A somali single mother with half dozen daughters moved into my neighborhood

Govt cucks sponsoring them through my 43% tax rate. How do we stop refugees from flooding into Europe?

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vote nationalist

send that young meat to ole hillary

Get all of them pregnant so their father honor kills them.

Break in and slaughter them all. It will send the message

tell me about it
my high school was full of somalis because they moved into some subsidized housing
fun times

I don't see the problem.
BLEACH them all

Are the daughters cute?
Make them a model citizen through the liberal use of a good dicking.

no they are all ugly, cover themselves and they screech loudly in groups about everything

Stop voting nationalist and their areas of the world will become richer. I assure you the only reason an African would live in the frostbitten North is because Europeans have made virtually every other place on earth hell through neocolonialism.

This, I haven't seen any since I started university though.

stop the boats

most of the somalis from my school also went to uni, i see a lot of blacks in general here carleton



Rent a few billboards and put up sonething like

"My taxes pay 5000 euros a month to every refugee family each"

Just make sure to stick to facts and add no racism

immediately arrested for hate speech

Do any Italians outside of Tuscany and rome give a shit about racism?

Leave. They can't take your taxes if you don't live there.

I seriously feel bad for you Europeans.
I went on a tour of France, Germany, Italy, and had seen fucking beggars, gypsies, and refugees on every corner.
France and Germany especially were overflowing with make-shift refugee camps with tents and dumpster-sized piles of garbage, right off the side of busy city streets and highways nonetheless.

Fuck, I'd rather take in Mexicans than those fuckers (Enjoy the EU, faggots)


Pay a gypsy to sell them of to a brothel.

The shills are strong today, this should have been the first post.

Fuck is wrong with you guys, you get off on circumcised brown pussies?

muh colonialism is why other places are shit holes

Stupid fucking meme.

Be thankful they aren't men

This. It's the only answer.


It has to stop.

Nice. They can "learn" fuck white people 101 and then be qualified to "work" as a "diversity officer" on the taxpayer/national debt's expense.

bro, they are future vessels of future black offspring they will shit out in dozens

fuckoff and listen to the concerns of italibro

Pay Jizya now

I'm just saying your government fucks you over just like mine does. You're lucky they're all women, men are far worse.

Petrol bomb

>Break in and slaughter
What are we subhumans? Humans know how to use fire and chemicals and other tools.

I have wondered what type of women would these beast sire?

But user, don't you know that she is probably a chess grandmaster, a brain surgeon, or a particle physicist? You should talk to her and find out!

just stay out of major cities you fucking tard. I live in a little village of like 3,000 people and have literally never ever seen a nigger there. In the nearest town you might see one or two but nothing more

Start paying taxes , nothing will happen , not paying taxes is a patriotic duty in a democracy , otherwise the state will always be growing non stop due to the fact that politicians have to promise free shit to win.

>America talking about neocolonialism


How old is she?

Give them all the BRC or get a wife and start making babies.

It's that simple.

First real redpill on this board ive come across.