God keep our land, glorious and free, we stand on guard for thee

Kelly Leitch
Conservative leader in Running

>Canadian Government broadcaster says she's hitler
>Kelly promises to defund said billion dollar plus entity
>Kelly promises to institute payed value screening test for immigration.
> Canadian broadcasting Corp calls Kelly Racist.
> Kelly promises increased national security and defunding overseas abortions
Is Kelly our Trump?

Other urls found in this thread:


CBC is cancer that needs to be removed.


The shills are scared already, the shitty left memes start. Doubled down my vote.

I didn't vote for anyone last election cycle but wanted Harper to win cause I didn't like trudeau.

Now I'm voting for Trudeau to spite Sup Forums and to say no to populism.

Oh, and I'm a very influential person among my peers and I have many friends in basically every university in Canada.

Almost had me until that last part

I see so your an over paid under educated leech, As a multi million dollar business owner I understand your need to suckle away at the teat of liberal Canada as you have no profitable skills. But I will support this candidate until I can't, and no matter how influential you think you are, your just delusional, cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.

Be that as it may but realize that Canadian politics have never followed the footsteps of the US.

And you should know we have no electoral college. If the US had our system, Hillary would have won by a landslide.

Why do you think little potato did? Why everyone I talk to hates Trudeau more than Ben Mulroney, libs are done, Cons will win a majority, what province is even slightly impressed with the Feds? No one, the people I talk to are done with liberal "transparency". You are in a false reality if you think we are better off now than 2 years ago. You had better figure that out, if the national staggering credit card debt or housing forclosures or repossessions are at an all time national high didn't alert you, maybe the .50 cent dollar will next year.

don't care.

would rather have trudeau in power than a racist just to spite u

>Zero Tolerance for Barbaric Cultural Practices
Has he been called anti-semitic yet? Or, is he best goy pro dick cutter?

Well too bad cause you aren't getting either Greg.

Anyone else think Kelly is kind of cute? Bet she is a minx in bed.

Pipeline ok'd, oil sands will be revving up for more production. What if by the time elections roll around, the $loonie is +-0.80-0.90?

Yup your the issue with this country, you've affirmed it, go ahead spite me, I don't need CPP, do you? Guess not, you've got a government pension for propagating hate, vote in JT again, will hurt me in the short term, but it's your healthcare and pensions at risk so vote like a good goy, vote liberal and be deficit free by 2193.

When are you leafs having elections?

I'm all for Canada being great.

Sort your flag out.
Pic is correct.

Remember he's going to be selling off resources and land to china, so oil sands will be worked by china, refined by china and sold by china, in Canada. Remember when our dollar was 1.10, me neither.

Way to long great white ape may be exctinct by then

Wasn't the taliban created because of these pedos? That guy (forgot their name) broke off from the pedastery to form the taliban with like 16 people and fought against them, won and others flocked to his side?

Lefty leafs argue weak and like to call names, sorry Sup Forums for the autistics.
Still voting Kelly.


Yes I think your right, I believe their village was taken over, most escaped, the leader (pic) was beheaded or stoned, not for the sodomy though.

thats why john pedesta and hillary wanted to kill the taliban for breaking the good thing they had goin on over in afghan

>Now I'm voting for Trudeau to spite Sup Forums and to say no to populism.

lol using populism as a bad word when the whole point of voting is that the populi choose the candidate that intends to do what the populi wants.

>would rather have trudeau in power than a racist just to spite u

If you don't like Canadians then go back to your own country.

>When are you leafs having elections?
>I'm all for Canada being great.

This is only the election for who leads the Conservative Party of Canada.

But aren't primaries more important because that's how you pick somebody worth voting for in the real election and/or making sure you get a total clusterfuck to lose in the real election?

It's a desperate move to suddenly jump on the bandwaggon. I'll vote for her in my second maybe. Maxime is 100% the best candidate ever. He isn't a Trump copycat, he isn't a globalist, he's taking on every single issue in Canada from every province.

Maxime is father tier, we must rescue him from the belly of the whale. VENERATE YOUR FATHER.

