Hey bros, did you ever think about the difference between a good buisnessman and a bad one...

hey bros, did you ever think about the difference between a good buisnessman and a bad one? a good buisness man is virtuous and works for progress. lust for life drives his train, he rides a bike. a bad buisnessman is evil and lies on his ass, wiggling a fat finger at his greed to bekon a limp over for a quick hot cosby. its like super good versus super bad. and that battle permeates all classes.

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basically, trumo is fucked

he's like a fucking bad used car salesman, he owns a fucking casino! for christ's sake?

Look, Bill Mahr.

Its like in Atlas shrugged, the difference between Dagny and James.

the way I think of it, its like, my sister got diarhea from the seafood at trumps hotel.

a good business man is a sociopath, someone who doesn't let their emotions get in the way of business

I created for myself, a creature to tell the time by, and on the lawns of her tongue, flowers grew
sweet scented words fell out her mouth
her eyes and paws paws...
with living birds humming alien inside my head
i noticed inside us both
the green love that grew there
was dead

I disagree completley. A good buisnessman is good. He is driven and focused. A bad buisnessman is a sociopsychopath.


emotions should drive business if you ask me the best businessmen are totally free
those who have no emotions in business
have shut themselves off

You dick!

the best businessman is a bad person, who slaves for capital instead of his fellow man or even himself.


This guy supports fully automate luxury communism.

I actually disagree. Some buisness men are great inventors, remember?
Some, however, are leeches.


I want to save this pic but I don't want my ISP to find out

i, for one, am stoked on the flood of bad drag ads im boutsta indulge

I feel as though I'm standing in front of a boulder, on a slight downward slope.

yes, but the BEST businessman is the businessman who puts the value of capital above all else including himself. the best businessman is he who is willing to sacrifice anything for the sake of increased profit. a businessman is one who serves business.

i love futanari but you are going to get banned

The best businessman is the good one. What's your definition of "best"?

what is good?

business, defined as the acting force of the market economy, is sustained by individuals who perform it. thus we may safely say that the nature of the businessman is to sustain business. furthermore, as a system, where profit develops as money traded for commodities which are then traded for more money than the commodities that were used to create it; thus, we can safely say that the nature of business is to grow, and increase the value of the items produced by business. if this is so, we may safely say that the nature of the businessman is also to grow business.

if the above premises are true, it is reasonable to suggest that a good businessman is one who sustains and grows business, while a bad businessman is one who fails to sustain and otherwise and shrinks business.

if the nature of a good businessman is to sustain and grow business, then where does doing good towards others, or even one's self, fit in? only insofar as is necessary to sustain and grow business. it is incidental to that goal. in many instances, it is in fact more profitable to do bad to others for the sake of profit. and where this is true, based on the premises listed above, a good businessman is obliged to act badly to others or one's self in pursuit of this profit.

thus, a good businessman holds the value of profit (capital) over one's self and others.

>good buisnessman and a bad one
what do you mean a good businessman? You mean one who's business decisions are based off of moral framework. Or one who runs a successful profitable business.

If it's the former, then they're small mom and pop shop territory. if its the latter then they're chinese sweatshop, (((globalist))), tax dodging tier scumbags that are very profitable

That's what I thought you were saying. However, Capital for the sake of capital is meaningless and hollow. Those who pursue that hunger will fail.
Love and passion, those are incentive. A business man driven by his own fire is the strongest, and will rise higher than any deadeyed pig who would hold capital over his self of others.
The kind of ruthlessness with which people chase money and power is a weaker version of the power that pushes good business men seeking progress and balance.

By good I mean good. By bad I mean bad.
A good businessman has a strong moral framework and runs a successful business. A bad businessman only runs a profitable business.

Did you ever read Atlas Shrugged?

Its not really like a good skateboarder or a bad skateboarder. Its like, assuming "businessman" is a term that only applies to the most successful businessmen, there are good and bad. the bad are the greediest people in the world and should die. they are even worse than the lowest niggers. they are completely consumed by greed. but good businessmen are the best people, and create all of the nice things that we love. and they are fair.

So you're talking only about moral good and bad?

>think futas are degenerate for losers
>been on nofap for 2 weeks
>see this
>get boner

why must you fucks post porn on this board?


Its like wtf did Donald Trump give back to the world? Mother fucker ran a casino.

there are two kinds of successful businessment

The goal of a successful businessman I feel is to balance between emotion and logic. Someone who is completely emotionless won't be able to understand their employees, how they can meet their concerns, increase efficiency etc. Someone who is completely devoid of logic is going to end up with a dysfunctional mess of handouts and laziness.

A balance between the two means a leader who can converse with employees and relate to them, or understand them, but also not let those same employees whose concerns he cares about cloud his logic, but instead set a line, which will not be crossed.