Push me down the rabbit hole

I'm fairly new to Sup Forums but have always been fairly conservative in my philosophy and I voted trump for a variety of reasons. A good portion of my family, and nearly all of my friends are raging lefties politically, so a lot of the shit I see on Sup Forums should make me cringe or fucking reel back in disgust . . . but it doesn't. I find myself seeing so much that I try to refute but really can't and so I've found a lot of things I agree with coming from you fucks. There is one thing holding me back from taking that plunge into the painful abyss of what is likely the brutal truth and from excepting the most wild claims with little evidence.

The fucking Holocaust.
I've seen some pics of the census numbers before and after, and watched a few videos linked by others. But I've known older folks as a kid who said they were survivors and gave some horror stories, its covered very heavily in schools. This has been so heavily ingrained in me as the truth I don't know if I can accept that it's false. So much of the entire planet as it is now was shaped by that story. I need your strongest Red-pill(s) on this subject, because if it didn't happen and that's the truth I NEED to know.

Other urls found in this thread:




I didn't learn full about the holocaust until I came to Sup Forums.

When I was a kid it was never taught to us in school. We learned about feudalism, american and canadian history, and british history.

I'm sure it has changed, I just always find it amazing when americans talk about it being beaten into them.


Dude, just watch a few of the videos about it. It didn't happen. There have been hundreds, or thousands of threads about this on Sup Forums and rarely have they been as informative as the 4-5 videos you can find on the subject.

I can't possibly type fast enough to outdo the damn videos.

Start here: youtube.com/watch?v=OjhXD0Sb_FI

If you can make it through this video believing that Auschwitz was a death camp, or that gas chambers ever existed, then you weren't paying attention.

Get out while you can, Sup Forums will only bring you misery. there is no going back when you swallow the red pill.


I just went to go make sure those were actual newspaper articles from the NYtimes . . . at least the 3 I checked were. I'm going to check all of them but fuck.

It was real but it's way overblown and exaggerated for sympathy and political gain.

Pic related.

blocked in leafland :/

Please consider that the word "holocaust" means "sacrifice" (literally "light-burning") and that it comes from the same word that the ancient Jews used to refer to their sacrifices of cattle and humans to please the gods and get their wishes fulfilled. This "hidden in plain sight" clue is a key to understanding that the Holocaust was deliberately used by the Jews as a way to get power. "You can't criticize us because MUH HOLOCAUST, GOYIM." They used the deaths of their own people as a means of political power grabbing.


Here's another interesting primer.

But seriously consider what this guy said. Once you know it's bullshit, you're stuck carrying a burden. You know the truth, but you can't tell 99% of people. You'll be carrying around knowledge that, if you let it slip, can get you fired. It can lose you friends. It can make you unhireable. It can scare women away. It can ruin you if you tell the wrong person.

However, it's true. And if truth is your goal, then continue on. I started out believing in the holocaust. I started out thinking holocaust denial was some kind of nutty conspiracy theory.

But after a couple videos, a couple days researching, and looking around various holohoax threads, I eventually had to admit to myself that it's bullshit.

Must Watches;



(A sad yet at time uplifting short video)





I'm fucking watching that video so I'll be back in awhile

In time you will become absolutely blown away about how lies to WE were.

Everything you know is wrong.

School starts today, forget everything you know.

You'll think it's a joke...Then be confused, then angry...the anger can be permanent so it's important to push through that phase and use the information to better yourself, your family and you people.

Keep hope, there is light at the end!

I can't 'teach' at the moment. I'll just offer this:

There were a number of legitimate atrocities and rather mangled policies and ideas from the Nazi party. It began with some true premises and became warped in some of the most politically grotesque indulgences in pure statism and all the ills that come with authority with no accountability. And as bad as that infected Hitler, it infected those around and beneath him even worse.

It can be fairly said that most of the original enemies of Germany in a meaningful way were Jews, and Judasim did play a role in their motives. However it would be incorrect to suggest that the Jews that suffered were the problem, and in fact it became a muddled issue of the actual vengeance against those responsible with a program for culture shaping that began with a misconceived, poorly managed plan for expulsion, that became detention, that became prisons and then slave labor, to finally having thousands incarcerated without cause or direction, and finally indirect genocide through attrition; basic neglect and deprivation.

And in that, I would agree there was a mass atrocity,

But I dont call it a Holocaust just because Holocaust is a fundamentalist Jewish reference to a religious event, and I dont believe 'Jaweh' created Hitler just so Israelis could claim land in the mid east later by prophecy.

