Daily reminder, you shouldn't post on Sup Forums unless you eat Steak N Eggs at least 3 times a week

Daily reminder, you shouldn't post on Sup Forums unless you eat Steak N Eggs at least 3 times a week...

>Lazy NEET degenerate on NEETbux
>Restaurant near me started delivering
>Got a steak delivered to me today
oishii desu ne

Steak 'n eggs are nice but I like variety too much to eat it three times a week. I want to savour it as a uncommon treat, not eat it so often I get sick of it.

>prices seem reasonable
realize they are not in freedom greens

> steak
> not bacon, sausage or ham

Thanks but no thanks. Pig master race, ploxdesu.

Yeah ignore the menu. I just needed a good picture of manly steak n egg combo

If you REALLY ate steak and eggs three times a week shouldn't it be really easy to take a pic of your plate...

I'm sensing a fib afoot...

>at least 3 times a week
You shouldn't even be posting if you don't have more than 6 eggs every single morning.

Just watched "Fat Head"
you DO cuck that with saturated fatty butter right, OP?

Pig meat was introduced to America by the CIA with the intention of killing niggers, you cuck.

>not wanting dead niggers
You are the cuck sir

6 eggs every morning, I have 3 eggs with my Steaks which I have 4 times a week.

42 Eggs and 4 Steaks a week master race.

I eat 2 cows and 40 chickens each weak, get on my level

If those prices are USD, that's a fuckin rip off

Mehmet please

I don't eat eggs at all, except in baking. They're fucking gross.

allahu ackbar cocksucker

>posting on Sup Forums when you don't even own bars of gold or silver
>posting on Sup Forums when you don't have a granary and cistern to feed yourself for 10 years under a happening
>posting on Sup Forums when you can't even build an engine out of scrap steel
I seriously shiggery diggery.

Buy what's your other head say, maybe he eats eggs?

>tfw my diet, entire life, religion consists of/is centered around red meat, seafood, pickled vegies, and ACOLHOL!
it is a good day to be a slav

>Protein on protein

Ya but then I need to make a nearly vegetarian meal next and that's just a hassle. It's so much more enjoyable to make a balanced plate with every food group and enjoy yourself.

How high is your cholesterol?

I claim this board in the name of /ck/!

>eating breakfast
Probably should but I never feel hungry in the morning, and even during lunchtime I don't eat much