Grow the fuck up

Grow the fuck up.

Other urls found in this thread:

why do they always talk about harry pooter

If Harry Potter had a parallel to the modern world at all, it would be the opposite sides of what liberals are making it out to be.

wtf i can only understand things if they are analogous to a popular childrens book series now

Harry Potter is for adults, you cumskin nazis in ur moms basement wouldn't understand.

black or white morality

fucking WHAT

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




>vicariously reaching through my childhood.


no way this is real

HAHAHAHAHA I forgot about this. What a ducking sicko.

Trump is Kane desu


Quick! tell me your most liberal belief
HARD MODE: cant use harry potter

jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with her

To kids that are confused about what's happening: poo poo kaka pants pissy head is dum-dum Trump. Trump is poop. Trump friend poop. Doo doo. Pee pants.

And I want you all to write an essay expounding on this thesis by the start of class next week.

t. your professor

Until you see the Death Eaters as the good guys you still don't know shit

Holy shit I thought the Harry Potter thing was a meme.

They actually think like this don't they.

This can't be real

>Particularly Hufflepuff


>children's books author

As a book that is suppose to take a moral stand against people who think they are genetically superior to others, its odd to have it based around one class of people who are genetically capable of casting magic while you have another class who do not. It kind of diminishes the point when you have wizards be demonstrably a superior stock of human beings.


These are from a page on CollegeHumor, they're not real.

I'll never look at Diggery the same way again


At what point did people collectively forget that Harry Potter is a children's series? Back in the early 2000's they were very explicitly promoted to the 10-14 demographic. When it won awards it was usually in some "Youth ______" category. It's all just gotten flushed down the memory hole, and people are acting as if it's genuine adut literature meant for something deeper than entertainment value.

I'm convinced that people who idolize those books not because they're great, but because they're the highest level they ever reached in their reading. The kinds of people who haven't actually read a book since their required classwork in high school.

This is hilarious though

holy shit senpai someone get the gas.


Leftists are fucking idiots that's why

Also......I hate to have to reveal this.....Larry's a Pothead And The Sorceror's Stoned.

>people who can only talk about world events by relating them to books for children are able to vote



They are cultural marxist animals.
They have no moral compass, because they were never told the traditional stories of our people as a child, read real literature, heck...not even a christfag but they didn't even read the bible. They are awash in a sea of nothing, the closest thing they have to sense of what is right/wrong is based off a kids book they read.

Its deeply pathetic.

Fucking lol....

No way lotta kids these days raised on television are unable to comprehend anything not covered on TV/Movies. That's definitely not happening now.

people it's le fad and 'oh so popular' also becuase it's a book and fantasy so it fits in the "I'm so nerdy lol" crowd.
fuck off, you arn't nerdy at all

Member in the fifth book when the Daily Prophet started spreading fake news about Harry to convince everyone that volxemort wasn't back and the ministry wasn't compromised, so he told his real story in the Quibbler?

If they were actual nerds they'd know harry potter is a crap ripoff of better kids books from 20 years ago. That they read when they were 10, would be reading adult books by now.


need to update the trump/harry meme to account for this

>the other side is evil, we're the good guys!

this kind of mentality is the biggest fucking cancer on politics


Somebody post the counter signal men "omg this is totally like that time in Harry Potter" or something like that

>the more conservative-ish Tolkien lore is still safe from these faggots

Unable to understand things through actual analysis, must use pop culture references instead

= The Daily Prophet

Xenophilius Lovegood

Dolores Umbridge

That would have been fine right up til "group masturbation"

Lucius Malfoy

"He who shall not be named"

> a 40 year old man wearing eyeliner that reads childrens books calling Republicans sickos

Yeah, HP has kind of become a "cult classic", though only the former word really applies here.

These people are intellectually stunted in respect to quality literature that explores ideas and deeper meanings, and instead choose to latch onto literature that only softly treads on the exploration of basic archetypes, veiled through a mist of a child's perspective.

They, quite literally, never fully grew up. Fuck JK Rowling. She's ruined an entire generation with her smelly shit dubbed writing.

I mean if they want to play the game we can...

Except Trump named him in one of the debates.

>group masturbation sessions
>particularly Hufflepuff

It might actually be the progressive bible.

Why are they talking about Harry Potter? It was good while I was reading it when I was a small child and the teenager. But after reading my native authors and Russian greats I understood it is a shitpost tier read and a waste of time desu.

So you need to use pop culture references in order to communicate to this people, Jesus Christ.

Harry Potter is degenerate. Completely unreadable past the very first book.

I loved the first two. The second one is quite red pilled too. It's about a man sacrificing his life to save a virgin from the clutches of a monster. The oldest story there is, the perfect description of the ideal male.

kane did nothing wrong


That's because Trump is Harry Potter


Of course. They always use Harry Potter and Star Wars references because they feel as if they are some kind of hero. A hero complex. They can't handle reality at all. And they are still children in their minds. They will always be little kids in adult bodies. Maybe it's why they love pedophilla....

harry potter world didn't even have the internet.

i'd keep the internet over having magic exist any day.


horry shit this bitch is totally insane.

Educated city folk use sci-fi to reference events in reality, rural and suburban retards use history.

dumbledore was the only wizard who named (((the dark lord))) without fear.

trump confirmed for Headmaster?

You know, looking back the Dursleys were actually great people. The dad had a hard enough job running a company and raising a family then some wired magic boy comes along and they fed and clothed him when they could've just sent him to an orphanage.

That's how it should have happened. They seemed like your typical family. Hard working dad. Stay at home mom. But then Harry had to fuck it up. You can always say the way the books should have ended was and then Harry woke up and it was all a dream.

I'm very tempted to burn all my Harry Potter books since I honestly can't stand the annoying fanbase but then again they'll have monetary value in the future.

This desu. Deeply pathetic.

What the hell are Death Eaters?

Where is what going?

I am confuse.

It's literally the only reading they've ever done; it's all they know.

Like virtually every other lefty she's gone off the fucking deep end.