Hey Sup Forums, I need some hard proof that women are inferior to men in any and all fields...

Hey Sup Forums, I need some hard proof that women are inferior to men in any and all fields. Can some kind-hearted Sup Forumsack provide said proof?

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Who gives a fuk? Just find someone to stick your dik in.

I don't really give a fuck about women in general, but a friend of mine needs help in his personal crusade against women.

Still the same answer applies

I just wanna help a friend, honestly. He told me he wants to publicly humiliate women when discussing differences between sexes.

Never mind. Keep masturbating.

I can keep doing that, but he doesn't want to do that and keeps asking for something to use against women. I told you already, I personally don't really give a fuck about women.

You should jerk him off then. Thats what your doing now anyway.

I'm not jerking him off, I'm trying to help him since he's not redpilled and he doesn't lurk here (nor does he seem to want to).






What type of fucking lack of parenting can lead to this?

Thanks, man
Forwarding all of this stuff to him right now

Men commit about 80% of violent crime. So we are better at that

>3 guys same day
holy shit



I hope it helps.

Did anyone get the ID of Punished Jesus from the HWNDU stream a couple months back?
>inb4 shitty .jpg

It absolutely does, thanks for all the help



This has to be fake. She has fucked more people in 3 months than I have in 26 years.




Thank you too, based Romanian









>in any and all fields

Well, this is impossible.

They can't be inferior at everything.

Anyway, I am sure the rest of Sup Forums has a lot of redpilling pics saved around and will be able to help you.

Grab this meanwhile, it proves that IQ tests are made on purpose to hide sex differences in intelligence.



It's funny, but not really plausible. Women who want to be sluts are born as such, not made.


Well, at least most fields
Anyway, all this stuff I'm getting will surely help him

Np lad! Take whatever suits you! Also you should search for that image about STEM degrees and what most women pick... gender studies...

hey there! I saved that link form another thread! Never had time to check but it seems like a good ready! Just want to say keep it up! and peace

Thanks for the advice and the pics, will do

Here's your proof:

>think of literally any job/sport/art/trade/science
>ask yourself who the best person in that field is
>it's a man

You're welcome

I'll leave that to my friend, he's far more interested in the topic at hand than me (me being already more than redpilled about the particular issue)
Thanks for all the stuff though, really appreciate that

Yeah, I told him that and some stuff like that too, but he said he needs studies and research, that sorta stuff, so I'm helping him find some

>hard proof that women are inferior to men
Why? Dick too limp?

Have you ever seen the olympics or visited a construction site?

Ask him, not me. He told me he's tired of women being able to slap him around when talking about men's issues so he wants a way to defend himself.


>after I hit my thirties I became huge slut

The most I've done is look at some construction sites from afar, why?


Do you gain this knowledge if your dick is hard?


Honestly, if you want to beat a women at arguing shit, you're wasting your time. The only reason I keep seeing guys do this is because they want to feel superior to women, ergo, doubt their own manhood.


This one is a classic. They've never tried again.

>at work
>everyone is male
>overhear two colleagues next to me joking around
>one says most women are dumb
>other says: 'No you're wrong. They're all dumb.'
>quiet afterwards
Of course it was meant sarcastically but if I was a women how would I need to respond? I would stay quiet of course but what if they included me in the conversation? I'd agree with them that there is certainly a difference in intelligence of the sexes. Is this acceptable behaviour? I don't have a lot of interaction with people and my view of the world is somewhat twisted by Sup Forums.

Hi, roastie. Are you now going to tell user you won't have sex with him?

saved and added to the collection

You know what they say, show your a female mammal or GTFO.

Also, that a certain behavior starts at a certain age, does not mean it is not genetic, like changes in puberty or after menopause show.

>women's life expectancy rises to 130 ""at least"" while men's drops to 40

>all fields
You've written a cheque you can't cash.

Women will always win in certain areas as surely as men will always win in others.

Well then, I'll settle for just "any fields" leaving out the "all" part. My friend is out for female blood, anything I throw his way will be more than enough

Hey MGTOW, artificial wombs that don't produced fucked up kids aren't coming anytime soon, if it's even possible. So women are still the future, if they don't help cultural marxist suicide the species.

I don't really feel like debating the utility of women with my friend right now, really. It's no use at the moment, and I don't even care. (Note: I already said somewhere above in this thread that I'm asking for a friend who asked me for help, I personally don't give a fuck about women or their inferiority)


High school males are as fast as world class female athletes. Saged.

Don't really get the reasoning behind you saging me for asking for something that's not straight out a biology book (which I already have suggested to my friend), but whatever. As I said, I don't care.

that was a hard one to swallow for me.

holy shit, long but good read

>Women will be free to experiment parthenogenesis
despite the fact this womyn is overflowing with ridiculous amount of mental illness (at some point she mentions studying witchcracft), her imaginary dystopian world is kind of an interesting thought experiment.
>no authority between women, no organization
>no military
>no borders
>no laws
>no medicine
>no technology
it's basically a girls only anarchist liberal paradise that takes place in 10000 years ago and she expects it to be lovely and cozy. the biggest fallacy lies in the fact assuming they could overpower man in the first place, or sustainably keep men under control with that mindset. even a few hundred organized men could fuck their shit up, and will fuck their shit up.

Whoever drew the original didn't get her nose right.

Well when they submit to men and accept male gentalia to penetrate them, it should be pretty obvious who is superior.

Hi faggot. I'm neither gay nor a woman. Sex has nothing to do with confidence :^)

Right, right. It has to do with how much heroin you've smuggled, and how many rivals you've beheaded, Juan.

Partly, also with much money/power you have and whether you can sweet-talk them into your bed.

Necrophilia is gross, Juan.


>I'm losing the argument
>Better start shitposting
Whatever your say seƱor burger.

Saged because this thread is not really relevant or needed. I didn't sage because I think your a shill. Just your post is slide quality.

Whats the point in paying them and pretending this will work? Misuse of resources so a bunch of morons can feel useful or good about themselves.

But he's too much of a faggot to go find the info for himself. Even when told what to look for?

Sounds like a little bitch that wants others to do heavy lifting for him. No wonder he doesn't want to believe men are superior when he isn't a fucking man.

Thanks for posting.
Long but very good read.

So 1?

>how to stay a virgin in one easy step

This is a women's world chess champ failing a B+K theoretically guaranteed mate

This is a strong male player easily achieving a B+K in Blitz like a boss


i loik this one

Literally all of society except the failing Western world.

Women raise children, men do everything else.