What happened to the "New Negro"?

Why do blacks cause so much more crime than they did 80-90 years ago?
There's race and IQ, but obviously that can't be the only problem if they were doing better only a little while ago.

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They realized none of it mattered because they'd still keep getting called nigger.

You think the KKK cause it?

It was the CIA.

Infiltrated by the FBI and CIA, tried to turned into a permanent lower class.


The 1960s fucked up America.
Our government got compromised. Shit like happened

(for non-conspiracy theories)
a lot of factors
the biggest one is interaction between king nigger and their culture
blacks are fiercely loyal to their neighbourhoods and in a globalized economy, that means financial suicide


Two words: Single moms.


The initial implementation of the welfare state in the late 60s strongly discouraged black couples from getting married, which meant fathers started disappearing from their kids' lives, which made this behaviour steadily more socially acceptable.

Starting in the 70s, manufacturing jobs (which were pretty good jobs for people with minimal education, ie the black community) started disappearing to the Third World.

As a consequence, you have a group of men who were largely raised with no fathers, and with steadily decreasing job prospects (ie predisposed to criminality).

Modern society allows them to fuck around and still get applause just for being black
bonus points for crimes cause that just shows how oppressed they are as they can't get a real job

just go read thomas sowell

They were treated by their merit, less fake promotion, putting them where they don't belong. They were also more oppressed, allowing for their behavioral issues to be control, rather than praised as it is in the contemporary media. The fact that it's media suicide just to point out the massive issues that blacks have, and the massive violence they perpetrate on their non-black neighbors, indicates that they are being sheltered from reality, and are happy to live in a fantasy world.


Because ages back when they fucked up they got their ass beat and left swinging from a rope. Now they get to go to nigger U and sit with free everything for the term of their "sentence".

We need to bring back hard labor, chain gangs, and the death penalty.

This. Also kill repeat offenders.

Breaking & Entering of any kind
>3 years hard labor, 39 months of chain gang labor, and 12 years of severe probation

>Death penalty

Rape of an adult
>59 months hard labor, 6 years chain gang labor, 5 years imprisonment, and a 16,000 dollar fine

Rape of a child, as defined by the victim being 12 years and 1 day old, or younger
>death penalty

Illegal possession of a fire arm
>29 months hard labor, 15 months chain gang labor, a 18,000 dollar fine, and 5 years severe probation

Petty theft
>9 months hard labor, 12 months severe probation, and an 850 dollar fine

Grand theft
>3 years imprisonment, 11,500 dollar fine, 5 years hard labor, 16 years severe probation

Illegal immigration
>Immediate expulsion followed by an indefinitely standing shoot on sight order

Sex offense
>Mandated informing of all neighbors for life, 18 years severe probation, 150,000 dollar fine, and not less than 7 years chain gang labor

Manufacture of a scheduled controlled substance
>119,000 dollar fine, 35 years severe probation, 3 years hard labor, 2 years chain gang labor

Importation or exportation of a scheduled controlled substance
>death penalty

Rudeness to a sitting judge
>1 additional year added to sentence

Outbursts in the court room
>3 months chain gang labor, 700 dollar fine

Human trafficking of any kind
>Death penalty

Repeat offenses
>Normal sentence for the repeated offense, but all numbers doubled

What do you think?

BTW "severe" probation means drug tests every single day, probate officer visiting any time of day or night, and mandatory reporting of present job and address regularly

Found my band name

What has been said before is true. White people being more friendly to then entices them to act out more.

Need harsher law's, death penalty works great. No slap on the wrist for rape, armed robbery, etc. People need to grow a pair.

Of the theoretical punishments discussed in , would you consider any of them to be "slap on the wrist"?

Who's the guitarist in this picture?

It was the social state.