Really makes you think

Really makes you think

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Crusade

religion is for the weak-minded and for those who never fully grow up.

>Christians are violent monsters

Not true, never has been true.

Every conflict involving Christianity as the centre of it has been justified. (Including the 30 years war)

>a jew
>a sunni
>a shia
>an orthodox
>all killing each other
>atheist is a scrawny beta

catholic master faith confirmed

organized religion is anacronistic, religiosity and spirituality is perfectly understandable

t. 14yo fedora neckbeard

justify the first crusade.

religion is the opiate of the masses.

it makes everyone resort to murder and violence


this is the easiest one to justify compatriota

>look mom! i posted it again!

or Protestants

>Every conflict involving Christianity as the centre of it has been justified
Explain pope Innocent III and his child army

>t. 14yo fedora neckbeard

Nod an argumend :DD

implying blacks cant be Christian.

>Try and restore east-west schism
>Quell the growing threat of Islam
>Stop Christians from fighting each other in europe
>More Catholic Kingdoms

The pope was completely justified, whether the end result succeeded or not

Lmao yeah, Atheists are so peaceful. All communist leaders didn't actually kill the millions of people that we were lead to believe!!!

post something that actually happened maybe, and even if it did it was certainly not sanctioned by the pope


You cant even read the first two paragraphs?

>The Children's Crusade is the name given to a Crusade by European Christians to expel Muslims from the Holy Land said to have taken place in 1212. The traditional narrative is probably conflated from some factual and mythical notions of the period including visions by a French boy and a German boy, an intention to peacefully convert Muslims in the Holy Land to Christianity, bands of children marching to Italy, and children being sold into slavery.

>A study published in 1977 casts doubt on the existence of these events, and many historians came to believe that they were not (or not primarily) children but multiple bands of "wandering poor" in Germany and France, some of whom tried to reach the Holy Land and others who never intended to do so. Early versions of events, of which there are many variations told over the centuries, are largely apocryphal.

Friendly reminder that western religion is one of the best weapons against niggers. Niggers are not human, and know very little of apathy and compassion. It is though self-interest and fear that American niggers are manipulated and controlled. Without it, the negros violence in America would be even higher.

>complains about murder and violence
>all while posting a quote made by a commie

maybe, maybe not

>pretending that any other religion but Islam gives a shit about atheists

Why do fedoralords only criticize Islam if it's under the guise of SEE ALL RELIGIONS ARE BAD

>crusader armor fetish
Fuck a desert. Fuck you.

>catholics covering up their scandals
we all know catholics live them their children

Christians ever say this

Christianity creates secular humanism. Secular humanism advances quickly in western culture, and with a christian populous, helps usher peach and comfort to the world. Secular humanism decides religion is no longer necessary. It goes off the rails, and blames everyone else for the mass death and famine it causes. In its wake, old demons are resurrected. Continues to make matters worse and refuses to protect the very principles that brought it about, and the only hope for returning peace and stability to the world.

it's really pretty armor user

never happened

Like your question begging epithet :3

It was a false flag by the rabbi lying down pretending to be hurt and the solider.

It seems clear that the highest value for the artist is being both weak and non-violent. If you're weak, non-violence isn't a virtue and weakness is no virtue at all.

what? That was your source, discounting your own claim.

>be you
>argue on internet
>look like retard

He looks like Elijah Wood in Sin City.

We can learn stuff from him, he's the father of ideological metapolitics and by extension the 68-movement that half a century after his work began started to topple western civilization.

by your logic, every religion based war is then justified. Tell me a religion based conflict that is not justified.

Dude fucking mudslimes were raiding the entire Christian mediteranian and even attacked Rome. The fucking pope lives there

every jihad since the dawn of islam has been a land grab without any reason other than "we're going to rule the world"

>Not true
Thanks for the laugh


Doesn't that go under "more catholic kingdoms", honestly.

They don't, multiple prominent atheists including Hitchens and Dawkins refer to it as one the worst.

jerusalem is rightful christian AND latin land, it's basically a reconquista

You'll get no arguments from me there m8.

