Religious crackpot

Does he literally believe that the world is 6000 years and a woman was made of a man'r rib, etc? Why is this madness allowed to exist?

Looks like OP needs a zap.

It's called America, buddy. I wouldn't expect a commie like you to know what that means.

America's a strange place.


Holy shit. I dated a girl who was stupid as fuck (hot doe) who had an older sister who was unfunctionably dumb (hotter doe) who literally thought that all men had one less rib bone than women.

Not even joking.

I heard if you connect Mike Pence to the electrical grid with two wires he meet the demand of electricity in United States for 60 years.

He has trouble containing his feels sometimes, okay? Just leave him alone.

I believe both these things. If you'd like, I'll let you carbon date me. You'll be accurate within 10,000 years...I'm sure.

Trips gotta get checked.

Finding out they didn't was one of the final straws as a kid. The Jonah story was bullshit, I could tell my sunday school teacher didn't believe it when she told it to us. I think there was another thing that was obviously wrong to a child me that made me not believe, but I can't remember now.

I mean what the fuck, we ARE made from dirt, technically, so why couldn't the woman be made from dirt too? It would literally be true. Dirt + sunlight = us.

McRib is quite literally the worst food money can buy.

Why are atheists still allowed to breathe? Why is this madness allowed to exist?

He can believe whatever he wants as long as he keeps zapping faggots and removing kebob

Christianity fucked up by tying their faith to believing absurd stories. They should have dropped the Old Testament a long time ago.

same can be said for religious people. Prove God exists , you can't

People will say anything to distract others from thinking you suck cock.

You lose your leg and you have a child now all your offspring has one leg ? you stupid as shit nigger

Why is freedom of opinion nad thaught still a thing? Why is this madness allowed to exsist?

commie pls

Protestants are fucking heretics and harm and discredit Christianity as a whole. Why is this allowed

We outcompeted you pedophile worshipping pricks, that's how. The last 500 years are you gasping to keep up, and using every dirty trick in the book just to stay in the game, you worthless scoundrel.

is he really a creationist?

I mean i've heard about the american stupidity on the matter, but i kind of doubt he's that kind of person

Prove He doesn't you fucking leaf.

Are you that stupid? Of course he doesn't really believe it but to be a politician in the south you have to seem like a bible thumping Christian.
