavor

Stay in Turkey.

New Ottoman Empire when?


fuck off we're full

Go back to the pits of hell you came from we dont want you filthy turks here

Well you can't come to Europe, we've had it with you people.

You held out for a long time. I hope you find peace.

Don't listen to him Mehmet, Iceland is gaping for immigrants.

Go to Saudi Arabia

Go guzzle dune coon semen Sven.
Iceland remains white.

Come here. I want tasty kebab.

Stay the fuck out of Europe, roach. This is your first and final warning. Not joking, by the way.

That's rich Mr. 60%.

If your goal is to escape Islam, Europe will disappoint you bigly

we have 180 million more whites than you do

Go to France.

From a Norsk to a Svenska, eat a bag of dicks.

France has its fair share of problems, but our politicians, whether they are left or right wing, are aware of the threat of radical islam

America still has more whites by number than Swedistan. Stay mad, fuccboi.

We're full

>RARE Flag



Nah, you're a pretty rare flag

Dose it matter witch country?

All eu countrys are more free then turky.

Is this a proxy or genuinely from Aruba?

Go to USA. The land of the immigrants.

Leave Europe alone


Gracias hermano Argento

Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I wanna take ya

Vos sos el argentino del otro dia?

My country sucks because it's full of people like me so I'm going to move to a country not full of people like me. Why? 2017

just kill erdogan

i dont like niggers.

actually i was thinking about spain. good food, good weather, petite brunettes. you are in crises though.

What? Erdogan is literally the best leader in Eurasia right now.

If I was Turkish, I would definitely vote for Erdogan. He is doing well for your nation, your god and your allies.

si fuera Argentino no te diria hermano jajaj. Soy Uruguayo-Italiano

It's actually around 75%, which makes us even with Sweden

No importa.

La pregunta es: que tan cuckeada esta Europa? Es realmente tan exagerado como lo hacen ver aca en Sup Forums?





Mira yo trabajo en aca en Alemania 6 meses y los otros 6 meses me los reparto entre Italia y Uruguay. Alemania esta llena de negros africanos musulmanes(basicamenteSUBhumanos) pero tambien esta pegida que los mantiene a rallas a estos negros de mierda. Gracias a dios mi familia tiene una casa en las montañas en el norte de Italia en la Region de Trentino Alto Aldige y lo que pasa ahi es que es la unica region 100% autonoma de Italia osea que tiene sus propias leyes y su propia economia, y en esta region por votacion se decidio no atraer refugiados dandoles dinero gratis y gracias a esto debe ser el lugar en europa ahora mismo con la menor cantidad de negros en toda europa despues de polonia y hungria. Podria contarte mas pero me da paja ahora jjaja basicamente eso

pussy fifth columnist

Local. Proxy users should gtfo.


Que bueno. Yo tengo familia en Tirol y me voy a ir allá. Me llamaba la atencion eso que ahi casi no hay negros

Gracias :)

Why do people say Aruba is rare? I see Aruba quite a lot. Its barely uncommon.

eso es amigo cualquier cosa a las ordenes. En la region del Tirol estan los mejores lagos del mundo, bastantes frios para meterse pero cuando despunta el sol en julio con 40 grados es una maravilla de dios. Vamo arriba

Diantre, la cosa es ASI de mala?

lamentablemente alemania da asco ahora mismo. Gracias a dios hay luz al final del tunel gracias al nuevo presidente de la union europea que es el italiano que en el gobierno de berlusconi hizo un pacto con ghadafi para cerrar el paso a los refugiados en africa y espero que ahora este buscando hacer algo parecido ya que tiene mas poder.