Would You Fight for Your Country?

Would you fight for your country, Sup Forums?
No matter what?

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Any map for America(maybe by states)?

>No matter what
That's a large canyon your asking me to jump.

I'd die for my country, is that sufficient?

>Would you fight for your country, Sup Forums?
>No matter what?

stupid fucking question

>Would you fight for your country, Sup Forums?
>No matter what?

>Vechten voor Rutte en Wimlex.

>Would you fight for your country, Sup Forums?

Yes, I'm currently a Royal Navy Reservist and am planning on becoming a full member of the Navy within the next two years.

>No matter what?

Yes. My country is always correct.


I'd fight for my country, but I'd never in a million years fight *for* my country if that makes any sense.


Always the worst countries on the planet that are willing to fight for their own roach hives.


Give me a gun and I'll kill them all. -old finnish jungle saying

yes, if i was in switzerland at the time

Only 38 for Romania? They quelled the Muslims and helped stop them from conquering all of Europe!

What would you actually be fighting for, Hanz? Germany is only Germany by name.

I would. It's my fucking home.

I like Finns

The feeling's not mutual, senki saatanan mokkakikkeli.

How long until we can soothe our souls with the blood of our enemies?


of course the new residents would fight and die for the glorious new caliphate!

I'd fight to preserve a white Europe and America.

no LMAO. but in turkey they put a spike up your doody hole if you refuse to fight. so i wouldn't know what to do.

Did before. Reenlisted to do it again. I guess I am a good goy.

sweden, finland and ukraine were thinking of a russian invasion while western europe was thinking of fighting us/nato wars in some middle eastern shithole. not representative.


My country? Yes. My government? Never.


If I'm getting this correct:
You'd fight for Denmark, the Danish people, it's land and values.

If the globalists within our Western governments asked you to fight for them, then no.

i wouldn't fight 1000 miles away against some goat farmers, but i would fight if anyone attacked us


"No matter what" is a piss-poor condition.
The matter is always important.

I can't eat this without sauce, but seems legit

Fuck no

Why would I want to defend a bunch of self-hating whites and Muslims?


Shooting goat farmers is called hunt not fight.

What country?

for this shit ridden bydlo???



I would happily fight and die for Kekistan, no matter what.as for Canada I would fight and die, whether it be for or against the government of Canada.

>i would fight if anyone attacked us
germany NO

I would fight for my people(race), not for my country.

If my country is cucked and invested by shitskins, I won't fight for my cucked country. I would fight for what I consider my people though (real Dutch people).

Why so, fingol?

yks kebappi ja täl kertaa ilman käsikarvaa

You foreigners do not understand that personal space is the range of a rifle bullet. It can be shortened with booze but since that is out of the question with muds...

not until we've cleansed Bradford, London and Birmingham and Manchester first.

Definitely if we invaded France.

I love all my NATO brothers, but I'm not going to fight Russia over something like Ukraine or Syria.
I would absolutely defend my homeland if it were under invasion, no question.
If the draft were called however, I would report for duty. I don't ever want to be grouped in with those Vietnam era pussies.

honestly depends on the circumstances, obviously if my country was being invaded, but not just as cannon fodder for the higher ups

get the fuck out turk, stop coming here fucking roaches

Ill fight for Russia

Don't see any sweeds here

I would fight for my country but not for the state.

You have a country but for some reason don't live there and instead ruin Europe. A local kebab """restaurant""" for example was hauling their trash to my apartment's bins to avoid paying waste charges. They don't pay taxes and basically work like a mafia driving Finnish business and competing Turks out either by keeping prices artificially low or raiding the competitor's restaurant. There have been quite a lot of violent cases.

>There are violent sandpeople running around Europe, constantly breaking our laws, shutting down local business by evading taxes and all in all making life worse for all of us

>no matter what

Only if my country is being invaded or is otherwise legitimately defending itself.
Otherwise no, not voluntarily.

similar. happy to see ireland is the highest in western europe

Provincial militas when?

i've got a well funded four man right wing death squad in munster if your looking to join. currently redpilling the youth

I already did you nigger

Where in Munster?

I also have autistic leanings, I'm not one of those overly physical faggots in here.

>>There are violent sandpeople running around Europe, constantly breaking our laws, shutting down local business by evading taxes and all in all making life worse for all of us

Consider this,
>those faggots would get beaten to death here

As always, keep your fence tight finn. Be selective, take only good uni grads.

Ching chong ding dong to you

>take only good uni grads
Those aren't any better. Lazy and stupid and if they're told that they have to do something to pass courses, they'll start screaming about racism.