And I dont believe six million perished. That alone is enough to get me branded 'anti semite'. Its important to remember that Jews are taught this also and actually believe it as fulfilled prophecy...

Good luck man. The whole thing's a lie. I wish I was wrong. It'd be so much easier to believe again. Even my wife doesn't know I'm a revisionist. Nobody in my life knows.

But then again, I'd rather know than not know. The pursuit of truth matters to me I guess. There are 3-4 other videos that debunk other camps, and the gas chambers in general.

... I could believe millions died from neglect,deprivation and malnutrition. And treatment of enemies *was* brutal in that place and period, though I think the Russians were far moreso.

But notions of 'gas chambers for 6 million' came much later. There are both logistic and historical contradictions. When Russians took control of liberated camps, there was no mention of 'gas chambers'.

Further, the many emaciated corpses shown were almost certainly the result of the fact that invading forces cut supply lines to the camps and guaranteed many inmates would starve to death.

It was a true, genuine atrocity, and I am hardly someone with much sympathy for fundamentalist Zionists and little patience for Jewish values. But there is an honest case for state-sponsored crimes against humanity even if that isnt how it started, thats where it went.

Yet my compassion counts for nothing to the modern Jew; he has his own reality, and unless I repeat 'six million were gassed' I'll still be labeled an anti semite, which seems to translate as being anything but pro-Jewish above all other faiths and priorities.

Good evening, I hope this was helpful.

Remember, Jews are not so much evil as they are a successful competing culture, and that is enough to make them dangerous.

Also, they are taught the same things, and have their identity brutally beaten into their heads all though childhood. And they are indeed a very wise people, and have crafted social ranching of humans down to a science.

It is important to expel them when possible from the living space of a white culture; whites are especially susceptible to Jewish practices for other reasons...

This nation is moribund however, and may be beyond saving. So that you aren't walking around in the air-gasping shock that the 'red pill' tends to produce at first, just know that while there are a few Zionists of import that you will never meet, and some do actively seek to destroy whites, most Jewish problems are just a by-product of how they function. As I often say here, its not that termites conspire to destroy your house, but if they all decide to have lunch, it looks and ends just the same.

So no, old man Murray at the corner deli is not trying to destroy the race. Unfortunately, he is part of a culture that seems to accept a purge every century somewhere so long as the generations in between can make good.

There also many different types of Jews culturally, but I guess that topic can wait for another time.

Also, ask yourself. How do you burn 2000 bodies in a couple hours? What kind of fuel would that require? Even if you were burning them day and night, you'd need literally warehouses full of fuel.

For every traincar of jews, you'd need a traincar of coal (coke, actually, weaker than coal by a lot) just to burn them all. Why not just bury them? ... unless it didn't happen and you needed an excuse for there to be no mass graves.

Why gas them? Why come up with some convoluted system to do that when you could just line them up in front of ditches and shoot their heads? Then just fill it all in.

Holocaust 'experts' have come up with the flimsy explanation that they wanted to burn the bodies so they wouldn't leave evidence. What? Were the Nazis planning to lose the war? To whom would they be held accountable? Who's going to dig around a camp looking for mass graves anyway?

The whole thing is just flimsy beyond belief. It makes no sense when you start to think about it critically. There's no evidence of any gas chamber, anywhere, at any of the camps. There's no evidence of any gas distribution systems... no way there were millions of bodies burned and hidden from sight of all the inmates... And you'd be surprised at how the majority of survivors claim to have never seen ANY of this genocide taking place.

Don't ever say the common Jew is innocent, that's a bald faced lie and unless you're a newfag you know that.

Just like a negroid is prone to murder, the Arab prone to rape and the chunk prone to animal abuse, Jews are prone having no soul all together and causing the most amounts of death of all of humans throughout human history, bar none.

Kikes need to be expelled from the whole world and sent to Israel with barbed wire facing inwards. Escaping means death, resisting means death.

If every kike was killed it would save a hundred million lives and advance human existence by hundreds of years.

And then you might want to look at the many, many PROVEN lies that were once held up as official truths.

>Electric floors that zapped jews into ash
>Mine cart that ran downhill like a roller coaster, dumping jews alive into an oven
>Fountains of blood shooting up like geysers from the soil
>Diesel engine exhaust used to asphyxiate jews (diesel exhaust isn't toxic)
>Human skin lamps, books, clothing
>Soap made from jew fat
>Shrunken heads
>Medical experimentation

And those are just off the top of my head. No modern historians believe in that shit. Yet all of those were bandied about as examples of Nazi cruelty. There are many, many more examples out there. Some of the stories are so outlandish that they're funny. One was about a Bear and an Eagle who ripped the flesh off of jews and ate them.