Which side in the 30 years war was the justified one?


yes but you're talking about the saracen raid to Rome in 846, that's more than 200 years before the first crusade.

There wasn't exactly 200 years of peace between Christendom and Isam in that period, it wasn't restarting an ancient and forgotten conflict as much as just being a new campaign in an ongoing one.

not to mention that the byzantine emperor of the time requested aid from europe due to the massive assault of muslim turks from the east

>Man this will destroy Catholicism forever!
Said the Atheist masturbating to MLP

Hey! Some of us keep our porn and politics separated, thank you very much.


Look all I'm saying is I've know of like 2 bronies that are Christian. The rest are Atheist. You just can't explain that.


Do you retards not understand how this meme works? Or are you aware of what you're doing?

>Killing Pagans
>Killing Atheists
What's wrong with this image again?

>I've know of like 2 bronies that are Christian.

Personally or just in general?

That he didn't kill the welfareniggers too.


Christians (at least the small town Protestant churches I've visited and heard about) typically don't like people unjustly taking welfare and spending it on drugs and alcohol. That's just my experience with them though, there are probably a lot of dumbass churches out there.
Dream on horse fucker

>muh crusades

Islam was a direct threat to Europe. Even though at the time of the crusades the islamic states were splintered, they've proved with the conquest of the Iberian peninsula and Sicily that they're a direct threat. (Which was later proven again by the fall of Constantinople and the invasion of the Turks all the way up to Vienna).

Secondly, giving the European kingdoms an outer enemy was supposed to pacify any internal dispute. The church was of course first and foremost concerned with fellow Christians.

Thirdly, they wanted to establish a save pilgrimroute to Jerusalem.

Oh, and I'm not even Christian. But I value the religion for it lets me live my secular live in peace. Unlike Islam would do. Also I'm not pretending that my morals and worldviews aren't shaped by the enlightened values of Christian Europe. So of course I would support a new Crusader by Christbros.

It's a way to provide (non-)answers to questions we cannot answer with science, instead of admitting that we just don't know.

>Crusades against northern pagans

>Entire villages pillaged and destroyed women raped children killed

Christcucks have been as bad if not worse than mudslimes through out history

Tbf in the picture the Christian is just laying on the ground and not attacking anyone.

i agree that christianity today is a superior religion because it allows us non religious people to live our lives how we want to. but you have to evaluate History by contextualizing the events. You talk about the enlightened values of Christian Europe, i think your values are more influenced by Illuminism thinkers like Kant, Locke, Hume, Smith, by the French Revolution in the end. I think that without free thinkers and major events like these Christianity would have remained an obscurantist ideology. Think about the counter reform in the 1500s, what they did to Giordano Bruno and Galileo, Torquemada...It's not so black and white.

>i think your values are more influenced by Illuminism thinkers like Kant, Locke, Hume, Smith,

But these great philosophers of the Enlightenment worked from Christian values too. Let's not forget that the Renaissance wouldn't have happened if Christianity had not preserved literacy and knowledge after the fall of the Western Empire.

when you declare the death of God, you need to become a God-like being to bear the weight of what you've done. People in the 20th Century have replaced God with the State, and we had 2 world wars and hundreds of millions of deads. I will admit I don't know the answer to life's oldest questions. But I feel there's something greater than me, and it's better to identify that "greater" as an outer being than as the State. That's how you get Communism and Fascism.

I'd suppose Chairman Mao and Joseph Stalin were just gentle atheist too.


Probably the hundreds of jihads on European soil

>when you declare the death of God, you need to become a God-like being to bear the weight of what you've done.

Doesn't sound that hard.

I would rather have all the violence they bring then an empty husks of humans that openly embraces hedonism and socialism because muh (insert your own europhic bullshit). That's how low you atheists are to me.

Also (((atheism))) did kill to eradicate all religions, it was called bolshevism then and communism now.

