Sup Forums give me the truth about climate change

Sup Forums give me the truth about climate change
This topic has had me pretty conflicted for many years now and I have no idea what side to believe in the matter. On one hand with Trump's recent EO for the Energy companies I'm glad (especially as a future Electrical Engineer) that we might see more jobs in energy and power. On the other hand I don't want the planet to get fucked in the process. Will it even be fucked? Did Gore lie to us about everything and is the EPA full of shit? I dunno man.

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Climate Change is real
Humans are causing it
Whether or not we can, should, or how we can fix still debatable at least.

Here is the truth. Rest is bullshit

think about who are the biggest proponents of climate change(globalists, liberals, jews) and climate deniers (big oil, coal industry, bankers, jews). the truth is somewhere in the middle. we aren't going to be seeing cities underwater in the next 20 years, but at the same time polluting your environment in the name of shekels is a shitskin move.

No here's the truth: Aliens are here and are in the process of terraforming our planet to suit their needs, they like it hotter. Probably lizard aliens or possibly dinosaurs left the planet as the first civilization nand have returned and are pissed we took over. They will genocide us.

Cheap abundant energy was the cause of the industrial revolution, and exploitation of global natural resources is the reason that the White Man stands at the apex of human civilisation.
Every cunt who wants to make it more expensive to use power is either a nigger or a wanton vandal.
The Jew constantly chips away at our achievements, because that is just what these lying faggots do. Carbon credits are just a (((bankster))) scam and (((climate change science))) is just Jew science designed to put white men on the bread line.
Owning at least three cars and a large house and burning electricity and petrol all day and night is what separates you from the fucking subhumans and crypto-kike virtue signaling assholes.

C02 will either dissolve or float off into space. Or it may turn to acid rain, which would actually cool the planet.

Basically it's all bullshit.

If it mattered, there would have been more done besides carbon tax schemes.



This seems reasonable thanks yo

>asking Sup Forums about science
i don't know what you can possibly expect here

"We must stop global warming"

*the globe stops warming*

"Uh..... we must stop climate change!"

Global warming/climate change (or whatever they're calling it today) is a hoax in the sense that it is NOT man-made (like they say it is). Earth has been going through NATURAL CYCLES of warming and cooling SINCE ITS BIRTH. The Milankovitch cycles are related to these cycles of global warming and global cooling. Furthermore, ALL of the planets in the Solar System are warming up right now. This does NOT mean that pollution does not exist, because it DOES. I am NOT pro-pollution. In fact, I am VERY ANTI-POLLUTION. It's just that I REALISE that a carbon tax is NOT going to stop pollution (and so do they). Free energy exists EVERYWHERE IN UNLIMITED QUANTITIES (like Tesla said) and it is COMPLETELY CLEAN. They are using global warming/climate change as a way to further their globalist agenda to establish a single planetary government. Remember: Global 'problems' require global 'solutions'. This is the Hegelian dialectic on a global scale. Not only do they want a single planetary government, but they also want to DE-INDUSTRIALISE THE WORLD via their global warming/climate change SCAM. Don't fall for it.

there is some data that suggests that the shit humans do is affecting the weather drastically, but there is actually no scientific proof (yet)

pro-tip: consensus of opinion is still not actual scientific proof; e.g., phrenology

this pisses off liberals who want to push a lot of environmental protection agendas, and social welfare agendas and agenda agendas

disclosure: i am a liberal leaning but prefer science over politics

Based Deutschbro knows what's up!

It's 60 degrees outside right now, this time last month it was only 30 degrees, that's a 100% increase in one month. At this rate by the time December rolls around it will be 200 degrees unless we do something about it. I know, lets raise taxes, that should help

kinda skeptical desu but not full blown denier. I think its been so highly politicized over the years that scientists have the incentive to publish pro-climate change papers, otherwise they will be a mockery of the scientific community. There always needs to be an objective foundation for science and currently the (((liberals))) push the global warming agenda despite non-biased evidence.