Yes he is a globalist. He is completely free trade, international trade. He will dismantle any tarrifs or protectionist policies we have.

came here to post this

>Max has québécois roots,
>Max platform is weak and will be stolen by liberals before election if chosen as party leader.
>CBC loves Max
>Kelly is a medical practitioner
>Still voting Kelly.

2019 for the prime minister of 2020 instead of the autistic system of America
>trump 2016
>not in office until 2017
>all my wuts

Everything about Max says globalist. His past , his entire career has been in finance and banks, and being a lawyer.
Also, he avoids the pro life or pro birth question and there is no answer to what he is. But as a libertarian we can assume he is pro choice. Kellie is meanwhile definite pro life.

While Max's careers do paint him as a very capable person, it is not a one-up over Kellie as Kellie is a surgeon which is as well an extremely respectable career.
One can say that being a doctor is not related to politics and thus Max has an advantage in that sense- but in fact many of us are actually looking for a non politician. Something different.

>being a doctor is not related to politics
The liberals would use this argument after electing a drama teacher and snowboard instructor?

Not gonna lie, former CPC voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Bernier crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the maple seeds.

I see the liberals as easy, the obstacles will be Max and Kevin.

I don't see Kevin winning desu.

alright. someone tell that idiot trump to gtfo out of the white house cause the populi choose hillary.

>it was her turn
Say it with me user
Madam prime minister

Kek been waiting for this

Maximeme is not our trump

he's our ron paul

Do we really care about their career? Any autistic will do a better job than Trudeau. Whoever between Max and Kellie that wins the leadership of the CPC will be a massive improvement over Castro's son

Fact of the matter is, when people listen to her shrill voice drone on about canadian values all theyll see is some crazy lady. Shes just not viable for the middle class, average canadian vote. Its about winning and kicking out Trudeau, not having unviable policies because 'muh strong stances!'

Nobody wants to wear your gay Paki flag

Phone posting but we need a Pepe for her

damn what is it with people bringing up Kellies voice when the alternative is Maxime Bernier.

I don't like to ad hominem first, but since you began it I shall end it. Max sounds like a downs syndrome deaf person.

You have to go back Chang.


The majority of voters dont like her voice. People are superficial. A lot of politics is popularity. Her voice just drains her charisma.

But thats not even getting into her neo-Trump lite policies of immigration. Cmon, its tacky and voters just dont like it besides your typical rural grandpa. We need a candidate who can win us most of the metropolitan areas - Vancouver, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, etc., but most of all Ottawa. We NEED to rope in more voters to our party - that means more centrist policies, not hard right. Trust me, if Leitch wins the nomination its a loss in 2019.

In all seriousness though, she is just a tactical lightning rod to prevent faggots from realizing that we have ron paul in hiding

there is literally nothing wrong with free trade

please learn from papa Bernier himself:

Can we just meme a fucking leaf so that a fucking leaf becomes a hate symbol and Canada implodes?

sexy accent


lol, no reason to bring up the sound of voice as Bernier sounds much worse. At this point you come off a little deluded to somehow not realize this.

And Kellie will be who ropes in NDP and Liberal voters. There are people who are economically left, but when it comes to immigration they are against immigration. They will swap parties to have a chance at attacking immigration. They did this with Trump. We saw this with the rust belt. So many white democrats swapped to him.

Why would an NDP or liberal swap parties for an ultra fiscal conservative? Weed? Pro Choice? Things the liberals already are?

I actually am an ex NDP voter and only swapped this election to support the chance to change the CPC party into a branded anti-immigration party.

I won't be voting for someone who dismantles supply management and other protectionist policies and will just globalize our economy even more.

Nope no loss, can't loose to a potato, 80 percent recycled cardboard, and communism party, the only thing Max has going for him is the capital gains issue and the libs will steal that before federal election. The remainder of his platform is lib light. The only secure nominees are Kelly Leitch and Andrew Scheer.

> mu supply management!

Actually supply management acts as a means to raise the cost of living and make our farms less competetive.

