Why do millennials have to relate everything political to Harry Potter?

Why do millennials have to relate everything political to Harry Potter?
Jesus fuck

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Is she saying Muggles are inferior? Wizards are supposed to be some kind of master race over the muggles?

Well then, if that's the case then I guess it's time for Right Wizard Death Squads.

To be fair, she's not a millennial and Harry Potter is her magnum opus. It's not surprising that when people interview her, they bring up Harry Potter

is JK Rowling literally voldemort?

Because we are retarded

I took the "official" Sorting Hat test online and got Slytherin. Slytherin and Ravenclaw are the smart Houses. Gryffindor is the goodie-goodie moralfag House. Hufflepuff is the useless stoner House.

Muggle pride world wide.

To be fair they had those Death eaters and shit


why did you bring her up and refresh her to everyone's stream of thought here?

Rowling is a simpleton.
Her story is full of plot holes, logic gaps, and is ridiculously stupid.

If you want to see how stupid, it is, read the fanfic Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality to see how utterly fucked Wizards would be in a conflict with "inferior" muggles and how utterly stupid Wizards are that a boy with high school level intellect and access to magic could destroy them all, how a handgun beats a wand every time, and how Voldemort was an idiot for not putting a horcrux on the Voyager plate.

I did that as well, also got Slytherin. People asked why I had such a smug smile on my face.

Yup, I also got Slytherin.

Honestly though, I've always wanted to see a war between the muggles and wizards. Sure, they got invisibility and teleportation, but we got infrared, guns, and cruise missiles.

>Why do millennials have to relate everything political to Harry Potter?

Because the average millennial is a fucking retard and Harry Potter is literally the most complicated piece of literature any of them have ever read.

>I took the "official" Sorting Hat test online

holy shit how embarrassing

Teleportation would be OP as fuck IF, and only if, wizards actually knew enough about muggles to make use of it tactically.

Seeing as Arthur Weasly was in charge of muggle information, and he was functionally retarded, it is completely pointless for anything but evading the muggle death squads coming to put a bullet in the head of every wizard they could find.

this cunt needs to be slain

I think Simon Pegg put it best:

>Obviously I’m very much a self-confessed fan of science-fiction and genre cinema. But part of me looks at society as it is now and just thinks we’ve been infantilized by our own taste. Now we’re essentially all consuming very childish things – comic books, superheroes... Adults are watching this stuff, and taking it seriously!

It is a kind of dumbing down in a way, because it’s taking our focus away from real-world issues. Films used to be about challenging, emotional journeys or moral questions that might make you walk away and re-evaluate how you felt about... whatever. Now we’re walking out of the cinema really not thinking about anything, other than the fact that the Hulk just had a fight with a robot.

Basically, we live in an infantalised culture. They put everything through the lens of the things they care about: The nerdy culture that currently exists. They stay children and act thusly.

I always thought this was just a Sup Forums meme. But in any case we should say that Harry Potter shows that only those with white blood in them have magical powers that make them inherently superior.

>Seeing as Arthur Weasly was in charge of muggle information, and he was functionally retarded
Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. Normally teleportation and invisibility is the kind of thing you could use to eliminate all of the enemy's leadership. But wizards probably don't even know how the muggle military is organized.

In other words the nerdy manchildren and princesses have been given control the world and their bias forces everything they don't like out of the scope of society. Our only option nowadays is to "cosplay" as adults, much like how they have done the same their whole lives; imitating the "concept" of being an adult.

I don't know, but it's extra funny to me because I've never read or seen HP so it just sounds like they are speaking gibberish. Which they are even when they aren't talking about wizards and huffpuffing or whatever.

Exactly, fpbp

Because anything more advanced than Harry Potter is written by 'old white men' so it's automatically uncool. That's the explanation I got from a 'radical black activist' who's working on her masters in literature.

Academia is a joke.

I just took it. Ravenclaw

Because they've never read any book series other than this, the progenitor of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though

"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

Because they are children

And we have mosin nagants and nukes

Says the faggot who believes a magic frog controls Politics.

Because Harry Potter, Star Wars and all of that teen shit is directed at teens, ie the next voters, ie the ones the jews need to control the most, ie that is why these fucks who know nothing of politics are telling their demographic who also know nothing of politics what to think.
What works better to convince lazy teenagers who meme?
Don't like trump because he upsets those behind the scene or don't like trump because he wouldn't even be a wizard like you, he bad bad muggle man

that was literally the plot of the books
the whole Death Eaters thing


I still am quite nerdy, not as bad as I was, but the shite these people come out with is ridiculous. I see the nerdy side as secondary to functioning and contributing to society. These people have it the other way around.

I noticed the same shit writing in George RR Martin's shit. Everytime a character eats breakfast he uses the phrase "broke their fast" instead... It's not all bad, but every time I noticed something like that it was like stepping on a splinter. Simply could not be ignored.

Alan Moore has said good things to this effect. I will watch new Avengers/Captain America movies with friends, but I won't pay for them, and I stop thinking about them shortly afterwards.

Mass media is the new mythology people find context for their lives in.

Your a fookin white male Harry!

I'm a slytherin lololol muh racial purity
w-wut, i didn't avada kedavra those muggles, but if i did they would have deserved it!

It's just a Sup Forums pasta my man, didn't mean nothing by it.


It's the only book they've ever read.

For bonus points, they look at the size of them and think it's quite the accomplishment.

Isn't the muggle military just the normal military? If they are citizens of a country wouldn't they already know about the muggle forces

I only recently stopped watching capeshit. I avoided the avengers because of Joss Whedon, but I wish I had stopped earlier. Same stories, forgettable characters that quip their way through a CGI environment.

Last film I watched was foxcatcher. That was enjoyable.

Issue with invisibility is the fact that a camera with thermal imaging could beat it.

We'll, in that case "breaking your fast" is simply correct terminology for what time period the language comes from, same reason he always user Ser instead of Sir


They do it to show that they are super intellectual, because they have read children's books. Yay for them.

lol what, harry poters is fiction.


I remember being a fan of the Harry Potter series and a part of me dies every time I see one of these reminders that the author of the series has become a huge cunt with the need to make everything opinionated. It's like she just can't deal with the fact that she isn't as famous as she used to be; or she actually believes the shit she's been spouting on her shitter feed. The latter of which I find much more disturbing if true.

Everyone is a fucking muggle with that logic

Nice get.

>Meme magic confirmed superior magic

It's a pity what a cunt jk rowling turned out to be. I was really hoping to see American Magic, when in the books it was said that european wizards looked down upon their american cousins, because the americans all use enchanted death wands(guns) and only learn spells to further the killing power of their wands.

I dont know about you but damn I would've loved to see harry potter wielding an enchanted 12 gauge.

That's the thing they act like Muslims completely insular to their national identity, only relating to other magic users.

it's the only series with more than 3 books they've finished