She is making an ass of herself and preventing good reporters from doing their jobs. And she is being a vexation to the spirit of all people of good will in Spicer's office.

She is not showing anything but obstinacy and slavish obedience to the left-wing agenda,

Tell her she cannot come in the White House anymore.

Easy enough to do. Tell the Secret Service that she is barred from getting through the gate.

What does she do? She plays the race card. The sure sign of a mental midget.

Other urls found in this thread:


>She is making an ass of herself

>The sure sign of a mental midget.

I always thought the sure sign of mental midgetry was the inability to tolerate criticism or questions.

She really is.

One news site said she "beclowned" herself. Which sounds like a nice way to say she is making an ass of herself.

When does affirmative action stop?

Spicer doesn't have the time for inadequate people.

That's what they want

>just like his boss

>inability to tolerate criticism or questions

Meet the Left in America. The liberals cannot tolerate the mildest question.

Spicer is answering the same question over and over by lackwits.

He has the power to send her home. He really should. No excuse for her behavior.

Because she's a nigger.

She's a genius compared to some who are actually elected to govern

At some point we ignore the names they call us.

Liberals like to use the race card or the woman card or the anti-gay card or whatever.

When the libtards realize that their names have no weight, then they will either behave or get tossed out of the briefing. I hope.

Simple as that.

tru dat

can't believe this idiot has been allowed to play at being a reporter for so long

Sheila Jackson Lee is also an idiot, true.

there's this disgusting feeling that all high IQ get when they are forced into groups with low IQ affirmative action people. The constant problem of people too dumb to sense their dumbness, combined with people in charge giving them passes through school, jobs, money, etc can be too much to bear at times.

Russia needs to leave Korea alone already.

>streisand effect


Sad. She doesn't seem to care about her white constituents.

April Ryan should be evicted, at any rate.

More Sheila Jackson Lee:

>Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) claimed Wednesday that the United States Constitution is 400 years old.

>This would mean that the Constitution was signed in 1614, the year Pocahontas married John Rolfe in Jamestown, Virginia.

>Maybe I should offer a good thanks to the distinguished members of the majority, the Republicans, my chairman and others, for giving us an opportunity to have a deliberative constitutional discussion that reinforces the sanctity of this nation and how well it is that we have lasted some 400 years, operating under a Constitution that clearly defines what is constitutional and what is not,” the Yale University and University of Virginia Law School alumna said.


because he's a nigger?

>there's this disgusting feeling that all high IQ get when they are forced into groups with low IQ affirmative action people.

Nobody says it.

>But everyone knows it.

This ape is a literal knuckle dragger.

>In an October 2016 interview on MSNBC, Jackson mistakenly denounced Wikipedia in place of WikiLeaks. The story was concerned with the Hillary Clinton email controversy, with Jackson's exact quotation being "You know that I'm going to first of all denounce the utilization of this intrusion by Wikipedia through the Russian intrusion," "This is what it's about. Espionage just like what was said over these last couple of days. We need to be concerned about the intrusion of Russia and Putin in these elections."[34]

He means its good she is making an ass of herself for the sake of their credibility

spicer's a low-level butt boy

meant for

Idiots like her in the front line will help us re elect Trump. Let it go


dat be rayciss...dats why

You know everyone in that room cringes every time he calls her. It's like in grade school. where if you don't know who the idiot is in the class then you are the idiot.

what is with niggers holding the phone to their mouth to speak and then to the ear to listen? I see that all the time in public. It looks like a monkey that is trying to figure out how to use technology

Did they ever give Alex Jones press clearance? I want him in there damnit. Or someone from InfoWars.

Probably have no idea where the microphone is or if the person on the phone speaks while they are they will lose their train of thought

She's a nigger , if they do ..they will cry muh racism

She looks like a turd with fake hair and glasses

Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.

How can you be this so god damn stupid? I could understand misspeaking but she didn't even correct herself (I assume)
>Blah blah wikipedia er, wikileaks
That's how humans talk if they mispeak but she obviously didn't even catch it.

Y ? He backed off pedogate. ..hes a paper tiger

Basically this. Why not have her there as cannon fodder. When sean starts to feel spicy, he calls on her to get the shit going.

An idiot left wing reporter can be easily discredited. A wise left wing reporter could do real damage to the Trumptard.


I dunno, because he's hilarious and his questions would probably trigger the pressers in the room. Plus he's more legitimate than like 80% of the current presser kikes on that room. It would be great to questions from InfoWars. Interesting or funny if nothing else.

She really isn't though. She works for some urban muh fugga bix nood magazine. Of course they want some negress who only asks about nigger shit.

i thought she was at CNN

Who, Ape? Na she's at a place apparently called American Urban Radio Networks. She makes the rounds as a guest in segments on the big Fake News Networks though.

why the fuck does she get so many questions then

American Urban Radio Networks. She is the Bureau Chief if you can believe it.

>White House Reporter Tries to Embarrass Trump, IMMEDIATELY Regrets it


I'm sure it'd be rayciss if she didn't. I'm not totally sure though. Might be some way to save face and be like "hey we care the urban youths so we are keeping them informed by answering April's many questions." I didn't pay attention to pressers under Obama but I'd bet she got a fuck load under his administration.

maybe spiceboy does it for the lulz to make her look like a retard

Good question.

Trump threw her a nice comment in his first press conference as President and she was too dumb to be grateful.

He gave her the opportunity to potentially be in the Trump inner circle by setting up a meeting. And she just looked dumb.


The real question is why is her employer not removing her from the press briefing for her ridiculous questioning?

I feel your pain Spicey

i like how her nostrils point straight forward, like some kind of animal.

>why is her employer not removing her from the press briefing for her ridiculous questioning?

>American Urban Radio Networks

I think we cannot expect a lot of genius in a place called that.

let's declare nigger not human (because genetically they are another species) ... take away their human right and the final solution
The blacks will not listen to April Ryan's voice or the black cuckosos in the house (the house niggers) Cuming and the guy from St. Louis who said: "arresting black criminals, not going to solve anything, but it is only going to make some black kids angry"


Yeah but surely Spicer is getting tired of her inanity as well as the inane comments of others with her point of view.


Oh Sheila.

Muh Guam!

That Admiral is a saint for not standing up, gathering his papers, and walking out.

Shaking his head.