


perfect time for me to submit an application to become dnc staff

>Democrats in charge of not imploding

This isn't good, if you're a Trump fan. Or a third party supporter. It's only good for democrats. They're getting their shit back together.

That's brilliant! I hope there is some user from Washington looking for a job!

Leftists gonna purge.


>Put together competant team
>base screeches about all the men
>Replace some with women
>Base screeches about all the whites
>Diversify the staff some more
>Base screeches about the leadership demographics
>Get some color in the leadership
>Trump 2020

Will they finally stop shitposting here?

We still love you, fellow nerd virgins.

They don't need the SJW base. It's not a media lie that Trump is losing support.

Young "conservatives" would vote for the democrats if they were hip and cool again.

Best case scenario for the democrats is to abandon the SJWs and instead take half of the left and half of the right. The other half of the right will be extinct in a few decades anyway.

I'm talking 2024 or 2028 though, there's no way Trump will lose in 2020.

They're pretending to get their shit back together. They're going to replace the staff with people who behave exactly the same but look different. It's just an illusion and third party and independent voters won't fall for it


So youre saying that they will abandon the loudest, most visible part of their base? Because they believed in that group so much that it cost them 3-4 hard blue states last election. Nothing will change. Bleeding edge progress will be the party line again, and Trumps legislation putting jobs in the rust belt will cement them as Red states for the next few elections.

Nah they want to staff it with nigs and spics with 80 IQ

>make new team

>filled with corrupt shills

2020 will be a walk in the park

true but the further away from power chelsy clintons biological mother is the better. FYI it was in the new years ago that bill and hillary are not chelsy clintons parents.she was switched at birth and Debbie Wasserman Schultz is her real mom. it was initially determined thanks to a blood test that chelsy couldnt be bill and hillarys child

>Best case scenario for the democrats is to abandon the SJWs
I wish, but the dems would still be for importing shitskins.

Gee, I wonder (((((WHOOOOOOO))))) won't be forced to resign.


>all those privileged blue blooded liberal women with ruined careers
>all those rustled jimmies
Focus on the bright side

is bottom left a bald jared from subway

Hopefully they hire a bunch of Muslims wearing hijabs.

Good one, my fampai.

But seriously, FUCK the Democratic party. Fuck their condescension and feckless nature. You turned your back in the name of pandering. Your platform was hollow to begin with, but you've irrevocably damaged your party. I will never check a D on a ballot ever again.

i see that turbo-hebe on TV all the time and think about jews when i see him

need a new party

"humanist party" sounds nice

Perfect replacement for all those deported illegals to flip some burgers.

I'd be happy to infilitrate the DNC and keep them a permanent minority party, in all senses of the word

so, the party that doesn't need a shake-up, does it

the party that desperately needs a shake-up to get rid of these old ass fundamentalist crazy hicks deep in corporations' pockets, doesn't

well ok i guess

guess we know who's going to be dominant in the next decade

im pretty sure he's getting his ass pounded in prison right now

TRANShumanist party is the only one

>not joining the humanistfluid party

what if he used his jew gold to buy his freedom

They will cater to the SJW's forever, they want us to be Europe 2.0

Not if you join them to sink them from within

If they double down and turn into a minority party then 2020 will be make or break for America.

This nigga knows! The only progress that mstters rn is scientific progress!

Don't bother. They'll be stacking the place with Hillary cronies and Islamofacists.

they will fire all whites (brain & work bees) and hire just minorities
>Trump is done
>how can Trump ever win again against such diversity

So what we are encountering right now is very funny--it is the final realization that western secular liberalism is a failed ideology.

As usual for the Left, this comes in pretty much the most humiliating form: Immediately after they declare what they imagine to be their final victory. Think about this time in 2014. The Democrats quite literally believe that they have won entirely. They're going to have fags in every bakery, trannies in every bathroom, pedophile normalization, niggers blacking all of the women, etc.

Two years later the liberal party no longer exists and a "fascist" runs the country.

This always happens. This is what I like to call "the long walk off the short side of history" effect. This is what happens when you assume the end of history.

