If leftists believe Hitler murdered 6 million Jews and the swastika is such a terrible symbol...

If leftists believe Hitler murdered 6 million Jews and the swastika is such a terrible symbol, why do they so easily associate with Communism and Soviet Russia? Stalin murdered people like they were roaches. He sent them to camps on false accusations and testimonies for little more than scant rumors where they worked until starvation. The Soviets did this all over Europe and Asia for 30 something years? Chinese communists did even worse. How do they so easily accept all the barbarities of Communism and the red star?

Everywhere you find leftists you will see some guy waving a red star flag like it's no big deal.

Because leftists do not and have never cared about facts or reality.

And neither do rightists.

But nobody in Republican rallies is waving Nazi flags...

And neither do leafs.

What are you talking a-boot faggot?

Because even though the USSR collapsed, commies still won the war of subversion. Leftists today are literal communists, even if they don't know it. Marxists took over colleges and public schools so that they could reprogram the population to become commies. They also used decades of propaganda to turn Hitler is the ultimate evil straw man because Hitler basically represents the antithesis of Marxism. If he has succeeded marxism would have been destroyed for good, so modern commies have to make sure the public is conditioned so that they aren't even willing to consider the possibility that Hitler was right about anything at all to any degree

Because being a leftist should be classified as a mental disorder.

Says the retarded leftist leaf

It's almost like the red star flag is hip, like it's edgy and cool.

>why do they so easily associate with Communism and Soviet Russia?
They don't
Your "commies" are nothing but a bunch of mentally challenged bourgeoisies who do nothing but post selfies on twitter and all that shit
In USSR they would've rot in Gulags for being unable to contribute to society
If you'll cal your leftists as communists again i'll sell my kidneys, fly to America and shove an AK up your ass

If it's just about being edgy, people would wave swastika flags

Nah, they are indoctrinated commies. Most students leave university thinking communism is a wonderful ideology. In practice it's an awful one, leading to totalitarianism effortlessly. Orwell's observations on commies pretty much sums the ideology up, especially how he describes revolution just replacing one bunch of corrupt fucks for another. You'd never have this pure workers paradise thing like people imagine, it simply fails to take into account human nature

lefties are either totally ignorant of history, or they are tankies that worship stalin like '''minarchists''' worship pinochet

You degenerate commie piece of shit, you would get a 6 inch blade in your fucking gut before you got within a mile of my house. Don't ever speak to an American like that again you drunk poverty stricken pathetic mother fucker. Russia is an old tin can with a new coat of paint.

Good analysis on the commies in my country though. You are correct it's more of a counter culture than an actual political ideology.

it doesn't count when leftists do it ;)

>especially how he describes revolution just replacing one bunch of corrupt fucks for another

You really do have to be a naive child to not understand how that would work.

You might want to explain your post, I'm not at all sure who you are arguing for

Because Stalinism was founded on ideas similar to these underpinning mainstream liberalism, while Nazism was a completely opposed to these; thus communist crimes are considered extremism in a fundamentally good cause (compare "communism looks good on paper..." and consider you couldn't possibly say it about Nazism), while Nazi crimes are seen as alien pure evil. More leftist-friendly explanation could be that genocide isn't an inherent feature of communist ideology, while genocidal ideas are core features of National Socialism.


>Guess which type of leaf this one is.

Because the Holocaust targeted to chosen people. Jews considered non-Jews to be the equivalent of cattle.

>Russia is an old tin can with a new coat of paint
Top kek
USSR was an ideological enemy of America in competition with whom you ascended to your greatness
Then you decided to sell your country to jews and now we have America controlled by pedo rings ridden with negro and mexican subhumans, EU controlled by marxists ridden by sandniggers and Russia that can't do anything other than bombing shitskins in Middle East
Hope you're happy about "winning" Cold War

The left doesn't give a fuck who you kill as long as race isn't your primary reason for killing.

They are naive to think that changing the power structure for 'the workers' won't just result in another form of 'capitalist' who dictate their lives and control the government. In many cases it's even worse than capitalism because at least in capitalism there is constant competition dictated by market forces.

Everything you said about US is true, everything I said about Russia is true. Everything you said about Europe is true.

Tfw ...

You said that Russia is an USSR with a new flag and it's wrong
Russia is an authoritarian capitalist shithole with oligarchs running free because the state allows them to
That's nowhere near USSR

Red star flag isn't stalinist, its anarcho-communist. But all socialism is the same I guess.

Was URSS that different ?

And all nationalism is nazism.

6 million? Don't you mean 60 trillion? Or did you mean 600 billion? But that's anti-semitical, it's supposed to be 6000 trillion you god damn anti-Semite.

"more jews died in the holocaust than there are atoms in the universe." - Einstein

6 billion jews * filthy goyim

Communism is a Jewish invention. Genocide is OK when Jews do it.

Fucking retard.

>why do they so easily associate with Communism and Soviet Russia
Its actually hilariously ironic that they identify with the communist soviets, and they irrationally hate modern russia because russia used to be hated due to communism.

ITT: Jordan Peterson parrots

I think he was referring to the 6 gorrilion

Yeah I know. You just know there are faggots with Soviet merchandise they bought off of Amazon pushing the Putin/Trump meme. Fucking pathetic.

Again, this is just white ppl being ultra violent. Why? Because albinism is a disease. And its imperfect.

Its why the men are borderline sociopathic and the women are whores.

>If leftists believe

Most rightists believe it too. Most people believe the 6 million whether it's true or not.

Remember that Sup Forums doesn't represent the majority. In fact most rightists are very pro-israel.

Leftists are brain dead fuckwits, their opinions don't mean shit. Just ignore these scumbags, stop giving them attention that's all they want.