Ridiculous. You cried that President Obama would come for your guns. He didn't...

Ridiculous. You cried that President Obama would come for your guns. He didn't. In fact we had the most gun sales under him.

Now you have this guy who cheated the election taking away our health care!!'

this is what happens when you allow low-information, uneducated rural obsoletes to vote.

>He didn't

That's because he got BTFO before he could get his dindu hands on them, Le'monjello.


>tfw this thread is full of internet immigrants

This. It was nonstop after every school shooting

>Occupying Democrats
>Baldfaced lie
>Followed up with something I would support (Healthcare reform)
Gun sales went up because of the constant fear he would ban that shit. He went after them and failed.

>I wonder how Trump won
>Lets keep calling people who disagree with us retards, hicks, rednecks, uneducated, and deplorable.

>you have a right to others peoples money and to have them pay for your healthcare
A leaf wearing a starred and striped mask.

>"your" Medicare

Good point. Let's get rid of democracy.

More gun sales do not mean shit. Obama has made more bills to ban semi auto rifles and pistols or to limit magazine sizes. So do not say "Obama is not taking away my guns." As for healthcare get a job and pay for your own god Damn insurance.

Thats not why you tards won. Hillary was just a bad candidate.

Agreed let's keep America a Republic.

It is a combination of that and this

"Bbbbbernie still has a chance." Seriously fuck off socialist. Americans will never vote for socialism.

Only if the masses have no political freedom.

>he didn't come after my guns
liberalism is a mental disease

Even if this were true

>Obama refused to ban a commodity from being sold: What a saint!
>Trump simply wants to make a commodity private: He's evil!!!

>t. Democrat plantation voter

Iirc Obama tried to go after your guns numerous times but failed.

Alright I will admit some of it, but Bernie would still lose. Because Bernie was promising socialist policies.

You're right. Jews only.

Which is why electoral colleges were made.

I have healthcare through my place of employment.

Medical services are not free.

killing scalia was the big step. too bad base mcconnell stopped it.

think of that. mcconnell stopped the overthrow of the US.

and i dont even like the cunt.

>Obama never came after guns

Occupy democrats is a shining example of fake news misinformation. It's literally a propaganda outlet.

What is Sandyhook

so true.


how to filter occupy democrats posts?

...and your internet history.

District of Columbia v. Heller is the entire reason Obama never went after guns, 5-4 ruling to protect the Second Amendment, if Obama managed to get a Judge to replace Scalia before his Presidency ended, I guarantee he would have fucked the Second Amendment