Man they're fucking weird looking

>implying the United Ancap Party for Child Slavery and Tomahawk Missiles isn't the future

>It's not a media lie that Trump is losing support.
Trump only ever lost support in blue states like the West Coast and New England. Other than that, he had at least the same or more support than Romney in every state. Conservatives aren't voting Democratic anytime soon.


>lose big
>don't change a thing

I wish you were in charge

The GOP would split into two parties to fill the void when the democrats became the new Green Party

We could have neocons vs the freedom caucus

Ahhh, how wonderful that would be

lel, this

Are you lost, r/thedonald?

Are you lost r/thedonald?

>old ass fundamentalist crazy hicks

That's racist asshole

as someone that would sometimes check the D, yeah user I'm with you

Voting for a Democrat is something I am never going to do again.

lel i've never even been to plebbit

Lol, same

I even voted for Wendy Davis in 2014 for governor of Texas. Boy am I glad she lost. Another toe the line party hack Democrat with aspirations of higher office.

What the Democrats need now is a god damn Revolution, not a culling. Just watch; they're going to double down on identity politics and appoint/hire/promote young progressives who have IT backgrounds to beef up their internet presence.

This is the first death knell of the Democrat machine. Soon it will grind to a halt.

>Debbie Wasserman Schultz was still voted for the house of representatives even after stepping down from the chair of the dnc from the wikileaks
who the fuck voted for her?

>implying the right isn't eating itself

fucking keks


I STILL can't believe the FED is a semi-private institute I mean jesus fucking christ. I think there is less oversight over the fed than the fucking Itelligence Agencies.


i only vote democrat (and help campaign) for my childhood friend who ran for state senate

only because i know democrats will never control maine ever again and he's surrounded by independents and dinosaur republicans shitting on him


This is some of the dumbest political analysis I have ever seen. People who are voting republican are doing so either because of issues, or because of a general cultural attitude opposed to the left. These people will never vote for leftists even if the rhetoric changes. The democrats can't afford to risk losing their shitskin and cuck base to pick up a small number of undecided. They are fucked because their base is so extreme that it prevents the party from making practical decisions to appeal to moderates.

Trying to oust moles dnc?

>young conservatiosn would vote for democrats if they offered free gimmie dats and stopped the white privielge stuff

really toggins the joggin for my loggin.

What is with the left and purging?

>spend 40 years creating cults and brainwashing people
>uh oh, the stuff we taught these people is wrong/being questioned/isn't being accepted
>spend another 40 years re-brainwashing them with the right stuff? Na, way easier to just murder/remove them and start over again with a new group.

The left always murders its own. The left always focuses on re-doing everything with younger adults/children.

Trump didn't appeal to moderates, and he won. DNC should've doubled down on Bernie-like populism. Populism won Trump the election.

>make a progressive party
>use the bird that bernie and his base mistook for a few hundred delegates as the mascot

top kek

just like 2016 was a make or break, the two major parties will drift apart extremely far until one of them collapses and a few of the third parties fill in the vaccum of power

i have a feeling the dnc purge will result in a takeover either by the clinton crony establishment or the black lives matter / muslim brotherhood fringe

See, the rest of the world basically looks at what America does and then sees how they fucked up and then avoids it.
Australia has the Reserve Bank which sets financial policy, they have exactly one goal, set inflation to a very specific range every year. They can do this exactly two ways, print money or adjust interest rates.
And they have a huge amount of restrictions on the money printing side of things and a ton of math on the interest rate side of things.
But they're entirely autonomous because if politicians could control interest rates and money supply we'd be up shit creek.

theyre just going to turn it into a staff comprised of all buzzfeed types. it will backfire. the DNC's glory days of riding GWB backlash into the Obama sunset is long gone and they have no idea what the fuck to do.

hahaha dweeb jew
>the (((left))) cannot move past the median to the right, because then you cease to exist. you better go get a tranny job because (((they))) only double down on stupid ... just like the (((alt kikers)))

They are NOT "Democrats".
They are hard core Marxists.
Marxists are exceedingly violent.
They always end up killing millions of people that disagree with them.
Fuck Leftists
pic related

Are they being sent to Gulag?

>that fucking quote

Changing society is literally THE ONLY THING 90% students with loan debt think about. Chumpsky is a fucking retard.