Then there are the stories you hear in school. Babies skewered on bayonets. Jews forced to sleep on barbed wire. Medical experiments trying to turn jews Aryan. Various tortures that never occurred.

Hell, if I remember correctly, a concentration camp guard was actually put to death for being cruel to prisoners. How could that ever happen if the environment was truly a genocidal, torturous, sadistic murder scene?

I wont quibble over what 'innocent' means. I simply mean that 'intent for harm' is not among most. It doesnt meant their presence isnt dangerous.

They are not dangerous simply because they are Jews. They are dangerous because of their values. You could rid all of them from Earth and I am sad to say that their value system would eventually be re-invented because of how effective it is, and you would have the same thing all over again.

And you know damned well they would never stay in Israel, though I wish to god they would.

But if you are warming up the death camps, save some room for complicit corrupt white gentiles. Every time I see a social ill, I realize whether it is feminism, negroes or Jews, it was always something that couldve been prevented but for the gullibility and greed of corrupt, white gentile males, the very people we need to be able to count on to defend our societies from these ills.

Jews like whites because they know how to 'hack' our language and manipulate our pro-social wiring. They get us to talk and talk and talk. They excel in finance, media and law. They pervert the language so that a word means something at the end of a sentence than it did at the beginning until you doubt your own grasp of the argument.

Because they want to keep you talking; as long as you are talking, you arent acting and thats why they hate muslims, because muslims decide and act quickly, so bullshitting an Arab doesnt work as well.

Must go, good evening all.

Monster tastes like ass, when I want to drink synthetic bull piss I stick with Red Bull

lol, no one's going to debunk the pics?
I know they're fakes/misattributed but I don't have the proofs on them.
Someone has them.


Second paragraph and I stopped reading.

KIKES aren't a philosophy, it's not a religion or a way of thinking.

It's genetic, just like all the other races, it's inherent in what they are and there is a reason that for thousands of years they have been doing the same shit OVER AND OVER.

If other races would "reinvent" themselves to be kikes, because it's so effective, then why hasn't it already happened?

It hasn't, it won't, because you can't evolve by force of will.

They killed Jesus, they did 9/11, all wars are bankers wars, they chose this future and we will continue to pay for it until the whole world realises that #HitlerWarRight.

Red Bull has changed the formula so much you cant be sure whats in it anymore. Unless you buy it in Austria.

Here's a good summary, OP.

PS: Brother Nathanael is Jewish by blood but it's staunchly against the kikes doings, there will always be outliers, always.

But we're not talking about individuals, were talking about entire races.

All of them dying will never happen, even Nazi Germany had known Jews in their ranks, it will never be all or nothing...but...
> First You Have To Get Mad As Hell And Say "I'M A HUMAN BEING, GOD DAMMIT, MY LIFE HAS VALUE!"

Holocaust was real

More poles died than Jews
Less than a million Jews died
Death camps weren't a thing, they died of hunger because even German soldiers were dying of hunger.
Zyklon B was used to kill Jews, but only a couple hundred of them
More political prisoners died in concentration camps than Jews
The muh holocaust meme was invented to draw American elites into the war for more than just profit.

Pfft...Your holocaust is going to be real.

...btw, you have you bags packed or you getting a rifle and balls? Just curios, things are looking quite hairy there.

>holocaust was real
>goes on to deny the details that comprises the holocaust as we know it

>Zyklon B was used to kill Jews, but only a couple hundred of them

I'd like to know what historical evidence you have of this?

Other than that, you're right... I just feel like maybe you shouldn't start off by saying "holocaust was real".

Also, yeah
Stay safe man. We're rooting for you.

Thanks Everyone.
To me truth is tantamount to life. So I thank everyone here feel free to let this thread die, I saged this post even. I will be here figuring out what to do with my newfound knowledge if anything, and absorbing what more I can.





Because (((they))) actually managed to find evidence of a couple of bodies with hydrogen cyanide traces, so I will give them this one, but if hundreds of thousands if not millions were killed by Zyklon B, you think you would find more bodies killed by it.

Thanks for the concern guys. I wouldn't be able to convince myself to run like a rapefugee while I could stay and fight, so I will try tough it out, but there are actually pretty big plans in place to help out white people, and I'm not talking AWB level faggotry. Can't go too much into it for obvious reasons, also because I don't know enough to convince people, but whites here will be just fine if SHTF before liberals can corrupt everyone.

But yeah, shit really isn't as bad as everyone says, worst case scenario I give it at least until 2020, most likely nothing will happen ever though