A carton of eggs in maine goes for 99 cents. Its like 6 dollars up here.

>I hope Trump will change his stance on nafta cause I want nafta

I already dropped him a long time ago so I can't say dropped again.

>implies im deluded when talking about kellies voice and policy
>automatically assumes im for bernier

I havent even mentioned his voice, get over it. I just dont think shes a winner. Anti immigration just isnt popular with liberals or NPD voters, do you know what their platforms are? Holy shit at this point i think you're the deluded one

Most average people i talk to mention one of two things about her, shes very unlikable based on voice and body language and she has policies that just dont align to the average canadian

The goal is to support our own industry, not to raise our own individual theoretic materialistic standings.


You best not be smuggling our eggs across the border.

You are however welcome to continue accepting the rapefugees here who think they'll have better gibs in leafland.

ur a scumbag
as a member of conservative party you're supposed to believe in the fundamentals of conservatism (i.e small government and free-market capitalism) as well as have no other party affiliations.

In any case, the grass roots will prevail.
Bernier is /ourguy/

>still Kelly

anti immigration is popular with them. I come from an NDP family, NDP extended family, and I was NDP.

I'm a national socialist, and it's quite easy for many of these white NDP to make a jump to an anti-immigration leader.

I am always hearing complaints about foreigners lowering wages for working class people, or whenever another business has been bought out by an american or otherwise foreign entity. That should be illegal.

these are reddit traps. leitch is awkward as fuck, potato could beat her no prob.

You sound like Glen Beck criticizing Trump.
>hes not a real conservative ur supposed to believe in this and not deviate from that and the tea party movement will win!

You're making a big mistake equating our anti immigration movements to the US. which by the way is super small and believe me if NPD voters were congregating enough to support anti immigration youd see NPD MLAs and MPs quickly shift to anti immigration. the us and canada has severely separate and distinct political cultures and you think suddenly trump policies might work here, but no.

Leitch is the only candidate pushing for this immigration policy and its not working. The reason? If it was more politicians would be doing it, especially in our primary. Its alienating would be CPC members, not bringing them in

Don't think so, Conservative party leaderless was leading the popularity polls last week, so a wet fart could beat potato with a better cost/benefit ratio

Actually hitler implemented a free market under the auspices of national socialism:


>Keep marijuana illegal

I'm not even a pothead but anybody who wants to keep it illegal is fucking retarded. O'Leary all the way.

I agree but would like to interject that Kelly is the only one with an immigration policy, but she won't get any decent publicity because of her view of federal money spent on CBC, if she's in they are out, 1 billion freed up like that, and they are jobless so they won't like her, even if she was liberal leader with the same platform.

>mfw I'm a NEET and I vote against my economic interests but in the interests of my people
max is patrician tier no doubt

It comes down to tactics. Leitch thinks she can win 2019 if we consolidate our base, but we're not at that stage, we need to rebuild. And Bernier realizes this, thats why he's pushing liberal lite policies to get more CPC membership, then when we have a solid base for a win he'll consolidate with more right policies.

She will save Canada and my penis

We just need to tax it, nothing is stopping people from buying weed right now.
Weed is for dumb people.
Dumb people need to be taxed more just like with cigarettes.

I mean when you say it's alienating would be cpc members to someone who is the literal opposite of that it really is falling on deaf ears.

Give me one reason why an NDP or Liberal voter would swap for Bernier.

O'Leary is a fucktard who can't decide if he would run or not,he can't decide if he should shit or get off the pot, let alone run a country. bagpipes O'Leary, bellows and screams but not much substance or appeal.

It utilizes both government control and market and private initiative. But this is obviously extremely far from libertarianism as they are against government being that large and having that much influence over the economy at all.

For supply management is nothing compared to national socialist autarky and protectionism.

I wouldn't even call it Liberal Light. He literally says he likes being compared to Ron Paul, and regularly posts Hayek memes.

And he withdrew his support for m103 after talking to Spokesfrog Jordan Peperson.