Proddie master race confirmed. Cathofucks can crawl back to the rock they've been living under the past 1000 years

What did your imaginary friend tell you today?

do you even bait?

Meme got slaughtered since 9gag faggots used it wrong in every way and people complained in the comments when it was used right.

some of those Enlightenment thinkers started questioning ideas like the existence of God, free will, morality. Of course you couldn't be a full blown atheist back then, you had to sell books. Kant's moral absolute has more depth than all the 10 commandments. Hume's Natural History of Religion is an atheist manifesto.

You're right about the amazing work of monks during the Dark Ages, they delivered us a priceless cultural heritage. But then again, remember the famous Alexandria Library? Who burned it to the ground? It was zealot christians in 391 because it held "pagan wisdom". So again, not all black and white.

then sort yourself out, bucko

>Every conflict involving Christianity as the centre of it has been justified. (Including the 30 years war)


>forgetting communism is athiesm

Not really. But then again I wasn't doing so back there.

Already have. For the most part.

>Communism is atheism.

I thought Marx was either a Protestant or a Jew.

>not knowing the most famous Marx quote
>ignoring the anti-clerical nature of communism in every country it's been applied
>who is Stalin? who is Enver Hoxha?

>jews aren't athiests
look, Judaism is hardly a religion anymore. Its an ethnicity with a politcial agenda.

Most Jews are atheists, and they are also your atheist leaders/encouragement. However their end goal is to lord over you like cattle. Send you to slave labor camps if they need to, starve you to death if they feel like it.
Just as they did in the Soviet Union or any other "atheist" place where Jews gained absolute control.

Meh, I guess if we apply this the same way some atheists apply religion, your right.

As long as atheism is not communism, I'm good with that.

>Most Jews are atheists.

Wait, what? When did this happen?

>Kant's moral absolute has more depth than all the 10 commandments

Well, the 10 commandments were the absolute basics. The medieval theologians already expanded widely on those.

I didn't mean that they were devout Christians but that their worldview was an evolution of the Christian one. Just as much of Christianity is influenced by Greek philosophy.

Alexandria is one of the greatest tragedies of human history though, and showcases the danger of religious zealotism. Luckily, the central governing body of the Vatican kept that largely in check later. Of course not without problems but thanks to the authority of the Vatican fanatics that would damage public order could be largely kept in check. And this all worked more or less well for almost a millennium.

But history is never black or white of course.

There is jewish ethnicity and jewish religion.

Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion starts off with a good rule of thumb: there are 7 levels of atheism, 1 being "I am absolutely certain god exists" and 7 being "i am absolutely certain god doesn't exist". Both positions are moronic. You can place yourself in one of the remaining 5 and you can be a reasonable person and functioning member of society. Nobody can prove or disprove God's existence. People should be agnostic atheists, meaning they don't believe in the christian god but don't pretend to know for sure a certain god doesn't exist. Dawkins then goes too far when he says that religion should be eradicated from society, because he totally disregards the influence Christianity has had and still has on our culture.

until you think about militant atheism, totalitarian dictatorships that enforced atheism and realize that violence is not an ideological problem, but a human one you dipshit

Nice try muhammad

While thinking I remembered that atheists are responsible for the worst mass genocide the world has ever known.

Fake quote. LBJ never said those things. Roland Kressler admitted he made them up to sell his books. At first he said there were other witnesses, but his story didn't check out. And he's well-known for lying in his other scandal books.

But those crimes were politically not religiously motivated.

>even in this anti-religion-caricature the christian is the only one not harming anyone
>christian nonetheless depicted as evil

>Another one of these threads
Jewish psyop detected

>Nobody can prove or disprove God's existence.
Belief is irrational
Non-belief is rational

The question becomes, why do millions of theists desperately try and fail to rationalize something that can never be rational? Why do they waste everybody's time?

Same reason you waste your time trying to "enlighten" them, to feel superior to others.

I'm so fucking sick of this pointless debate. It's become nothing more than an egotistical pissing contest.

Notice the Christian is not attacking in that picture but laying on the ground like a bitch.