>American education

Here's some red pills. Notice the woman, Boxer, who is against him and how she behaves. A good example of the 2 sides of the argument

This graph by itself proves nothing. Can make any exponential graph fit the same way.

correlation is not causation

CO2 is a red herring to distract everyone's attention from the fact that multinationals are fucking up agriculture on purpose to make a case for patenting organisms. They don't want to save the planet, they want to enslave the planet.


>Vote user in 2021!

Climate change is real and has been occurring since the dawn of time, and cannot be controlled by man.

Pollution is bad and can cause environmental damages. Leftists like to conflate these things so they can point the finger at the weather in countries like America and Canada so they can demand tax dollars.

Humans are biobots programmed to terraform the planet for aliens. They are not doing it. We are.

The long and short of it is this:

Clime Change is happening

It's because of human activity

It's bad for the environment as a whole


We're going to be alright even if many other species aren't

It's effects, while negative and needing new efficient technology to be developed to deal with, are massively overblown

People who want a carbon tax are either idiots or would profit from it

People who think it isn't real or isn't a problem are either idiots or would profit from it

The government is doing fine work dealing with it as it stands

The market has also solved much of the issue in the West and will likely solve it overall in the long run

TL;DR: there's a problem, it's our fault, it's not as bad as they say, now do something productive with your life if you aren't interested enough to read the scientific data on the subject.

you're missing A) a source and B) the asterisk indicating they changed the locations where they were collecting the data, invalidating the results.

Go read
Pretty heavy redpill though.
May or may not be true, you make up your mind.

I remember that site and I remember that they got that Nibiru shit wrong YEARS ago (I think it was back in 2003). They're full of shit.

>Release gas known to absorb heat

>Earth gets warmer

It's safe to assume they're linked

>release gas that makes plant life thrive
>earth gets warmer as it has been for thousands of years since we are still leaving an ice age
>these are relevant so pay us a carbon tax goyim


>safe to assume

that's not science

and if you've dealt with data, the worst problem a statistical scientist faces is data that matches up perfectly and erroneously

the truth?

we do contribute to it. however, there is nothing at all we can do to stop it, besides existing or drastically changing our way of life in modern society.

they use it to get money. that's all. at this point it's a done deal and our descendants will be the ones paying for it.

The earth has reached temperatures far higher and far lower than any trend we've experienced. The several trillion earth-bucks we've spent "stopping" it could have gone into research into actual reasonable things like adaptive agriculture or clean energy - stuff that would be useful WHEN the climate changes to something troubling, which is an inevitability regardless.

All climate predictions thus far have not factored in the two biggest contributors to global average temperature: the sun and cloud cover, both of which are impossible to model with any accuracy and as such all models and predictions have been EMBARRASINGLY wrong.

It's a multi-billion dollar scam and thankfully because of the repeated failures to prove anything or predict anything people are falling back to that default state for human beings everywhere: ambivalence.

>all models and predictions have been EMBARRASINGLY wrong

No, most of the models are pretty accurate. The problem is that they don't paint the doom and gloom picture the media and politicians love to spread around, so instead of using the models that show the typical prediction they take the extreme end of the worst case scenario.

>than any trend we've experienced

this is like when bible thumpers rant about the world ending because more earthquakes are being recorded and not taking into account that modern seismology didn't start more proliferated sampling until the 1970s

sampling fallacy

That could just as easily be a comparison between the number of active pirates in the world vs average global temperature.

>models accurately extending predictive results for decades

which models are you referring to

Those predicting the next 20 years done during the late 90s/early 00's. Saw quite a few of them during my studies and almost none of them look anything like the ones the media pushed around from that period.

They have gotten every prediction WRONG. They then get adjusted to make a future prediction and retroactively fix the original one.

If it's predicting the next 20 years how can it be accurate? You won't know for at least 15