>mfw Europe realizes we Serbs were right

Yes but you're still Russiaboos, so being right about one thing doesn't redeem you.

If by "my country" you mean Canada? No absolutely not

I would fight for independence from it though

Yes - but not my government. Not the current one, anyways.

Only a minority of people are delusional Putin asskisser Russophiles. I love Russia but its not gonna nuke Albania for us.

>62% in ukraine
>donbass stands for 3rd year now
I have my doubts about claims of this poll

I'm willing to die for my people if necessary. That answer should be satisfactory enough.


i call BS

>yes goyim Russia is bad

>Says the medpack who doesn't live in their neighbor

>the entire NATO attacks us, sanctions everywhere, west as a whole hates us because of some alleged slight genocide
>develop good relations with the only nation we were never at war with
>lmao, why are you Russiaboos?

Fuck off, mongoloid.

Fakat he autistican

You do understand that Russia has not exactly treated its neighbors well?


Otherwise, what's the fucking point? Right-wingers are going to be fighting in the front lines, dieing for their country, while the weasels stay in non-combatant positions or even fleeing the country, only to get back when the conflict is over, in order to get voted back to power for promissing free shit as always.


I hate to say it, but yeah I probably would


But it treated us well and you're just butthurt that they invaded you

No. But i would fight against.

And Germany is exactly the same thing as it was when Hitler was it's leader. And Mongolia is still a major threat, thanks to Genghis khan.

So? We're not even close to Russians.
We don't give a fuck.
And when they overrun you european natocucks, we're just gonna wave at them as they drive by.

And Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine... Most of Russia is still occupied territory.

Russia is still a threat to us and others.

>when they overrun you european natocucks
And you're somehow surprised that we don't like you? Not with that sentiment.

I would drop bombs on Germany for my country.

Actually, I would drop bombs on Germany for fun.



>Russia is still a threat to us and others
And why is that?

Yeah on Halo 5.

>live in belgium.
>What country?

Too bad my grandpa wasn't alive for the second war.
He shot too many of your boys out of the air in the first but then got killed by commies in a riot after it.

Ask them. Apparently they're just greedy. Just in case you haven't paid attention to your surroundings in recent years, there are regular propaganda campaigns against us (alleged child abductions etc.), they are buying properties near strategic locations, there is constant pressure and threats regarding our defence policy, multiple airspace violations, the number of intelligence officers and special force cells in Finland has exploded... As far as I know, these aren't peaceful and normal relations between two countries. If you are familiar with hybrid warfare, they are basically doing everything but direct action at the moment. They also haven't done anything to pay their past crimes. If anything, they seem to be proud of them.

why is Norway grey?
And where does this come from?

some info on this?
Should we fear the rise of lefties Germans?

Finland's strategic importance to Russia has always been prettty much "it's handy to have them between us and the enemy". We have no resources that they would be interested in. Stalin wanted to invade Finland because he was more than just a little crazy and paranoid about everyone. If we ourselves would remain definitely neutral and not constantly actively align ourselves with NATO, they wouldn't perceive us as a threat and wouldn't be such a high threat to us in turn.

Our location by the Baltic Sea isn't that important. The Soviets themselves realized that back in the day when they gave up Porkkala ahead of schedule thanks to advancements in anti-ship missile technology. And in case of a world wide conflict, it would be more beneficial for them to have a neighbouring Finland that is strictly neutral, this would help them immensely because they wouldn't have to use manpower to attack and hold Finland.

All the recent conflicts that Russia has been involved in have been about Russia trying to hold on to their existing assets, such as military bases and oil resources. It isn't about Russia being evil or something silly like that. Russia by far isn't the only one trying to influence us through means such as media and social media. Our own elite and the western elite do that as well and you might have noticed this as an increased negative press about Russia and how big of a threat they are. One good example is how media said that Russia might be using the migrants as a tool for hybrid warfare, while at the same time they were silent about the much greater number of migrants coming into Finland through Sweden.

This isn't about Russia being an evil power hungry regime trying to take over the world. It's about major powers fighting for their own gain and Finland is nothing but a pawn in their game in which we have nothing to gain.

Whatevery you say, Bäckman.

>be German
>fighting for your country means fighting for EU, greater Israel or a new Caliphate
>the only people ready to fight would be patriots but patriots are hated in the country they fight for
just kill me

Whatever you say, Elisabeth Rehn.

fucking swedes just won us at soccer


Seriously, fuck off.

I am sorry if I hurt your emotions.
This is you, by the way, but replace pakkoruotsi with NATO youtube.com/watch?v=tJad_j6THY4

Lol no way this country is shit