>wants legalized pot
Please leave.

Québécois may, only viable flip market, no western Canadian appeal though, will turn away the heartland and vilify the party where it's bread and butter lay.

Kelly actually has gotten the most publicity. This is evident in comparing her campaign youtube page to max's, and as well comparing their twitter accounts.

Youre not getting what im saying -- sure you might be anti immigration, but the majority of liberals and NPDs are not like that. Its just not in their platform and Leitch wont suddenly make them switch for the majority.

Also dont move the goal post -- im just arguing against Leitch, im not necessarily all out for Bernier

Has raised The most private funding as well.

Bernier has the most sheer number of donations and highest amount of money raised by it. Publicity doesnt matter at this stage, its just nomination.


the fact he supported it at all- I mean the guy constantly changes his positions just as he has on illegal immigrants meanwhile Kellie is stalwart.
He will constantly change his position on abortion as well.

I mean it's even hard to see quebec flipping for him when he's going to be on every debate criticizing equalization payments which is basically just a point the finger at quebec talking point.

There is only one consistent base for him, small government " leave me alone " people.
Kellie meanwhile has a larger appeal, can gather anti immigrant sentiment from NDP and Liberals, and still retains many conservatives.

You're out of touch with public sentiment, holy pls dont represent the CPC we dont want you

I would say what prevents people from voting conservative is they dislike the idea of tax cuts for the rich, deregulation, less public works, globalization of previously protected markets, privatization of crown corps which end up being bought by foreign owners.

Max Bernier is all of these things even more than Harper.

I am willing to accept economic sacrifice of many kinds just as Trump voters in the u.s will be all in the goal of anti immigration.
There are many Trump voters who will lose their health care if Obamacare was lost, but they were willing to accept it because they still want to support Trump on the wall and the bans.

I follow a similar ideal of self sacrifice for the betterment of the nation and collective

> no one is allowed to change their mind except me who used to be ndp so listen to my stupid shit about supply management

I could see Quebec going max because of sovereignty issues, as well as his heritage would help quell the distrust of the anti westerners and Quebecers would have, in their mind a viable option to NDP and Bloc with max, honestly other than the transfer payment issues, he could be a bloc candidate. That's what rustles up my jimmies about max.

>heh pshh, you used an anecdote against my anecdote? u cant do that

There you go again comparing Canada to the US anti immigration movement. Its not like that here. To win prime minister we dont need nearly as badly those votes from rural areas. We just need to tap into centrists and slightly left average Canadians in cities and near-city suburbs -- thats what wins elections. Its proven in past elections that when constiuencies located near cities flip parties, then usually the election is decided

You're an outlier in terms of your anti immigration policies, believe me dont think you're otherwise

Yeah that is my argument, you tap into people from other parties as Trump did with immigration as a focus.

I mean you keep bringing up this centrist thing yet have not said what that means or why the liberals wouldnt already employ or simply steal those ideas.

Weed? Pro Choice? Gay faggot equality? LGBT freedom? What else do libertarians overlap with liberal degeneracy?

Are you living in fucking Nunavut? 3$ for eggs, 2$ on special half the time.

Hard to say about the bloc. Bloc are super left wing, maxime is not, but he is extremely popular in his riding

do quebec just want a quebecer? Chretien's who was right of center riding turned Bloc and NDP after he left.

> only 300% more expensive

Ensure that farmers have a fine living, and that they can keep on living. I'll take 1$ more on my eggs so that hundreds of thousands of people who provide my food continue to do so.

You REALLY need to learn that without a farmer class shit goes to hell VERY fast

My mothers familly had a dairy farm, 6 of my uncles+gramps worked on it, made it prosper. Most of them are too old to work on it, or died, but now 4 of my cousin took over, and the place is doing well.

A farm like theirs is worth around 4 million. They get maybe 50k each yearly after the overhead, repairs, permit, etc etc. It's a 7/7 5 am to 6 pm work.

Fuck you

> You REALLY need to learn that without a farmer class shit goes to hell VERY fast

thats a fair point user...

what do though?