The American people love Donald Drump-

>The American people love Donald Drump-


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get out ngger

Im actually glad they dont, it makes the rage even funnier.

Former trump voter here

>Trump has less than a percent chance of winning.


Hillary lost faggot


I do wonder what people who voted for Trump but now regret it what their reason is. Is it a combo of things or was it one thing specifically that pushed you over the edge?

>polls are trustworthy

> after the embarrassment that were polls during the election, they are suddenly correct again

spotted the kike

This. I can never trust a poll again. Which unfortunately makes it really hard to discern public opinion.

That's Obama's map, not Trump.

how is the weather in tel aviv today?


Real map.

if by that you mean North Carolina, around 80 degrees.


There's no way he's going to be president. Hillary's got this.