We are the leaders of the free world says the westerner

We are the leaders of the free world says the westerner.....

While he topples our governments, bombs our cities and kills millions of us.

The hypocrisy is unbelievable.....

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Literally nobody cares about your crap filled "countries" shitskin. You have not benefited the world at large in any way, ever. We'd all benefit if all of you disappeared overnight.

Fucking niggers.

>Make yourself useful and jump off the roof.

Oh...I'm sorry.....You were actually being serious?...........

>leaders of the free world
>topples our governments, bombs our cities and kills millions of us

And we're not the leaders of the free world because?...

Hypocrisy, irony, sanctimoniousness, sophistry, and treachery .. all checked. Kek


Says the white nigger who's been taking German and Russian dick up his ass for the last 100 years.

Because you continually deny the will of others.

That's not possible though because Obama was in charge and got a Nobel Peace prize and was hip and cool. You did this to yourselves.

Well we're denying the will of the unfree world so that doesn't mean we still aren't leaders the free.

However a better argument would be why a free world would have a leader at all.

You forgot your proxy. Your $0.02 has been held until further notice.

Many governments the USA toppled were democratically elected governments.

Another unbelievable joke. Receives a peace prize for bombing multiply countries and killing millions of people.

Hardly. Not saying I agree with what we did but I don't recall a single actually democratically-elected leader we toppled (besides JFK I suppose).
Let's look at the list of attempts:
Castro (Cuban dictator)
Gaddafi (secular Libyan dictator)
Assad (secular Syrian dictator)
Saddam (secular Iraqi dictator)
Ngo Dinh Diem (American puppet in Vietnam)

nice bait



Stop housing terrorists if you don't like it. Maybe gtfo of America and go fight for your country coward.

He was a socialist who was gonna turn Chile into modern-day Venezuela. Not very free though he was indeed elected. Plus he fucked the balance of powers.

Stop justifying your governments actions. You didn't topple these nations to free anyone, you did it for own interests and made their lives even more miserable.

>Iran, 1953
>Guatemala, 1954
>Congo, 1960
>Dominican Republic, 1961
>Brazil, 1964
>Chile, 1973

You want jihad we are giving it to you, be grateful.

Muslims causing chaos in the middle east is their own problem.

You mean saving millions of innocent people from the mass genocide being committed by Islamic state.

I'm not even middle eastern. I just hate this hypocrisy. I hate seeing these ads on tv how we should "support our troops" when their ruining people lives aboard. Or seeing parents say how proud they are seeing their children in the army. Your kids aren't defending the motherland, they're invading other nations.

The Islamic state have brand new pick up trucks,weapons and gear. Who else is financing them but the US.

>his administration introduced a range of progressive social and political reforms such as [[[social security]]] and land reforms, including [[[taxation of the rent on land]]].
>The centerpiece of his policy was an agrarian reform law under which uncultivated portions of large land-holdings were expropriated in return for compensation and redistributed to poverty-stricken agricultural laborers.
My computer is slow but I'll continue.

kikes you dumb fuck

America brought freedom to the middle east, had they done nothing leaders like Saddam, Gaddafi, and Assad would still be making life miserable for everyone. Things are much more stable now and the middle east can now flourish under free and fair leadership.

>Shortly after Congolese independence in 1960, a mutiny broke out in the army, marking the beginning of the Congo Crisis. Lumumba appealed to the United States and the United Nations for assistance to suppress the Belgian-supported Katangan secessionists. Both parties refused, so Lumumba turned to the Soviet Union for support.
>Wannabe Communist Dictator
>He served as president from 1930 to 1938 and again from 1942 to 1952, ruling for the rest of the time as an unelected military strongman under figurehead presidents.
>His 31 years in power, to Dominicans known as the Trujillo Era (Spanish: El Trujillato), are considered one of the bloodiest eras ever in the Americas, as well as a time of a personality cult, when monuments to Trujillo were in abundance. It has been estimated that Trujillo was responsible for the deaths of more than 50,000 people, including possibly as many as 10,000 in the Parsley massacre.
>El Presidente
>Basic Reforms plan (Reformas de Base), a group of social and economic measures of nationalist character that predicted a greater state intervention in the economy.

What are you smoking? They're lives have become even more miserable, their cities are all destroyed and their resources have all be taken over by western corporations. You call having the Islamic state and hundreds of other militant groups running around in your country stable?

you must be a fucking retard for real
like anyone with any knowlege knows the region is waaaay worse off now you traded a stable monter per country to about 4 at at least all with their own brand of crazy and no one really in control or if they are its only becacuse america and the west allows it or iran and russia allows it

Freedom does not come without turbulence. These people are much better off, they just don't know it yet. Say what you will about ISIS, they've held the region together and promoted the well being of the rightful citizens of the land.

>their ruining people lives aboard.

You don't think non-stop child rape and inbred child marriages were already ruining their own lives?

There is and will never will be freedom in the middle east. It's amazing people can assume that. It's the land of heat-induced violence, dehydration-induced aggressive semetic religions, and the most valuable and quarrelsome trade ports and oil reserves on the planet.

The Angloworld is the evil empire.

Nothing new.

dude seriously? i can name like 5 right of the back we threw sooooooooo many fucking coups from 1960-1985 even america's not sure which ones we were involved in or which side lol the CIA supported anyone who was anti-communist.
fuck did you see anything that happened in egypt the last couple years come on man are you fucking blind

>We are the leaders of the free world

Exactly, leaders dictate what needs to be done, not some shitty third world state with no influence.

How do you explain the Gulf states then? It's pretty obvious the problem lies with the political parties of the region and the US was in the right all along to remove these despot leaders.

>Literally nobody cares about your crap filled "countries" shitskin
>Proceeds to invade them


The Muslim world always likes to look elsewhere and not at themselves for their centuries-long, perpetual failure at government, social equality and general humanitarian success. It's almost like blaming the west is their dogma, mantra and rallying cry. We don't kill millions of you, you suck so bad that you passively and even actively allow a weak, corrupt state. Always playing the victim (like right now). Much of the Muslim world's been a disaster even before the creation of America. Some Muslims can't even stand or work with other Muslims so they even emigrate to the Western world and even the so-called Great Satan. Piss off and realize good things come from hard work so put some effort into your destiny. Why do you guys stab each other in the back and fight and hate each other for centuries? Because America? Good grief. Left to your own devices your nations spiral into chaos. You want freedom and when it stops working out you blame who? Call up Indonesia, Jordan or Malaysia and ask them what their secrets to success are and why they're not pointing fingers like the failed states.

I kinda covered them already:
>Ruler who took power from vice to president in 1981-2011 after the death of Sadat.
>Crazy Islamists riot to get rid of him. He steps down.
>Gets thrown in prison for corruption and abuse of power.
Idk. Even Putin wasn't in power that long.

The Gulf states are an Islamic Caliphate based on a temporary natural resource. That's even less free than Palestinians. Wait 50-ish years or less and they'll become the new statewide Aleppo.

Neither the people nor the US is in the right with what goes on there. Personally I think if they pulled another OAPEC bullshit again we'll just go to Venezuela. The world would benefit if we just let them kill each other like they always wanted.
